The ABCs of An EPIC Girls' Trip! May, 2019-Q is for: Quietly Sending this Trip Report off Into an Internet Sunset (8/25)

What exactly is a coffee period?

wait... I don't wanna know! :scared:
Sure you do.

It's when you forget punctuation on a sentence and when you realize how funny it makes it, you spit your coffee out and create a period on the paper.
Similar to a coffee semi colon.
OK, made it through the Festival eats portion. I loved the lobster or was it crab? Oil! The mind goes with age and I'm too lazy to go look it up! :laughing:

You are much more healthy than me, I steered clear of a lot of the vegan stuff. I wish I had tried that cheezy pretzel in Germany. We got everything else. It looked so tasty!

I'm slightly agreeing with you on the kiosks. I like F&G because it's not totally overwhelming and somewhat do able. F&W has become daunting.

And now i need to find that link to the new TR!
Posh. Perhaps there are purer pseudonyms?

Nicely done. Hadn't thought of silent 'P's!

:( Ugh. Sounds horrid.


Terrible! In my country no less! You'll be flagged at the border if you ever try to come up here, you know.

Hmmm, I think I'd better keep my thoughts to myself on this... could "trigger" some folks.

I'm very surprised they didn't have the CMs walk everyone like they do in all the other parks.

It was baffling. I mean completely! Like at SDD, or to 7DMT. So odd!

Ew. Another reason to skip this.

You're not armpit level. I think you're mostly safe.

Eep! Not making a joke here, but I know how tall you are and can see that as a definite concern.

I swear, these people lose their minds! ZERO regard for anyone else.

This really angers me. I don't put up with that stuff very often. I won't fight people, obviously. And if they push by me anyways, I'm not going to stop them... but I won't get out of the way and will tell them to wait in line.

I need to be more like you.

Wait... where were you? At the bridge?

They led us to the Pandora end of the bridge, yes. Past Tiffins to the other side.

Whoa. Just... slightly insane.


Yes! Nice one! Woot!

It was a beautiful Disney Moment.

Oh? How wild do you have to be to get one of those?

Not very. Which makes them pretty great. (Although I can be pretty wild. In a socially acceptable way.)
Might I suggest just skip the coffee period?

:eek: No.

However, if
That stinks. Of course, we can't expect people to be polite and give you your pre-potty spot back.

No, "polite" is a rare commodity these days.

Better than #4.

A very full cup (but not of coffee) kind of perspective.

Motivating? I kinda figured aggravating.


Such a thing exists at Disney?

Good point.

Jack alien swirling saucers will be Jack alien swirling saucers.

Very true.

I would have anyway, but I've noticed most people don't care about right and wrong...only about ME FIRST.

I blame the parents. Little Johny got everything his little heart desired as soon as he opened his mouth and now we have.... this.


And Steppe was shouting "IN YOUR FACE!"

Correct. Mauvi Navi over on the River could hear me gleefully shouting, "Take that all, ya'll Walmart, Shoppers!"

Can't imagine who that friend can be. Not that we know anyone around these parts that's good with photoshop.

I know quite a few folks who are pretty good with it. :) I am not one. Someday I'll learn it. Maybe. Happy with LR for now.
OK, made it through the Festival eats portion. I loved the lobster or was it crab? Oil! The mind goes with age and I'm too lazy to go look it up! :laughing:

Lobster. :) And it was sooooooooo good!

You are much more healthy than me, I steered clear of a lot of the vegan stuff. I wish I had tried that cheezy pretzel in Germany. We got everything else. It looked so tasty!

I think the vegan things actually had a lot more flavor perhaps because they are compensating with more herbs, spices and bolder flavor combos. I especially liked the cauliflower one with carrot puree.

I wish they had the ham one coming up at F&W. :( Just the brat and those are often pretty heavy for me.

I'm slightly agreeing with you on the kiosks. I like F&G because it's not totally overwhelming and somewhat do able. F&W has become daunting.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right. And also because of that pared down approach, I think they may focus on quality more as well. Everything seemed fresher and less "sat around under a warmer".

And now i need to find that link to the new TR!

I have one in my siggie too!
So I'm starting to catch up (on this thread, not anywhere else), so I've started to read a bit of the chatter and attempting to multi quote.

I had made an ADR beforehand, rather than squeezing in a last-minute visit like I did at the Terralina, for the Boathouse after hearing and seeing so many good reviews.

This is kinda funny, my next update also includes the Boathouse.

The main attraction in the entry area was the huge and quite busy fresh oyster bar. I loved the decor immediately.

I love the fresh oyster bar!

If anything, and this might be my one complaint, it was pretty loud.

Yes, that is one of the downsides, I remember thinking the same thing too.

I cannot stomach the thought of eating raw oysters, but remember telling @franandaj I would if she bought my 2nd drink to do it someday. LOL! But these are cooked and so yummy and creamy.

One of these days.... 😂

There were some rolls brought with my drink earlier on, but I tend to leave that untouched saving room for the better nom-noms.

I know Magdalene already told you this, but those rolls are the better nom moms. They are incredibly good!

Might've even been me. I've mentioned them before, I think. Probably on Alison's thread.

I did dine at the place where they were invented in New Orleans and there was discussion about them there.
So I'm starting to catch up (on this thread, not anywhere else), so I've started to read a bit of the chatter and attempting to multi quote.

Some of the chatter is pretty funny at times here. LOL!
This is kinda funny, my next update also includes the Boathouse.

OH! Looking forward to that!

I love the fresh oyster bar!

Yes, that is one of the downsides, I remember thinking the same thing too.

I think honestly, I might ask for patio seating next time.

I know Magdalene already told you this, but those rolls are the better nom moms. They are incredibly good!

Kinda wishing I tried them, but that steak was pretty delicous too and I'd not have had room for that (more expensive item) if I'd loaded up on bread.

I did dine at the place where they were invented in New Orleans and there was discussion about them there.
And I didn't even know that! Had no idea where they were first made. And what's more pathetic? I don't remember that conversation either.
Yeah, I just didn't know. They did say I could have people in, but wanted background checks. I thought that really meant for someone who was going to be here longer term. My beef is that Airbnb DOES screen and do soft bgc's on all of their guests and I've heard of VERY few issues with millions of stays all over the world. It's like comparing travel between cars and aircraft.

It says specifically in our rental agreements that you may not sublet, sublease or anything like that. We want to know everyone who is living in our apartments and we have a sort of situation currently that we are having to deal with.

I was hoping someone would pick up on that so we could have a discussion. You and PK did. I did NOT mean they shuttered it, but, the spirit of it... the theming they were going for and all the cool drinks are gone.

When I went there they had one sort of cool drink that changed color, when they added something to it, but otherwise, I didn't find it to be anything special when we were there, maybe that was after the time you are talking about.

See the girl on her phone?? "Hey, family, come on up! There's loads of room for you and literally no one on earth matters but you!"

:sad2: People were like that with the previews of Galaxy's Edge as well. People suck.

And here, Folks, was a beautiful moment in the World of Steppe. Steppe LOOOOVES Karma. Sweet revenge I couldn’t have arranged it any better had a tried. All those 50-100 people who pushed, ran, elbowed, or rudely cut in front of me got directed to their ride system/line/entrance/whatever it is and, as I stepped up to the CM who did the final sorting, stopped me. He said point blank, "You’re lucky, we’re opening up the next room now and you’re first in!"


There, @franandaj ... I "P"ed.

:lmao: I noticed! :earboy2:

OK, now I'm caught up here for a little bit, time to go look for the next oldest date and start getting caught up there.
So, having said all of that, my DISTime will shrink even more, but I still love to write, I still love to share my photos and stories, and still love all of you.
Congratulations! What a great opportunity for you! Sounds like a really fun job, with something different every day. What more could you ask for?
Oh my what an experience. It sounds somewhat like ours for opening day. The queue was a blur. I'm thinking your'er going to have a similar story to tell after rope drop for SWGE.
It says specifically in our rental agreements that you may not sublet, sublease or anything like that. We want to know everyone who is living in our apartments and we have a sort of situation currently that we are having to deal with.

I hope that works out!! :hug:

When I went there they had one sort of cool drink that changed color, when they added something to it, but otherwise, I didn't find it to be anything special when we were there, maybe that was after the time you are talking about.

Perhaps. So sad... so much potential.

:sad2: People were like that with the previews of Galaxy's Edge as well. People suck.


:lmao: I noticed! :earboy2:

OK, now I'm caught up here for a little bit, time to go look for the next oldest date and start getting caught up there.
That's my job today.... getting caught up everywhere else. :)
Congratulations! What a great opportunity for you! Sounds like a really fun job, with something different every day. What more could you ask for?

Thanks!! I hope so too! I start on Tuesday for a week of training, then will bump down to the once a week that will be my normal there. I love that about nursing! There are SO many directions to go and every day is very different.
Oh my what an experience. It sounds somewhat like ours for opening day. The queue was a blur. I'm thinking your'er going to have a similar story to tell after rope drop for SWGE.

I can't even imagine what opening day was like. YIKES! And yes, I really, really hope they have a VERY good handle on crowd control and WALK people in.
Q is for: Quietly Sending this Trip Report off Into an Internet Sunset

In short, it was an EPIC Trip in all respects! We had our fair share of drama, definite highlights, some mystery, amazing food, and best of all the beginnings and continuations of some amazing new friendships. Sounds like a pretty good novel. And it was. But, it feels like it is time to put this baby to sleep. If you have followed along and enjoyed this TR, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you could give me one last soundoff. If you didn't and have some constructive feedback, I'd love to hear that too. :) And, if you aren't already and are up for following along on another Steppesister TR, join us on the new one I have started that you can find there:

And now for a wrap up with all the highlights...

After her initial rough start right out of the gate, Mom did recover enough to trudge on with a few minor setbacks, but nothing too earth-shattering. I think she enjoyed the trip overall, but the heat and excitement were a lot. Heck, the weather was a lot for ME! The heat and humidity for a May in Florida was unreal!

The VIP Tour was incredible and such a generous gift given to our group. I know I didn’t report much on it, but most of my readers are on the many other EPIC Group’s TRs and you can read those at your leisure, if you haven’t already.


@Lesley Wake made up a complete list of those, should you want to read them. 😊

Everyone else's Trip Reports!

@chunkymonkey : We. Are. CHUNKY! Disboards Epic Girls Trip May 2019

@disneyAndi14 (She added it onto the end of a previous TR): Beware of Poachers and Look at the Little Gorillas - Epic added on

@ariane37 (another tacked onto the end): Pixie Dust or Pixie Mountain

@pepperandchips (a Dining Tr): How about a couple of EPIC quickies? Drs, that is!

@Jenny Sanders : Sister Wives, First Times, and lots of Wine/An Epic Girls Trip

Liesa: The ABCs of an EPIC Girls' Trip! May, 2019

@Pluto0809 : So Much Freakin' Epicness

@fallonkendra : Making New Friends - One Coffee Crisp at a time

@buzzrelly French Quarter to the Fantasy with an EPIC Cherry on Top

@paradesintherain (Epicness added at the end): Return of the Porg

Honorary mention: @pkondz : Canadian Buffoon's Semi-Epic Vacation

Did I forget anyone who has already started one?

While not an attraction, a highlight from that tour was definitely the Flyover by the Blue Angels! So powerful and beautiful with quite a display of raw talent.

The best meal of the trip for me was Mr. Paul. I’d definitely return there again someday! The Boathouse was another meal that exceeded my expectations in such a phenomenal way. That’s on the Repeat List as well! MMM!

Another highlight that stood out: The INCREDIBLE upgrade to the Grand from the Coronado. Someday, I will stay there to complete my quest of staying at all the resorts, but I’ll take an upgrade like that any day! It is still a mystery on how the Bell Guy knew I’d worked at Disney!

Gettting to see Baby Grace the 2-day old gorilla was amazing! Such a beautiful testament to the successes AK has in playing a part in animal conservation.

Losing all my phone photos, a whopping 2 ½ days’ worth (which is a LOT on such a short trip!) sucked. Lessons learned there for sure! It also explains why I didn't post about the EPIC parts a lot. Those were the days I lost, including our Tea and Brunch at the Cali Grill. I also lost all of my video from the Herman and the Hermits concert some of us went to. I grabbed this one off of YouTube to give you taste. I LOVED this so much!! I'd forgotten how many of their songs I know!

Flower and Garden was AMAZING!! I’m not entirely sure that I can’t say that it isn’t my new favorite Festival now. So, so pretty and the food offerings are equal to, and in some ways better than, F&W. It’s EPCOT at it’s absolute finest!

It was fantastic getting to finally meet, and even room with, @jedijill l after so many years of hoping our paths would cross! Getting to stay at Kidani was so great and it allowed me to get know @buzzrelly a bit. YAY! Thank you again, Jill!

I was able to bring home a really fun piece of art that I get to enjoy every single day. This was such a nice gift to me and I love it!

I loved spending my birthday week in my Happiest Place getting to celebrate in lots of fun-filled, friend-filled, celebration-filled ways; with song and dance, food and family.

In conclusion, thank you to all of the EPIC Ladies that made this such a trip to remember! You are cherished and I will never forget what a wonderful trip you all helped to make it.

Now, Friends in DISLand, take your ChunkyDumps wherever you are and post them in Celebration of a Job well-done!

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