Official 2020 Star Wars Rival Run Weekend - CANCELED

I think the run is a chance to be cancelled. People sweating and drink stations have to make the risk a lot higher then just walking around a them park. Drink stations are a mess at every race I've done. Cups spilled. People taking a sip then throwing cups and hitting others
I think the run is a chance to be cancelled. People sweating and drink stations have to make the risk a lot higher then just walking around a them park. Drink stations are a mess at every race I've done. Cups spilled. People taking a sip then throwing cups and hitting others

They went forward with the LA Marathon yesterday and California has a much higher number of confirmed individuals. Think there are more confirmed cases in Southern California than the entire state of Florida. Also Disney would have to explain why cancel races and not also close the parks. At this point, closing more parks is the last thing they want to do. Is there a chance? Sure, but I think it’s less of a chance than most are thinking.
I'm holding out hope they dont cancel this... the news is blowing this virus way out of proportion. the stock market traders are criminals in how they are handling this too... people need to calm the F down. did we see the same hysteria back in 2009 with the swine flu?!! did you know that it killed between 175,000 and 500,000 people in 1 year?!!! where was the explosion of hysteria back then? i guess we were lucky because twitter wasn't as stupid as it is now. i realize i say this without anyone fully even knowing how this stupid virus spreads... im hoping it is not a game changing black swan event or then we are really screwed.

if they cancel the race then that will supremely suck. they will have to cancel my tickets and hotels and better give me full refunds. if they postpone it, it will likely suck even more because all our scheduled time off, plane ticket prices and change fees, etc would be affected. we would also lose our fastpasses and depending on how long the delay is, it may mean we lose ourrfast passes on new days because they would be all gone for us to even select.
I think it's still a little early for them to know how this is all going to play out. By the beginning of April, things will either be starting to calm down or we'll be at the start of the zombie apocalypse. I would love them to make a statement one way or the other for planning purposes, but I think it's too much of a risk to cancel it this far out. If they cancel under the usual "overabundance of caution" this early and the virus spread is slowing late march/early April, they would have shot themselves in the foot.
Personally, I would very much prefer they don't cancel.

At this point, I don't think this coronavirus is going to be contained and people will just need to get used to the new normal of being extra cautious with hand washing and social distancing from those who are sick.

Of course, I make these comments as someone who is not immunocompromised. My mother, whom depends on me to chauffeur her around, is. In the event I get the coronavirus on this trip, I will utilize the same procedures as I did earlier this winter when I caught the flu and will wear a mask and gloves around her and regularly clean common surfaces. She didn't get sick then, so transmission can be avoided.
I think the run is a chance to be cancelled. People sweating and drink stations have to make the risk a lot higher then just walking around a them park. Drink stations are a mess at every race I've done. Cups spilled. People taking a sip then throwing cups and hitting others

all of tha plus how close people are in the start corrals for a while before the race. A lot of close contact.

The problem is we in the US don't have a good handle on how many cases we have. I think we are going to see the numbers start going up quickly here. I hope they don't cancel but I think we are going to have a much clearer picture in 7-10 days of where things stand in the US.
Heres a question for you guys about training. This will be my first half marathon. Ive followed the Galloway plan closely up unitl this past weekend. This past weekend called for the long run to be 11 miles but I ran a local 10k (beat my PR by 3 minutes, unfortunately doesnt do me any good for POT this race) so I thought I would switch weekends and do the 11 mile run next weekend. Then today I notice a local 15k is still open for April 4. According to the Galloway plan that is the same weekend as the last long run of 14 miles. I'd like to do the 15k but dont want to mess with the schedule or skip doing the last long run two weeks before the half. What do you guys think, is having three weekends in a row of less than 10 miles a bad idea leading up to my first half. How would you approach this?
Heres a question for you guys about training. This will be my first half marathon. Ive followed the Galloway plan closely up unitl this past weekend. This past weekend called for the long run to be 11 miles but I ran a local 10k (beat my PR by 3 minutes, unfortunately doesnt do me any good for POT this race) so I thought I would switch weekends and do the 11 mile run next weekend. Then today I notice a local 15k is still open for April 4. According to the Galloway plan that is the same weekend as the last long run of 14 miles. I'd like to do the 15k but dont want to mess with the schedule or skip doing the last long run two weeks before the half. What do you guys think, is having three weekends in a row of less than 10 miles a bad idea leading up to my first half. How would you approach this?
How would I approach it? I never short change my long runs. But I am a crazy person who lives for the long run.

If you are just trying to finish, do what you want to do. But of you are trying to hit a goal time, stick with the training plan.
I trust that Disney is monitoring the situation closely. They do not want to cancel because of the revenue loss that will occur both from race entry fees and hotel reservations, dining, possible park tickets, et all. Canceling will only occur as a last resort.

According to the Galloway plan that is the same weekend as the last long run of 14 miles. I'd like to do the 15k but dont want to mess with the schedule or skip doing the last long run two weeks before the half. What do you guys think, is having three weekends in a row of less than 10 miles a bad idea leading up to my first half. How would you approach this?
I think it depends on the volume of running you already have under your belt and how the runs feel, especially the long runs. It took many successful half marathon finishes before I truly began to understand how the volume of running could help overcome "shorter" long runs. During both of my Galloway plan Star Wars Half races in 2017 and 2018, a time crunch concern caused me to shorten both of the final 14 mile runs down to 8 miles, but bear in mind that I had completed the 12.5 mile run 2 weeks before in both cases.
How would I approach it? I never short change my long runs. But I am a crazy person who lives for the long run.

If you are just trying to finish, do what you want to do. But of you are trying to hit a goal time, stick with the training plan.
As much as I don't always love the long runs, I also know how vitally important they are to reaching my goal, even if that goal is merely to finish the race. As much as I have grown in my knowledge of running and in my ability to accomplish running goals I once literally believed were impossible, I would not change those early days when I blindly followed the Galloway plan and hoped it would be sufficient to help me cross that finish line. It helped establish a pattern of running and taught me running principles that do not change even when plans and methodology do.
NYC Half was just cancelled. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
Also you are comparing what happens in New York versus Florida. New York has the second most cases behind Washington state. I believe current count is 174 cases in NY with Florida at 14.
Also you are comparing what happens in New York versus Florida. New York has the second most cases behind Washington state. I believe current count is 174 cases in NY with Florida at 14.
I’m just stating there are a lot of other large events being cancelled, including many in states with a limited number of cases at this time. I agree that it’s too early to know, and a lot will depend on the scope of the outbreak as the race approaches. However, I’m a week out from my 30 day resort cancellation deadline. I may choose to cancel, and either eat the race registration fee or hope for a deferment or gift card in the unfortunate event the event is cancelled.
I’m just stating there are a lot of other large events being cancelled, including many in states with a limited number of cases at this time. I agree that it’s too early to know, and a lot will depend on the scope of the outbreak as the race approaches. However, I’m a week out from my 30 day resort cancellation deadline. I may choose to cancel, and either eat the race registration fee or hope for a deferment or gift card in the unfortunate event the event is cancelled.
Each person will have to make their own decision. However as mentioned above, the LA Marathon went through with Southern California alone having more cases than the entire state of Florida. Also, I thought the 30 day cancellation was for a full refund. Don’t you get charged $200 and refunded the remainder for cancellation between 2-29 days? If so, then it may buy you more time if you don’t mind eating $200. Can anyone verify the cancellation policy?
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Each person will have to make their own decision. However as mentioned above, the LA Marathon went through with Southern California alone having more cases than the entire state of Florida. Also, I thought the 30 day cancellation was for a full refund. Don’t you get charged $200 and refunded the remainder for cancellation between 2-29 days? If so, then it may buy you more time if you don’t mind eating $200. Can anyone verify the cancellation policy?

They might be DVC, in which case you have to cancel 30 or more days out otherwise the points go into holding status (can only book within a 2 month window whatever's available.)
Each person will have to make their own decision. However as mentioned above, the LA Marathon went through with Southern California alone having more cases than the entire state of Florida. Also, I thought the 30 day cancellation was for a full refund. Don’t you get charged $200 and refunded the remainder for cancellation between 2-29 days? If so, then it may buy you more time if you don’t mind eating $200. Can anyone verify the cancellation policy?
why would it matter if it was 1 day out even when they cancelled...I would expect them to refund me FULL amount. If I decide not to come then that's my decision to eat it - but if they cancel it then it is on them to refund me everything (hotel, race, pre-orders, etc).
If they cancel the race they probably won't even give you cash back for race fee. The one cancel for storm was disney voucher, free transfer to another disney race or park tickets. You would probably get back cash for preorder of stuff you haven't received. Hotel and theme park ticket will be a separate case of trying to get fees back unless it was booked as a run disney package is my guess


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