Winging it with No Dinning Plan! A Feb. Trip Report

Day Six: Meeting some lovely Ladies and a spin around Tomorrowland!

I left us off with us finishing Big Thunder Mountain. We decided to take the train over to Fantasyland since I was able to grab a 4th fast pass for the Tomorrowland Speedway. So, we headed over to the train stop. The line was going down the stairs. But we got in line. I didn't really know how long it would be but I figured it would save us some steps.

While we were waiting in line, Morgan and Gwen were coming up with "rules" for the speedway...

The rules included:

  • No using our phones.
  • No talking to the drivers. (assuming that it was Morgan and Gwen)
  • No trying to take over for the driver.
One train came in and loaded up, we didn't make that one, so we had to wait for another one.
Train Station by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
I tried to soak in some of the details on the train station. We have only been on the train on other time!

We ended up on a train at 4:22. We enjoyed our ride around.
Train Symbol
I noticed the embellemn inside the car.

I do think the ride from the main street station and Fantasyland are the best sections.

We enjoyed seeing all of the sets.
Train Views by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr

Train_Indians by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
Some Indians...

Train by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
We enjoyed our ride around and got off in Fantasyland.

Gwen had been asking to meet "Fancy" Minnie. So, I said there was no time like now! I am pretty sure she was posted at a 30 minute wait. So, I suggested we go into the Big Top Circus to get something to eat. Gwen was def getting Hangry. And Morgan was mad that we weren't going directly to the speedway. So, the snacks were def needed.

Pete's Live!

Sign by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
I thought this pipes right outside the line was a nice touch.

The Girls picked out a bag of popcorn each, Morgan got Carmel Corn and Gwen couldn't decide, so I got her the cheddar cheese variety. We grabbed a gatorade and a soda to drink and headed into line.

Apparently Pete wants to eat us!

This was our first time in here, and it was really nicely themed.
Pete's Silly Sidewhow

Gwen had me take a picture of her with the stars!

We got in line around 4:30 and I believe we met Daisy first right at 5:00. So, it was exactly an hour wait. Which wasn't bad, as it was inside and it was air conditioned. The girls munched on the popcorn and had some gatorade. So, that helped with there mood.

Soon enough we were in front of the line and ready to meet Daisy!


Gwen was holding her fan, and Daisy thought it was FAN-tastic!

Gwen thought it was hilarious.

After some fan fun, the girls got there picture taken with Daisy.

Daisy was great. Very interactive with girls.

Next up was Minnie! Minnie was a little more down to business. She just wanted to sign what she needed to sign and pose for a pic.

Which was fine.

It just wasn't super magical. But every encounter can't be magical.


After meeting with both ladies, it was FINALLY time to use our fast pass for the Tomorrowland Speedway! It was about 5:10 and our fastpass was for 5:20. Perfect timing!

We headed over there, and got in line. Morgan decided to ride by herself, as it was more than likely her last time riding.
Morgan Driving

Andy drove by himself and I went with Gwen. Gwen wanted to push the pedals herself. But that didn't really work out so great. She just wasn't tall enough or strong enough to push the pedal down.
Gwen Driving

The girls loved there ride on the speedway, as usual. And it really was one of the favorites of the trip for them. (For the adults.... not so much but whatever).

While we were waiting to be flagged in to the unloading area, they stopped us, and put on 2 additional cars. It was kind of cool to see how they did it. The track redeeded down to be flush with the road, and they just simply drove the cars out onto the track.

ALL the more reason why, I REALLY hope they roll out new cars with the refurbishment that they are talking about doing. Those cars smell awful!

After our drive around town, we headed to the people mover. There was STILL a line! But we got in line. We didn't have anywhere to be and the girls wanted to ride. The wait wasn't too bad. And as always, the People Mover is a nice and enjoyeable ride!

What?!? The people mover isn't a thrill ride? Are you sure?

Morgan relaxing as we head into the darkness.

By now it was 5:40 and we needed to come up with a game plan for dinner and the rest of the evening.

What would we decide to do for dinner?
It would be awesome if they could make the cars more futuristic or at least like more eco friendly cars! I hate to say it but I wouldn't be sad to see it go...

But at Morgan and Gwen's age I loved it too so I can see why they wouldn't want to scrap it completely!
The rules included:
  • No using our phones.
  • No talking to the drivers. (assuming that it was Morgan and Gwen)
  • No trying to take over for the driver.

:laughing: I love your girls - they're so hilarious and sassy.

The girls loved there ride on the speedway, as usual. And it really was one of the favorites of the trip for them. (For the adults.... not so much but whatever).

Funny how their tastes can differ so much from their parents' as kids.

What?!? The people mover isn't a thrill ride? Are you sure?

It definitely is thrilling, so I'd call it a thrill ride! This is a cute picture.
I have no idea how I missed commenting on so many updates :sad2:
I hate when that happens! I have started to try and spot check the trip report main section every once in awhile. I don't know why but sometimes you get left off of the chains. Blah! Glad ou are back! ;)

I love the interactions with Flynn! I kind of want to do that breakfast but nobody else does, so holding out hope for May :goodvibes I think the pastry basket looks delicious lol.
I didn't take advantage of the pastry basket enough! I can see your boys not liking or wanting to do that breakfast. May would be a perfect! i wish I could go in May, but I think I have come to the realization that it just won't be possible for me. :sad:

It would be awesome if they could make the cars more futuristic or at least like more eco friendly cars!
Right! Make them look like they are hoover cars! How cool would that be? But really, they just need to make them electric cars, that smell less and aren't as loud. They also need to put more things to look at on the track as well.

But at Morgan and Gwen's age I loved it too so I can see why they wouldn't want to scrap it completely!
It def has a target market, and I do think that is why is is staying even with the new tron ride. They need to have something for the parents to do with the littler kids while the big kids and adult wait FOREVER for the ride.

It definitely is thrilling, so I'd call it a thrill ride! This is a cute picture.
Ha! We were def happy to be on it, for sure. It is slightly disheartening that there has been a line alot lately. I wonder if it will have a line alot once Tron opens and there are people trying to kill time with smaller kids and waiting for there fast pass times...
We got in line around 4:30 and I believe we met Daisy first right at 5:00. So, it was exactly an hour wait. Which wasn't bad, as it was inside and it was air conditioned. The girls munched on the popcorn and had some gatorade. So, that helped with there mood.

I think I'm going to have to adopt this strategy: bring snacks into the longer lines to keep the kids at bay. If they're munching, they can't ask me a gazillion times if it's our turn yet, right?
I think I'm going to have to adopt this strategy: bring snacks into the longer lines to keep the kids at bay. If they're munching, they can't ask me a gazillion times if it's our turn yet, right?
It is an excellent strategy! Special Candy is also a good one to have on hand... Anything that you can dole out while you wait.

Mad Libs has turned into a good one for us in line as well. Although, I would image your girls are still a little young for mad libs. Also, just regular old snacks are good in line. It is when they realize they are hungry. Goldfish crackers or whatever the girls like. Pack those in your park bag. Having a couple options at all times, is def a good option.

Or once you are there, there are a ton of snack worthy items that are shareable with all three. We usually end up buying the goofy unicorn lolipop bog. There are say 6 or 8 in the bag, and they are smaller than those giant ones. Which don't get me wrong, there is something magical about getting the giant ones. (mostly because I won't let them get them otherwise...)

So, basically, yes! I whole heartly recommend food/snacks while in line! Also regular potty breaks!

We have a rule, if one person has to go to the bathroom EVERYONE goes!
Jeez, I'm finally caught up in your report! I don't know how I got so far behind :confused3

Poor Gwen…We usually have at least ne good meltdown per trip. I'm glad she rallied and got over it quickly!

I love all the Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder interactions, so cute!

Your Southwest ordeal is exactly why I do EBCI…especially for the way home! I would be insane trying to check-in and not being able to!
Also, just regular old snacks are good in line. It is when they realize they are hungry. Goldfish crackers or whatever the girls like. Pack those in your park bag.

I was planning on bringing in some basic snacks, but I don't know if they would have made it into my small walk around bag or the bag that stays on the stroller and is only accessed between every few attractions. I'll have to make sure there's room for a couple of snacks in the carried bag.

We have a rule, if one person has to go to the bathroom EVERYONE goes!

We've had that rule since they potty trained! With three tiny bladders, the chance that someone would realize she had to pee after we'd walked away from the bathroom was just way too high. We also have a rule of going if we haven't been for a while and we're passing a bathroom, even if no one feels like it right then. Inevitably, we walk away and have to double back because someone realizes she does in fact have to go.
Hey Everyone!!!!

Happy Saturday! It is rainy here in Jersey, so I am taking advantage of that and going to try and get another post up! Sadly, this trip report is almost done. But I have to jump back onto my Disneyland Trip Report that I basically abandon after this.

Jeez, I'm finally caught up in your report! I don't know how I got so far behind :confused3
Sometimes I don't understand the boards and how they notify you... Glad you came back!

Your Southwest ordeal is exactly why I do EBCI…especially for the way home! I would be insane trying to check-in and not being able to!
I guess I wasn't too too worried about it. no one will want to sit with my kids by themselves. And Morgan is is getting older, she would be ok a row or 2 away from. But still, I am not a huge fan of the seating but it is the nicest and cheapest way for us to fly from Philly to Orlando, so I go with it.

We've had that rule since they potty trained! With three tiny bladders, the chance that someone would realize she had to pee after we'd walked away from the bathroom was just way too high. We also have a rule of going if we haven't been for a while and we're passing a bathroom, even if no one feels like it right then. Inevitably, we walk away and have to double back because someone realizes she does in fact have to go.
Sounds like will be ready for Disney! Our first trip, Gwen was just shy of 3 and she had decided like the week before we left that she wanted to potty train. I spent ALOT of time in the bathroom that trip!

I was planning on bringing in some basic snacks, but I don't know if they would have made it into my small walk around bag or the bag that stays on the stroller and is only accessed between every few attractions. I'll have to make sure there's room for a couple of snacks in the carried bag.
Even if you pull them out of the big bag before getting in line would work. Especially if you have all 3 gals share a bag or 2. They will probably finish it in line. And Disney always has garbage cans in the lines and usually right before you get on an attraction.

Stay Tuned... Up next What we decided to have for dinner!
I love how Gwen and Morgan love the Speedway. I think I'll be sad on their account if they ever remove the attraction.

Those turns on the PeopleMover can be kind of quick, so I can see the girls categorizing it as a "thrill ride.":rotfl2:

Fun photos with Daisy and Minnie.
Day Six: Capping off a great Evening!

So, I left us off deciding what to do for dinner. Originally, we had wanted to go to Columbia Harbor House to eat. We love it there and hadn't been this trip yet. But we were all the way over in Tomorrowland still and it seemed so far away. Combine that with wanting to maximize what time we had left in the park. We decided to hit up Friar's Nook again for some tater tots instead!

We headed over that way, thankfully there was barely a line to get some food. Andy and I decided to split an order of the Buffalo Tater Tots again and try the Fiesta Tots as well. The Girls decided to get plain tots again.

Tater Tots
I think they each got there own order this time. And intrestingly, they came in a different container this time. It's like they were expecting people to order just tater tots.... I believe Gwen got a chocolate milk as well, and Morgan a lemonade. Dinner of champions!

Tater Tots_MExican
Andy and I split the Mexican Tater Tots. They were really good! There was a good amount of the stuff they put on top and the tater tots were nice and crisp!

Buffalo Chicken Loaded Tater-Tots
We also split the Buffalo Chicken Tots as well. There were just as good as the other day. I am a sucker for buffalo sauce. I just love it. I was actually just saying last night that Buffalo Sauce and Indian Spices might be my favorite flavors... I could eat them all the time. So good!

The park was still very busy. And there was a lot of people just milling around. You could tell there was a lot of families trying to decide what to do till the fireworks. While we ate, we discussed the "plan" for the rest of the night. We were hoping that it would die down a bit once the fireworks start. It was about 6:00 and the park was closing tonight at 8:00.

I was able to grab a 5th fast pass for Jungle Cruise. The girls were meh on this, but the choices were getting less and less and I personally love this ride. So, I grabbed that. We decided that we wanted to try and get in line for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train right before close. As the wait was still super high. The girls also still wanted to get there last one thing. So, we decided to go do that next as I was worried if we waited in line for 7DMT that by the time we got out, the stores may be closed..

So, we finished up with dinner and then headed to the front to main street for some shopping. I can't express how busy it was this evening and day. I am sure it is busier on certain days, but for February, it seemed fairly crazy!

I took a look at some necklaces that I had been eyeing on the trip. But decided against it. Morgan had decided she wanted an Emoji Pillow but wasn't sure which one. She went back and forth... and back and forth.... but finally decided on the Pluto Emoji Pillow. She actually uses it as her "travel" pillow and it works out well. I have a feeling she will try and get another one when we go in February. My girls like to complete there Collections...

Gwen had originally said she knew what she wanted... And speaking of completing collections... It was going to be the last "cutie" that she needed to complete the collection. It was Sully, and she was wavering, as he wasn't "as cute" as the others... Oye! She was also eyeing the Uffy's that they had in the store. But I was trying to steer her away from those, as we can get those at the Disney Store. But she couldn't decide and we were wasting prescious time in the store. So, I finally caved and let them both pick an Uffy as well. We also picked out an uffy for my sister's little boy.

I was getting stressed in the store, it was very crowded. Andy was outside texting co-workers again about the train situation, so I was trying to keep track of both of the girls. I had wanted to get a long sleeved shirt this trip, but between the rainy disaster of shopping at Disney Springs and the craziness of this shopping trip. I just gave up. It wasn't in the cards for me. I did grab a purse hook while standing in line to pay! But thankfully, everyone made there choices. We paid, the girls asked the CM to cut the tags off there new purchases and the CM talked the girls ears off about how cute there choices were. It was perfect! They both felt validated with there selection!

With that out of the way, we headed to Jungle Cruise to use our fast passes! We passed a cart with hats on it. Andy stopped and made me try on the Dole Whip hat. And tried to encourage me to get it. But I decided against it. I was done shopping and just ready to ride some rides.

It is sooooo dark down in this area. It was really hard to see. I am kind of surprised they don't have it lit just a little better.

I don't think we waited much at all. I did snap a pic of my ONLY favorite furry spider!

And we were on a boat in no time!
Jungle Cruise
Can I just tell you... we had seriously... THE ..... BEST... SKIPPER... EVER. She was just naturally funny. She had a way of telling the lines and they seemed so natural and she peppered in her own stuff, and it was HILARIOUS!!!! She had a "Mean Girl" vibe to her, I could totally have seen her on Saturday Night Live with her personality.

Jungle Cruise
Gwen might not have found all the jokes so funny....

Backside of Water
Behold the Backside of Water!!!! At Night! Ohhhhhh Ahhhhhh!!!!

Jungle Cruise
She was seriously so funny, I had to take her picture, you know just in case she became famous.

My favorite line she had was when we came up to the crocodiles,
She said, "Don't worry, I will get rid of them. Watch, I do this with all my boyfriends!"

Then she turned and started screaming out in to the water without the mic:
"I love you!"
"I want to meet your parents!"
"I want a commitment!"

it was hilarious! When we docked everyone clapped for her, which I don't know if I have ever had happen on a JG Cruise ride. She was amazing and really set the tone for the last portion of our evening!

Continued in the next post, the last of our rides for the night!
Day Six: Capping off a great Evening! (Cont.)

After Jungle Cruise, we headed over to Big Thunder Mountain, it was 7:30. I had looked on the app and it said that 7DMT was closed. So, we scrapped the idea of getting in line for that. Does anyone know, do they usually shut down 7DMT for the fireworks? Was that a doomed plan from the very beginning?

By now, it was 7:30, so the clock was ticking on time. But thankfully, most people had found places to wait for the fireworks, so Big Thunder was basically a walk on. Or aw we did it... a "run" on...

BTM Selfie
The girls requested the back row. They were super happy to have the back row. We got on BTM at 7:30 exactly. Gwen had to go to the bathroom but I wanted to make sure we got at least one more ride in, so I asked her if she could wait till after we rode Splash. She said she could. So, we husled over to Splash next!

By 7:39 we had made it to the front of the line of Splash Mountain!

View from SM
I tried to snap some photos, but at night, most came out blurry. But it was really nice views from the top of Splash this late in the evening.

Splash was great as always. I was trying to do the math in my head, as to how long the ride was compared to how much time we had left. And I was thinking that we MIGHT have enough time to run BACK over to BTM for one last ride. So, once we were done with the ride. I said to Gwen, if she went to the bathroom SUPER fast, and we ran, we MIGHT be able to get one last ride in.

She of course was TOTALLY up for the challenge. We ran to the bathroom. And then ran to Big Thunder Mountain!

We made it in line at 7:56! The fireworks had started by now, so we were able to see them while we walked through the line. I was hoping that they would still be going off while we were on it. But really had no idea if that would be possible for not.

BTM Ride Photo
We were on the ride at 8:06! I find this photo hilarious! We have NO idea who those people are behind us!

We were able to ride with the fireworks going off. And it was amazing! The girls LOVED this. They really thought it was the coolest thing. And it was. We came off the ride, and we were all on a high.

We watched the rest of the fireworks right at the exit of the ride. Sorry for my horrible look in this picture! I look awful. But it was a long day!

It was a perfect way to end the night!



When we came back our and around to the front of the ride, they were still letting people in. So, Morgan of course wanted to ride Splash again. And I didn't know what was up, but I knew the park was closed. But I said we could try. Well, it turns out that they were doing one of the Annual Passholder Events or maybe DVC... that night. So, we were denied access.

So, that of course turned the high into a low. The girls started crying as we walked towards the front of the park. They were so sad that the trip was finally over. And they were sad because we didn't know when we were going to go again. We were all sad of course.

So, we just walked slowly to the front of the park. I suggested we stop in the Confectionary to get one last treat.

Andy and I picked out a Peanut Butter Chip Rice Krispee, Morgan picked out a giant Lollipop, and Gwen got a giant pixie Stick.

There was still a lot of people streaming out AND people coming IN for the DVC/annual pass thing, so, we just found a spot on the curb outside, and enjoyed a treats for a bit.

Last Dessert
Gwen would pour her sugar onto a spoon and then eat it. Very civilized!

Morgan enjoyed her GIANT lollipop!

Mickey Bar
And Andy devoured our mickey bar!

Omni Bus Stop
We just relaxed and ate our snacks. Once the crowds died down we finally headed out to the busses. We waited maybe 10 minutes and were on a bus with only a few people. It was def worth waiting a bit.

Finally Home
We were back at the resort by 9:17. And the girls made the last walk back to the room barefoot! It was a great way to end our trip. Fireworks on Big Thunder was perfect. We were all exhausted!

The Plush Waiting
This mound of plush was waiting the girls return! Oye! I was NOT sure how I was going to fit everything back into the suitcases. But I was too tired to pack. We all just went to sleep!

Up next our travel day home & wrap up!
I was actually just saying last night that Buffalo Sauce and Indian Spices might be my favorite flavors... I could eat them all the time. So good!

Interesting pair of favourites, but both good choices!

I was able to grab a 5th fast pass for Jungle Cruise. The girls were meh on this, but the choices were getting less and less and I personally love this ride. So, I grabbed that.

Nice! I love this ride, too. :)

Can I just tell you... we had seriously... THE ..... BEST... SKIPPER... EVER. She was just naturally funny. She had a way of telling the lines and they seemed so natural and she peppered in her own stuff, and it was HILARIOUS!!!! She had a "Mean Girl" vibe to her, I could totally have seen her on Saturday Night Live with her personality.

That seriously makes ALL the difference! That's great!

But it was really nice views from the top of Splash this late in the evening.

Splash is my favourite ride, but at night is also my favourite time to ride it. Especially during fireworks if it times out right. The views from up there are awesome.

BTM Ride Photo
We were on the ride at 8:06! I find this photo hilarious! We have NO idea who those people are behind us!


We were able to ride with the fireworks going off. And it was amazing! The girls LOVED this. They really thought it was the coolest thing. And it was. We came off the ride, and we were all on a high.

That's awesome!! What a cool way to end your evening :)
We were on the ride at 8:06! I find this photo hilarious! We have NO idea who those people are behind us!

That is hilarious!!!

Sorry for my horrible look in this picture! I look awful. But it was a long day!

Awww, Mama!! BEFORE I read this text, I saw the picture and it made me smile - you all look so happy! It's a wonderful picture. You look amazing, don't put yourself down, you don't look "horrible"! But, I hear ya, I am the SAME WAY - I hate every picture that I'm in, actually - so I definitely sympathize with not liking how you look in a pic!
Anything buffalo flavored is bound to be delicious. I love that sauce, as well. We have a sub franchise on bases that offers a chicken buffalo sandwich, and it's my go-to eat out meal. My husband doesn't even have to ask what I'd like if I ask him to pick up Charley's for dinner.:rotfl2:

That skipper on Jungle Cruise sounded great. Glad you had a great experience, especially since the girls weren't super excited to have gotten the FPs.

Riding Thunder during the fireworks is on my Disney bucket list! It sounds like such a fun and unique way to experience the fireworks. I know you were hoping for 7DMT that evening, but I think two rides on Thunder and a ride on Splash was a nice alternative. :goodvibes

Sorry the shopping wasn't successful, though. Trying to browse through merchandise while it's crowded and you gotta keep an eye on kids is so difficult. Sort of takes the enjoyment out of the experience.
Those tots really do look so delicious!

Your Jungle Cruise skipper sounds hilarious!

Wow, what an awesome time getting to ride BTMRR 2x and Splash before park close! So awesome that you could see the fireworks too!

It's always so sad leaving :( It's nice that you spent some final moments on Main Street enjoying some treats.

And I don't think SDMT usually closes during the fireworks so it must have just been down :(


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