Angelrose's Journey

Glad your port insertion went OK. Re the diet - when researching it for my mother when she was diagnosed, I was told whole grans and most fruits were fine. So fruit, whole wheat toast, brown rice, etc are fine to eat. Stay away from the white carbs, added sugars, junk food, that kind of thing. You also need to watch out for antioxidants. Normally they are a good thing, but when you're undergoing cancer treatment, they're not. So don't go crazy eating lots of antioxidant-rich foods or supplements.

EDIT: you cancer center or wherever you are getting your infusions should have a dietician/nutritionist on staff that can help you with revising your diet, too.
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Thanks for the advice Straitlover. I didn't know that about antioxidants. That's a good idea about asking the nutritionist at the center. I never thought of that either.

Today they took the bandage off and then put a mask on me, the nurse had one too. I started to panic when they said it would hurt. But they sprayed it with lidocaine and it was just like any other needle. The nurse we have is just great and so funny. We have a great time there. Now that sounds weird. But we all laugh a lot and that helps. Now I'm good for another two weeks. The doctor said I was doing well and that we wouldn't know anything for a couple more months.
So happy you are doing well and keeping your sense of humor! Did you get a lot of snow?
Hi snappyd. Thank you, so far I am feeling really well.

We got about 4 inches of that nasty white stuff. Don't tell Karen or Chuck, but I shoveled my back porch and then later I shoveled a path to my car and then later I brushed off my car and around it so that I can go out tomorrow. They will kill me if they knew. But the sun had melted it a bit and I did take a lot of breaks inbetween.

I'm going out with my cousin Joan tomorrow. We are going to IHOP but no pancakes. I am really trying on this low carb diet and she is tired of pancakes. LOL I think I will get the spinach and mushroom omelet. That really sounds good.

I do have a few grocery items I need to get too. I might even go to the mall for a bit.

Chuck has asked me to start getting back into walking so I will be ready for our trip in 31 days. So Monday I dragged myself to the mall by 8:15. I started walking around and had to sit down a couple of times on the first go round. Then I hear, "Is that a Mary sighting I see?" LOL It was my friend Mike from Weight Watchers. I hadn't seen him since I left. He gave me a big hug and we started walking together and catching up. I didn't stop once! We had gone around a few times and all of a sudden I knew I had to stop. He took a picture of us and posted it on WW Facebook page. That was so sweet of him. I didn't move for the rest of the day. When I got home I checked out my Fitbit and I had gone over 9,000 steps! I rested the next day but yesterday I got over 8,000 steps at home since it was snowing like mad. Today was a rest day except for that small bit of shoveling.

Hopefully I can do more steps every day soon. I will have a scooter at Disney but I would like to walk a bit too. Chuck gets to ride while I walk.
Mary, You’re famous! :worship: That’s cool that you saw a friend when you were walking.

Have you ever had anyone come up to you at Disney that you didn’t know but who knew you?

Are you ready to trade the snow in for the Flower and Garden festival?
Hi Grumpy's Gal. LOL I'm famous only to my Grandkids. Mike was the first person to welcome me to Weight Watchers and sat by me and gave me some encouragement. We sat together every week.

No I've never had anone come up to me at Disney that I didn't know. I did make friends with quite a few cast members though.

Oh I am SO ready to get out of this nasty white stuff for the Flower and Garden festival. Just hoping for good weather. I would even take cold instead of rain down there. I can't wait!

37 days and counting.
Those steps are fun to track. I love when I hit 10,000 & my Fitbit does fireworks for me! I went to WDW Feb 24-28 with younger son & his family. Since his boys are so little (turned 3 on this trip & 7 months old) we only did Parks early in the day. We watched MK fireworks from our room at Bay Lake Towers. I only made it to 10,000 steps one day (Animal Kingdom day).

Looking forward to your next Trip Report Mary!
I haven't gotten to 10,000 steps yet. I get close. A little over 9,000 sometimes, but then I have to take it easy the next day. My hips are fine, but my thighs still ache and of course my back still aches. I guess I will have to do something about my back soon. I just can't get up the energy to see yet another doctor.

Aren't the parks fun with little ones? I remember when Jesse was 3, he almost knocked down Minnie Mouse. He saw her and made this running jump to hug her and wouldn't let go. LOL I don't know how she stayed on her feet.

Just about 30 days until I leave. Can you believe I haven't even started the trip report yet? I usually have it started with the planning and everything weeks before we leave. I guess I'd better get on my horse and get it started!
Thank you snappd. And HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY TO ALL. I wore my t shirt that says, "I'm not short. I'm leprechaun sized." Everyone got a giggle out of it. I've been on the low carb diet for two weeks and I have lost 7 lbs! I am so thrilled. I know I won't lose that much every time but this is such a boost to my morale. I didn't know this, but the reason they weigh you every time is that if you lose weight, they have to adjust your meds.

Karen drove me home and since it was almost lunch time, she had the zoodles in spaghetti sauce that I made for her. It's sugar free sauce and I love it. I just add maybe 1/3 of a red onion, two cloves of garlic, s & p and after I add the sauce add a bit of basil, oregano and a tiny bit of red pepper flakes. She loves it so much I gave her my portion to take home. I also made this low carb chicken thigh dish. Just throw the thighs in the crock pot, sprinkle on some steak seasoning, beat 8 oz of cream cheese and a container of French onion dip until nice and smooth and pour it over the thighs. Cook on low for 3 to 4 hours and then add some chopped scallions and 6 slices of crumbled bacon. I tried it last night and let me tell you, I could have swum in it. It was soooo good.

After Karen left, I sat down to watch the noon news and woke up at 2. For some reason the meds really tire me out.

Only 28 more days until we go away!
I’m glad you’re keeping well Angelrose..
Another fun Disney trip to look forward to!
Big hugs :love:
Thank you minnie56. I am trying to walk a bit more now. On Mondays I walk for an hour in the mall. I still have pain in my thighs and now my left ankle that I broke over 30 years ago. I have no idea why unless it's the barometric pressure. It's been very low for a couple of weeks now. I'm hoping that's it.

Thanks Grumpy's Gal. I love that shirt. It's so appropriate for me. LOL
Thank you minnie56. I am trying to walk a bit more now. On Mondays I walk for an hour in the mall. I still have pain in my thighs and now my left ankle that I broke over 30 years ago. I have no idea why unless it's the barometric pressure. It's been very low for a couple of weeks now. I'm hoping that's it.

Thanks Grumpy's Gal. I love that shirt. It's so appropriate for me. LOL

Good for you! You’re up and moving ..sometimes our parts hurt for no explainable reason, it’s that getting older thing lol. Big hugs.
So true minnie56. I don't mind getting old, it's the aches and pains that come with it. LOL

Chuck is busy getting Fastpasses for us. Every day he's on it at 7am. But we are getting the passes that we want. He even managed to get one for the River ride in Pandora. We may just have to stand in line for the other one. Chuck brought me back my suitcase, so now I can get things organized and start to pack my shorts and a few t shirts.
So true minnie56. I don't mind getting old, it's the aches and pains that come with it. LOL

Chuck is busy getting Fastpasses for us. Every day he's on it at 7am. But we are getting the passes that we want. He even managed to get one for the River ride in Pandora. We may just have to stand in line for the other one. Chuck brought me back my suitcase, so now I can get things organized and start to pack my shorts and a few t shirts.

It’s not for the faint hearted
Just wanted to stop by and say hello and ask/see how you are doing. I see there have been quite a few posts. I give up on the email notifications or alerts on the top right. Happy to read you are doing well and keeping busy. Not sure about the shoveling.......did you get a lot again this round? We got a little over 13 inches :( - it seems to be melting today!!!!

We are both going to Disney soon! Can't wait - definitely need one.
Hi AnnaS. I got around 8 or 9 inches. I did shovel my back porch and a small path to my car and around it. I brushed off all the snow on my car too. Of course it practically all melted this afternoon. But I'm glad I did what I did and gave it a good head start.

I'm going out with my cousin tomorrow for omelets at IHOP. Doing our usual Walmart and Acme. I want to stop at Michaels craft store and then we make a stop at Produce Junction. I will stop at Chuck's to pick up my Netflix and to give Karen some mini meatloaves that are very low carb. Then I will drive home and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. LOL

22 days and counting! I am so looking forward to this trip.
That sounds like a nice day out Mary! Enjoy your omelets. Next thing you know you will be at WDW!! :woohoo::dance3:



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