So Fellow Disers, what was the first thing that you viewed on Disney+?


Earning My Ears
Jul 29, 2019
Disney+ is FINALLY here! My husband is watching Darkwing Duck (when it was up. It was crashing from time to time.). I am at work today so I watched a Mickey Mouse short, "Hawaiian Holiday"! Seeing The Fab Five have fun and laughing at their situations made me long to be "On the beach at Waikiki" with them!
So what was the first thing that you viewed on Disney+?
I can't get anything to load. So, nothing yet. I'm so not impressed with this service. Why can't Disney make a website that actually works for everyone?
I only had a little time before work, but I wanted to watch something. It was The Band Concert - a classic Mickey Mouse short.
I can't get anything to load. So, nothing yet. I'm so not impressed with this service. Why can't Disney make a website that actually works for everyone?
Because day one of basically every digital service ever has issues. The servers are being pounded into oblivion right now, but things will even out over the next day or so.

As for this thread, the first thing I went for was Gargoyles
Tried scrolling though and putting ones I wanted to watch in the folder, for later. Didn't work. After accepting my first choice it rejected all the rest. Not impressive.
The Mandalorian. I was expecting to see all episodes available but I guess they’re releasing them one at a time? If so that’s lame. Episode 1. was pretty good. Billy Dee, funny droid, weird animals, an orphan or two - classic SW template.
The Mandalorian. I was expecting to see all episodes available but I guess they’re releasing them one at a time? If so that’s lame. Episode 1. was pretty good. Billy Dee, funny droid, weird animals, an orphan or two - classic SW template.
I assume you mean Carl Weathers?


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