I don't know why but I never watched GoT....and I'm a fanatic for that type of stuff.
Tom's sandwich looks YUM and shrimp is rarely a miss..

Oh, may have mentioned this before but my friend's niece works for George RR Martin up in Santa Fe, has for years. I think he's writing/written a prequel.

We really were late coming to the party with that show.......I was glad Kyle talked us into watching it......we plan to rewatch it all this winter......it’s quite an exhausting show mind you......I’ll need a few glasses of wine to get through the more upsetting episodes........

Yes, he’s writing several prequels, I thunk they’ve began filming one in Ireland already........not sure I’ll invest in them if the same actors aren’t in it.....I imagine he’ll be an interesting character to work for.....I’ve seen him interviewed and he’s certainly different.

Yes, his sandwich was lovely......Tom is a big sandwich fan.....and yes, hard to go wrong with shrimp....:wave2:
Food at the beach, what a lovely time it looked like you both had.
And that unfinished building, yeah eyesore that looks funny. The joys of traveling on I 4. We are quite familiar with that highway too.
Food at the beach, what a lovely time it looked like you both had.
And that unfinished building, yeah eyesore that looks funny. The joys of traveling on I 4. We are quite familiar with that highway too.

We did. Food and sun was a lot of fun.....already looking forward to going back.

It really is amazing how they`ve taken so long with this building.....considering the condo industry can get those up and sold in a flash!!! Can`t believe how many new build apartments are going up along Turkey Lake Road alone......any bit of spare land seems to be being filled with homes.

Getting busier all the time.

More to come...…..
Once we are on the I-95 it`s a very straight road for the longest time and not much traffic around this morning...…..we also noticed again the sign to watch for bears!!! Bears!!!! All my worries go into Alligators on these roads...….never thought I`d be worrying about bears......I guess coming from a place where our biggest wildlife worry is wild foxes biting us, these things aren't in the forefront of our thoughts.

@schumigirl I flew down last fall shortly after my parents had moved back down for the winter. Dad and I drove out to Daytona to visit with a cousin and on the way back to Ocklawaha, right there on the side of the highway was a bear. I had my camera equipment with me, if there hadn't been traffic behind me I'd have pulled over at a safe distance and tried to get pictures of it. It was alarming and .....not sure what the right word is.... all at the same time.
@schumigirl I flew down last fall shortly after my parents had moved back down for the winter. Dad and I drove out to Daytona to visit with a cousin and on the way back to Ocklawaha, right there on the side of the highway was a bear. I had my camera equipment with me, if there hadn't been traffic behind me I'd have pulled over at a safe distance and tried to get pictures of it. It was alarming and .....not sure what the right word is.... all at the same time.

Er......terrifying maybe lol........but how exciting too, to see a bear! Although I’m not in any rush to run into one.......

@keishashadow posted a picture a while back of one almost in her back yard!! Huge thing it was too........

Yes, I’d have wanted to stop for a picture too but with wildlife Tom would be in defcon 1 range and be pressing on the gas pedal for all he was worth!
He carves it into a flower once it's on the stick. My favorite of the spice choices is the cinnamon sugar, but honestly it's so good you could just eat it plain.

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That looks lovely...….and looks fairly easy to replicate......yes, I think I`d like that.....plain or spiced!!!
The drive back was uneventful, until we hit just before Sandford. we wondered why traffic was slowing down, then we saw a car that had whizzed past us earlier laying upside down in ditch to the side of the road...….I`m not surprised they lost control the speed they were doing.........but thankfully everyone seemed to be out of the car and there were police officers already there......

That was the only eventful part of the journey, and we were soon pulling in to the hotel. The hat was incredibly when we got out and we chatted to one of the guys Mike about the beach......he knew it well...and gave us a couple of other suggestions which is always nice.

We headed inside and met up with a friend for an hour or so, then went back to the room......it`s always lovely to come back to this suite.....we honestly love it. The space and the views are fabulous.

To be honest, we were a little unsure of what to do tonight, but after a quick snooze of barely half an hour, Tom suggested go down to the Orlando Eye and eat in Yard House.....it had been a few visits since we had gone, so we thought why not...….we had no plans to go on the Eye again for a few years as we had done it three times now...…we may do it in December though with Kyle.

Parking is so easy here. They have a large multi storey parking garage and it`s right next to the Eye and all the other attractions and restaurants......usually when we visit it`s empty, but tonight it was quite busy.

The view isn't incredible but you can see a little way from the top of the garage......


We take the elevator down to the ground floor and wander into the Eye area...….

There are a few restaurants and stores that haven't lasted long and closed down, but there is a regular staple of places that have been open for a while......I think Yard House was one of the original places that opened.


The area is lovely......it`s very pretty and is filled with couples and families enjoying the early evening.…..and the water display here is also pretty and later they have the addition of colourful lights to match the display.





We went in to Yard House and we were told there was a 15 minute wait.....to be honest I didn't mind waiting but it was so loud in there tonight...….I remembered it being a loud place generally, but this was another level...…..however, we waited and within a few minutes we had a table.


We were shown to a table in the centre of the restaurant, and our waiter appeared and said he`d be back in a second...….so, we had a look at the menu...…..we both knew roughly what we were having but always like a glance to make sure...…..it was loud.


It was far too loud as tables around us were large groups, who quite rightly were just having fun…...but we did think about moving or leaving...…..but the decision was made for us in the end.

Our waiter never came back to take our drinks order, and it was getting louder and louder...….the table of two beside us were getting annoyed both with the lack or waiter and the shrieking around us.....we`re not grouches.....it`s a bar type restaurant so you expect noise, but we couldn't hear ourselves think...…..and still we had no waiter who had said he`d just be a second.

We decided to get up and leave at the same time as the couple beside us...…..we saw our waiter stood against the main desk chatting to the girls on the desk...…..we said to one of the ladies there was a table free as we weren't staying......I think then he realised he`d forgotten us......we just left, but the couple behind were a bit more grouchy and had a real go for being forgotten too...…..we just quietly left to be honest. I`m sure we would have been served eventually, but I think the noise levels were horrible. Certainly make us think twice about coming back again.

So, we went around the houses trying to decide where to eat now tonight......and we thought we just fancied something quite simple.....so we headed back to the hotel and walked over to Jake`s in RP.

We did want to see if Samuel was working tonight...…..we wanted to catch him before we left on Wednesday......so we went straight to the front desk where he is working now. He was busy and couldn't come out, but would be free in a little while, we said we were going to Jake`s and would come back up.....

Jake`s is a genuine favourite of ours. We first ate here in 2009 and have loved it ever since. Good menu, food is always excellent and service friendly.

Some of the staff we have known for a long time and tonight was strange as we knew no one working...….but they`re all so friendly.

I ordered a royal pacific sunset and Tom fancied a beer....they do have a fabulous selection of beers in here...….he chose Fat Tire as he had seen it served in Strong Water too and heard it was nice. And he liked it.....


Although this is where I discovered I hate paper straws. I went through three and then still had to ask for another...…..next trip I`m bringing my own plastic straws...…...paper ones are no use for iced drinks, they just disintegrate...…..


We are so dull at times. We really are......when we like a dish, no, I should say really love a dish we tend to order it whenever we go in that place...…..and in Jake`s the Crawfish Chowder is one of those dishes we can`t resist...….


And their hot wings too!!!! We both hate blue cheese, but the dressing in RP is made in house, and we both love it.....not sure why it`s so different, but we do enjoy it.

And the chowder has a slightly different accent every time......again, made fresh and depends which chef makes it, depends on how it is.....and it`s always gorgeous.....sometimes a little more peppery than others which is how we like it...…..so delicious.

And Jake`s is busy, but not too busy so we can actually hear ourselves think while we eat...…..


We enjoyed every single piece of our meal...….it was just enough for us tonight and we were so glad we did this.

I looked up and we were delighted to see Samuel appear from the back of the restaurant...…..I flung my seat back to have a massive hug, and unfortunately bashed my seat into the man behind me...….Oh I was so apologetic......I really didn't know his seat was as close to mine, thankfully he was very gracious and said it was alright...….I still felt bad though.

But it was so good to see Samuel before we left as he wouldn't be in the next couple of days...….we knew Samuel from when he started as supervisor in the lounge and we just clicked straight away.....one of the nicest guys we know. So, we enjoyed our chat and catch up with him a lot.

We had paid our check so we wandered up to the lobby with him as he told us the car rental desk was open now too.....we had missed that earlier...….and he knew we`d want a picture of it!!!

They had also put a barrier up around the new ticket desk which wasn't there the previous time we walked past.


Samuel put the light on so we could see the décor they had chosen.....it did look a little dark without the light but once it was on we could see how it blended in with the rest of the lobby theme.


We chatted some more and then reluctantly said our goodbyes, we would see him in September of course.

I ventured over to the bathroom and one of the luggage guys spoke to us......he seemed to know us but we weren't sure if we had met him before or not......anyway, he was very nice and took a picture of us.....


We walked back over to Sapphire and it was a quiet walk tonight....we hardly passed a soul on the walk, except for a lone security office who by now actually knew us!!! He asked us which way was home this trip.....lol......

Someone joked when we finally pass on from this mortal coil, they were sure our spirits would wander the hallways of the convention area......lol......it seemed very apt as we do make this journey an awful lot!!!! Hopefully we`ll look better than this guy...……

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But, no ghosts tonight...….and a few minutes later we head into Strong Water Bar......and it is busy tonight again!!!! Another conference......and again, it was loud...…..

We ended up sitting in the huge big table that holds around 8 people, as the other tables were all taken...…..we waved to Lenny who had seen us come in, but again, there wasn't a seat left at the bar tonight......

Maggie was looking after us tonight, she is so lovely...….and again has been her for a long time........

We order a Fountain of Youth for Tom and my favourite Rum Revival....we had aske Maggie if Lenny had made the syrup for the new cocktail, but he hadn't......so we stuck to our old faithful drinks tonight.....



Aarron came over and sat down to chat, he really is such a nice man and we always enjoy chatting to him, as we do with all the staff. We were sorry we wouldn't see Fernando before we left this trip, but he was off and wouldn't be back till Wednesday...…..we were sad about that, but again, September wasn't too far away.

We decided to have some dessert so said we`d share the Tres Leche cake...…..and Aarron said he`d get it for us...

And what a slice we got!!!!!


It was huge!!!!

Must have been the biggest slice we ever had from here...….and we just about finished it....but we had to succumb and leave a little of the gorgeous dessert...….but we had loved it. Not too sweet a dessert despite the looks of it, it`s almost perfect!!!

We passed the rest of our evening chatting and just having a good old giggle...….Ashley came out from the bar to say hi as she hadn't noticed we were in.....always nice to see her too......we loved her cocktail creation and did plan to have one or two in September.....although with the newer ones added we would be spoiled for choice...…..not a bad problem to have of course!!!!

Eventually we said our goodnights as the bar was filling up even more.....I guess some had gone to Citywalk and were now planning the rest of the evening in the bar.

We were very kindly treated to our drinks and dessert tonight which was incredibly kind, we didn't expect that at all. But, a lovely thing for him to do.

And we were glad to not see the nosy folks tonight again!!!

Back to our suite we put the water turndown had left in the fridge and realised we had quite a bit of water still to drink...….so we both had a bottle and would try to remember to take one to the park tomorrow......

We weren't long till we were in bed tonight and looked forward sadly, to our last full day tomorrow...…..

So, it had to be a park day.
That is one amazing looking cake!

lol......it really was!!

It`s not often a dessert shared between the two of us isn't finished....but it was just too huge a portion tonight...…..lovely though!
That is one huge piece of cake. Sounds like a nice day, even if dinner plans changed. We have Yard House restaurants near us. Our closest mall, had the Italian Place move out, and a Yard House is moving in. Guess it goes with the Movie Tavern that is also replacing a store that had 2 floors, that went out. Never been to the other Yard House that is near the other, close mall. Never been in it. But we do mostly enjoy "bar" food. And I hate close tables, and having the yell to hear anyone close. I'd be walking out of that restaurant too, as I did that once. 30 minutes and no waiter in sight, see ya. We too, just walked out.

And yay! More park time coming.
That is one huge piece of cake. Sounds like a nice day, even if dinner plans changed. We have Yard House restaurants near us. Our closest mall, had the Italian Place move out, and a Yard House is moving in. Guess it goes with the Movie Tavern that is also replacing a store that had 2 floors, that went out. Never been to the other Yard House that is near the other, close mall. Never been in it. But we do mostly enjoy "bar" food. And I hate close tables, and having the yell to hear anyone close. I'd be walking out of that restaurant too, as I did that once. 30 minutes and no waiter in sight, see ya. We too, just walked out.

And yay! More park time coming.

Yes, it was huge!!! It`s one thing we don't mind....is changing plans.....keeps things interesting.....lol.....we are very much go with the flow. But yes, I`m with you.…..waiting such a long time for a waiter.....nope....we leave too. To be honest the noise just helped make the decision easier.....you just couldn't have any type of conversation at all....not a nice way to spend an evening....

Yes, we like bar food too, so this would be perfect but nah.....too many other places. I hope you get to enjoy the one near you too...….park time coming up!!!! :wave2:

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We were up at our usual early hour today...…..although the last day is known to be the hardest one to deal with, but, today I woke up a little gloomy......although I soon sparked out of it...…..we had a good day planned......

Well, I say planned......at the minute all we had agreed upon was going over to the lounge for breakfast and then hitting a park....which park was still to be decided......we would have lunch out somewhere and Ale House tonight...….we like days like this, and one of the reasons we could never be planners......the thought of every day having to be at a set place at a set time fills me with dread.....nope, much prefer our more relaxed way. Of course it`s not for everyone either...….

Breakfast was a little quiet today, and we did enjoy chatting as always to everyone...….and as we were earlier than we thought it was an easy decision to head to the Studios.

We didn't hang around this morning and set off for the boat.....and I apologise for finding this so funny....but I was laughing at the depth of feeling from this kid. He was maybe around 5 and American...….they were just in front of us and I`m guessing they just told the kid this was their last morning and were going to Disney next...….this little boy stopped pulled his hand away from his mother and began crying and yelling he didn't want to go to Disney he wanted to stay here at Ubiversal…….yes, not a typo, he pronounced it Ubiversal…..they weren't happy and he was now in full tantrum mode and jumping up and down......that wasn't so funny, as the poor little guy was upset......but listening to the parents they weren't helping any by telling him he could go on it`s a Small World tomorrow......lol...….this kid wanted Spider-Man and he was being offered sinister dolls!!! Yeah that`ll work......

We passed them by to get on the boat but could still hear the screams of this child in the distance who in his eyes was being dragged away from somewhere he so enjoyed...….we didn't see them again so I have no idea if they got to the park today...….another couple who passed them too also commented to us about the Small World comment.....lol....

The boat ride is short, and it is already boiling hot today......we would reach 97F today although it felt hotter apparently...….and it did feel much warmer than the official temperature.

There were no lines as Studios had EE so we got straight through and headed into the Store.....mainly to cool down already...…

I had already bought all the gifts I intended to purchase, but we still always like a little wander....just in case we missed anything......and there is plenty to see all around the store from all movie styles......



We brave the heat, if only for a few seconds while we get into the EP line for Minions...…


The regular line was showing 50 minutes and it was just after 9am..….we walked straight on the ride today. Yes, you have to wait in one room with a pre show, then another pre show where you are prepared for what is about to happen.....but at least it`s cool inside....and EP is a godsend on this ride.....the regular line gets crazy some days......don't let anyone tell you there`s no benefit to EP because there really is...…

The preshow is cute, it really is...….but why is there always one...….

Image result for no flash photography on the ride MEME

Yep.....in the second room where there is the big screen......the TM approached them and asked them to stop.....and yes, they used the flash...….then that look to the TM of "what"...….

The ride is a lot of fun as always......this ride is a cute ride......yes, it`s a kiddy one, but many adults love it too.....us included!!! Wouldn't miss it, but certainly wouldn't wait more than 10 to 15 minutes which I believe we have waited only once that long......the regular line was massive, around 100 and something minutes.....so the EP line was slightly longer.

Although we enjoy Shrek we decide not to go on it today......I find if there`s a line, you are waiting in that, then the pre show......it is a lot of waiting, so unless we can walk straight in to the preshow, we don't bother. Last time we saw it the theatre was almost empty, and the screen could do with a little update I believe.....it was a little fuzzy......


Today was so beautiful, and I was very warm already...…..this was just glorious weather and we were so lucky to be here for it...….


Our next stop was RRR......we love this ride!!!! No doubt about it......it`s thrilling most of the way round, especially the first vertical climb.....once you`ve done it once...….there`ll be no stopping you doing it again and again...…..although do ask for the front.....the rear of the vehicles can be incredibly rough. Especially as you hit the last section of the ride....very tight turns and bumpy.

The line wasn't too bad, and the EP line is even shorter...…..we first drop all our belongings in a locker which takes a few seconds......there`s no mad rush for them this morning........we do get the second row from the front which is fine......it`s not anywhere near the back...…...some folks don't like the moving platform, but it`s very slow and easy to board the vehicle from it......the TM moves the harness round for you if you can`t get it, but it is easy. And then you`re off......

The climb takes 13 seconds from bottom to top and is still thrilling every single time.....then the very good, but controlled and smooth drop that everyone watches from below...….


You don't ever go upside down, despite some people believing you do.....it is an exciting turn without doing so.....one of my favourite parts as Gloria reassures me as always I will Survive...…..I didn't even ask Tom which song he chose this time......but we wave our arms around all the way.....what a ride!!!

There really are other people in the park today......although we do comment on how different it`ll be come our next visit when HHN is on....you won`t be able to see much of this area in front of the stage at night......can`t wait actually!!!!




We did think we would go in to the Fallon building today, just to have another look around, but we really couldn't be bothered if I`m honest.....I guess some like it, but like F&F, it`s just not for us......but if you`ve never done it, have a bash......especially for the walk through in the building....it is beautifully done.


It`s still early and there are people passing us by to go further into the park this morning...….it just looks like we are the only ones around right now...…...love it though!!!!



Those TM did a walk like an Egyptian dance for us when they saw the camera...….lol.....I like folks with a good sense of humour!!! We popped our things in a locker as my bag was large, and then thanked them for the dance as we went in the line...….anytime was the answer...…

When folks mention grumpy or bad tempered TM at Universal, I do wonder why...…..we`ve never encountered anyone grumpy or dismissive in all our visits and only find them to incredibly helpful if we ever need anything......and they do have to deal with an awful lot of bad feeling at times.....I`m not sure I`d be as patient when folks are rude to them!!! And you do hear it...…..but, maybe we have just been very lucky.....but I think it`s not just luck......there are some amazing TM`s out there.


The ride was wonderful...….and the theming on this ride is excellent....although the fire scene is a little warm and unsettling at times...….but then you have the drop next and then you`re off at immense speed as you hurtle away from the bad guys!!! So much fun...…...

We again, only do this ride once...…..then back out to the sunshine where we do it again...….I forget my bag!!! We don't go very far when we realise and walk the few feet back to get it......we`d have missed the camera first I believe!!!

Love this area too.....so many little individual things to take images of and when it`s peaceful like this it is much easier to do that......


As we head down to the lagoon, I thought I heard some music start up, but dismissed it as it was only a second......so we stood and took some pictures of the beautiful lagoon and reminisced how it used to look all those years ago with the giant balloons in the water...….

Not the best picture below, but in 2007 we didn't take the thousands of images we do now.


But a huge difference to how it looks today. And no RRR either......that looks odd.


All was peaceful as we stood and took some lovely pictures of our surroundings...…….

Have you ever turned on music or your tv and the volume is up full????

Imagine standing in tranquility and all of a sudden you are deafened by booming music all around when you least expect it...……..

Image result for screams in fright gif

I jumped out of my skin...….and took flight...….while Tom and a TM laughed mercilessly at me..…...lol......I guess it must have looked ridiculous, but I got such a shock... the music was blaring around us....then it did go down a notch as I returned from my run to nowhere......who knew I could still run!!!! I am quite easy to startle I have to say......

But, the reason for the music was revealed to us in a second or two..........they were testing some of the moves from the Cinematic show which is shown around the lagoon on the evenings except when HHN is on...….it is a lovely show with lights, music and fireworks alongside a beautifully constructed water show.....





Seeing them adjust the show during the day was quite unique....and it was still strangely pretty to see the water propelled in the air without the lights and fireworks that went along with it...…..and loved the music after the initial blare!!


We`ve seen the show many times, and it worth seeing at least once.....there`s no real bad spot around the lagoon to watch it. Many people congregate in the designated viewing area directly opposite where we are stood now, but we`ve seen it from the side and to the left away in the back, and you still don't really miss anything......and you'll see the fireworks from anywhere.


As always we pass by F&F ride......I`m told a lot of little kids like it.....still it has a design style that can be changed easily, like Jimmy Fallon, so they could opt for another franchise at some point....but not for a while I`d guess. Personal opinion here of course!!




We do like the San Francisco area too.....very pretty.....well, except for the exit from F&F...….Earthquake was a very cheesy ride, and incredibly dated, but it fitted in this area better than this ride did.....

Next up.....some Potter time...…...
Long time lurker here - I have read all of your reports as well as many, many others on my daily foray through this sight.

I absolutely love reading your reports and I can't wait for each new update and fresh view of hotels, parks and a state I know intimately.

I would like to make a recommendation to you of a lovely town near Orlando that I haven't heard you mention in your travels. Deland is about an hour north of Universal and is great for a wander around. Even better, if you are traveling through early enough (or late in the year) stop by Blue Spring State Park to see the manatee in the crystal clear water.

It is an absolute pleasure to find someone who loves the parks as much as I do. Thanks again for the hard work and a wonderful read.
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Thank you for your comments......
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We do dream sometimes of really being lazy and sleeping till 10am, but we have never managed it in all our visits!!! I think the latest we have slept is around 8am......but it`s what we do and we won`t change now I`m sure.......I`d always feel I was wasting part of the day by doing that....and Kyle and Tom are exactly the same.
LOL -- see my email to you about my NYC trip. I am the same way!

we did of course take pictures, and I apologise if there`s too many of "us". I gather some folks think pics should all be the place rather than who`s taking the pics.....but I like seeing pics of folks who write trip reports, so I`ll keep them in.
Um, picture of you guys are a must! Plus, you know I NEED my Tom smiles! <3


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