Third US case of coronavirus confirmed in OC

That said, hand sanitizer is your friend. And when at Disneyland, remember, you are more likely to get Norovirus than Coronavirus or food poisoning!

Hand sanitizer (alcohols or benzalkonium/benzethonium chloride isn't specifically approved for killing viruses, although it does to some extent. Look on the label and the active ingredient will almost say that it antibacterial.

That being said, just because it doesn't say it on the label doesn't mean that there isn't some benefit for killing viruses. Still - proper hand washing probably works best.
so far, all the US patients have returned or come from Wuhan. So far, no person to person transmission in the US.
It appears that the incubation period is quite long (up to 14 days) and the Chinese are now suggesting that folk may be contagious during the incubation whilst asymptomatic.
my mom and I are Japanese, but she wears mask all the time but its not when she is sick,but to prevent from getting sick especially since she got the stomach flu last may at Disneyland and ended up in the er. masks and sanitizing wipes for us
Are the fear mongers going to count up every new case of the virus? When can we stop counting ?
Is it going to be like the flu, after the first 10 deaths they stop and ignore the other 40,000?
Thank you!! I was very tired last night but perhaps it didn't show. Two attractive women came up and introduced themselves just after the Grammys ended. So either they like their men to look tired or perhaps it shut me up long enough for someone else to get a word in ;-).
Glad you had a good time. I would think the mood there would be a little down, all the thoughts on Kobe
How cool you went to the Grammys! My daughter would be super jealous if you met BTS. I was at DL yesterday and saw your name on Buss scoreboard 😊
Thanks :-). Alas, though, I only did Buzz about three times yesterday so my “high score” for the day was only 1.5M. It was still up in late afternoon but I doubt it stayed #1 all day. It was a respectable score but not amazing.
Thanks :-). Alas, though, I only did Buzz about three times yesterday so my “high score” for the day was only 1.5M. It was still up in late afternoon but I doubt it stayed #1 all day. It was a respectable score but not amazing.

I'm ecstatic when I score 700k or more lol
Lots of really good advice given here. I would like to add this is the perfect time to add foods that are good for you (berries-blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, citrus-oranges, tangelos, lemons, grapefruits, apples, broccoli, cauliflower, etc,) you get the idea. Feed your body good food so it can fight any virus, cold, etc. Drink water not soda. Exercise, even if its is walking from the couch, to the bathroom, to the fridge during commercials. Move.
As luck would have it, I started doing everything you mentioned on January 2nd. I wanted to start with the new year, but will power didn’t kick in until the next day....
Thanks :-). Alas, though, I only did Buzz about three times yesterday so my “high score” for the day was only 1.5M. It was still up in late afternoon but I doubt it stayed #1 all day. It was a respectable score but not amazing.

It was still top score when I rode it around noon. I got top score among my family thanks to your tips 😊. Although mine is only a tenth of yours 😂
Similar to when SARS hit, there were more deaths that year from the regular flu than from SARS. (Over 11,000 died of flu in US, while 800 died from SARS.) To date, 8200 people have died in the US from the flu this season. And 105 in CA to date, with 55 of them in the first 2 weeks of this year. And while 1/2 of those who died were over 65, the other half were younger. I'm more concerned with the flu. I will watch the Coronavirus for how it spreads, but right now, the flu is more likely around here. BUT, if Coronavirus keeps you washing your hands and staying away form people who are ill, you stand a better chance against the flu too.
Similar to when SARS hit, there were more deaths that year from the regular flu than from SARS. (Over 11,000 died of flu in US, while 800 died from SARS.) To date, 8200 people have died in the US from the flu this season. And 105 in CA to date, with 55 of them in the first 2 weeks of this year. And while 1/2 of those who died were over 65, the other half were younger. I'm more concerned with the flu. I will watch the Coronavirus for how it spreads, but right now, the flu is more likely around here. BUT, if Coronavirus keeps you washing your hands and staying away form people who are ill, you stand a better chance against the flu too.

With SARS, the spread may not have been as high as the flu in general, but the overall mortality rate was actually quite high at what I heard was 3%. Flu is rarely fatal and usually only for the elderly and/or those in poor health. The real kicker with SARS was that some of the people were considered very healthy, and it was basically a strong immune system attacking the body with a cytokine storm that killed them.

We'll have to wait for more info on the Wuhan coronavirus.
We were at Disneyland all weekend and we washed hands SO MANY TIMES. Even more than usual. My hands are red. I also brought Clorox wipes and wiped down tables when we ate and used them on my kids hands after rides like toy story and buzz. I also yelled at them all weekend to keep their hands off their faces and out of their mouths. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪


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