Something About Nothing............ #14

Quick pop in :wave2:
Been trying to catch up - seems country is going into lock-down mode. Hope it is not too late. 2nd case in our state and this one is in my town. Governor sounded kinda proud that they had a whole thousand tests ready at the state lab-for a population of 6 million. Um yeah Okay :sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2: I'd bet there are many more mild/asymptomatic carriers out there. Nursing homes and hospitals under no visitors or very limited/restricted visitation-and screened when come in door. And we have the usual "flu like symptoms but test negative" cases in every nursing home we have every flu season-only now we don't have enough tests to see if Covid19 or not.
The usual lockdown nonsense...but the vendors still gotta deliver the supplies-at back door or dock-no screening going on there! Pointed that out to Dietary manager-the door and handles inside and out now on regular sanitizing schedule. Like security at ball games/theme parks this is mostly for show, may catch a stray here or there who didn't know had a fever but that is it.
Something to keep in mind when the numbers seem alarming: likely already had mild symptom cases (it is the flu season), previous respiratory illness/deaths attributed to flu or pneumonia have a possibility of being this we just didn't know. The doctor leading the team at the hospital is excellent though, and the hospital new wing and ED is designed for epidemics and can treat large numbers. Also take a look at actual active (confirmed) cases. While media breathlessly reports XX amount of new cases-they fail to mention the recovered ones - confirmed active cases just over 55,000. Recovery curve so far keeping up with active case curve.

We are on spring break in the city so schools out now. College kid school field trip over spring break cancelled, may have graduation cancelled and she is unsure about her required field camp later this spring. Not sure how that will affect graduation as it is required for her degree. The college is now using online classes only. She is in an apartment with one other roommate, so no need to move out. Also the university's dorms/food services are remaining open. She is going to see if she can work more hours, then maybe come home for a couple weeks.

I will likely be working remotely very soon-thank goodness for the mandate to go to electronic medical records and charting!!

I had stocked up on TP a few weeks ago with my regular Amazon order so I am set :rotfl2:

Too soon to decide on late May France trip, but will get money back or credit, and reschedule.

Hope this passes quick for all involved!
Not really any panic mode where I am and Walmart and Publix have stayed fully stocked this week so far.
I’m thinking I should stock up some items for our freezer tomorrow and do a cat food run.

There would be panic in my household if we ran out of can cat food.
Or Mr Macs diet Mt Dew.

I hope all the homies can manage for the days and weeks or months we have coming.

Where I am, stores have been stocked okay but never know when that will change.

Bobbie, if you are feeling ok and reading here, hope your recovery will be smooth and fast.
Mrose, hope your husband is feeling better soon.
Schumi, mummy dust for you to feel better soon also.
We have a few more homies that face surgery and have them in my thoughts too.
Heal quickly
Hi everyone I don't have time to catch up feeling still off balance from the anesthesia.

Thank you again for the warm and good luck wishes. It meant a lot and I was talking to Brian how nice it made me feel. :goodvibes

It was a long rough day but I made it through. There was my a clean bill of help with my parts, so I am very thrilled with that. so that was a relief. They gave me a local abdomen numming shot for 24 48 hours it should help a bit. I forgot what abdomen pain is all about. The one rough thing was I told the nurses and the anesthesiologists that I throw up from narcotics and other meds but they gave me some anyways saying people don't get sick, well I idid.

Our schools closed for 2 weeks and there are no confirmed cases in my area only 6 in the state. We weren't planned for this and hoping Charlie can make up school on the internet.

I am off the pain is here. I hope everyone has a good night.:wave:
Thanks mac.....picking up every day. Almost back to normal.....

bobbie…...feel better soon. Take your time with recovery.....

So, no surprises with the parks closing......whether its the right thing to do or not, have no clue, not an have one set of people saying one thing and another set of experts saying the complete opposite...….

As far as we go, it carrying on with our usual handwashing and having good hygiene.....and running a mile if someone so much as sniffs near us...….lol......jk……..

Now wondering about visiting Scotland next week.....not for us, but if they have been around infected people. My sister is a nurse and is around surgery patients, but it`s still a hospital. Irrational worry????? I have no clue.

But, off to the salon this morning for along awaited colour and cut......about 4 weeks late.......even took a picture of my hair at the back yesterday as it really is long for me.

Then lunch with the Wednesday gang...they were busy this week, so meeting today for a get together. I`m imagining the restaurant may be quiet.

But, have a great Friday whatever you may be doing......
Well , up again before sunrise. Tried to tell myself to get back to sleep when DH left, but no matter. At least a load of wash of the sheets and towels is done, so a shower I am almost ready for, will have fresh washed towels. Perfect. Smell good too.

Little one comes home today. Hunker down we will do. And I always have wipes in my car, that is one thing I did not clear out if my car. It’s not as good as a hand sanitizer, but close enough and the chance to find that sanitizer is one I will not be going all over to try to buy. I do have a few of those Bath and Body little ones. I used to keep one hanging on my purse, but it kept falling off after getting caught on whatever. So have not replaced it in many a time. Guess if there is one left in the closet, will toss inside purse. Most I gave to my mom, as she always likes to have it in her purse.

So all have that perfect Friday.

And Bobbie, relax today, I am glad your surgery went well. Well wishes sent.

Time for more tea. But a short sleeved shirt will be worn. Warmest day in some time, and yay, that rainy night will start to end, and a drier day will be had. Woot!
Good morning. I did not want to be up this early this morning, but I have to take the cat to the vet in a couple of hours and needed to give him some gabapentin first. I finally found a way to give it to him where we will actually take it. I mix it in a product called Tiki Stix. He loves that stuff. It's like kitty crack.

It looks like Busch Gardens is going to be open tomorrow, so our trip is still on. about half of the places we wanted to go to in DC will be closed, the others haven't made a decision yet. We will decide Tuesday if we will make that trip or not.

Cam - Good luck with your procedure today. If it is the one I'm thinking about I can deal with the fasting, but I loathe the perp.

Pumpkin - Happy birthday to your dd.

MRose - Prayers that your husband will not have to go into quarantine.

MonyK - The media is really annoying right now. It would be nice to hear some positive to go along with all the negative they are reporting.

Mac- So GA hasn't gone into hoarding mode yet? Maybe I should call my brother and have him send me some tp.

Bobbie - Glad to hear that you are doing well. Hope the pain subsides soon.

Schumi - Hope you don't have to cancel your trip.

Lynne - My daughter is coming home today too, but I am still not sure if she will be staying home. I told her to bring home everything she will need in September they decide to close the school while they are on break.

I need to start my list of chores. I need to do some light house cleaning, finish packing, and go get the cat some more food. I guess I should pay bills too since dh got paid today. Hope everyone has a nice Friday the 13th.

Been trying to post on a few occasions so finally was able to set down this morning and finish post I started yesterday.

Ooh, going to Robo’s place for dinner.

You would be very welcome for dinner Lynne.

Seriously, what gave it away you needed suctioned? Oh, I started to gurgle. Duh. That is more common than not i’ve Found lol

Yes, it is.

Central Park fun, with some zoo, too!

Nice pics Lynne of your getaway to New York.

Absolutely beautiful, sunny day. Jewish diner, yum. Then some more walking.

Jewish diner sounds yummy.

Doing a quick stop in!!!
I have been reading along, just not posting. Life is busy as usual - but that's how it goes right now


Anywho, I hope everyone is doing good. Still gathering information on places to search for jobs, working on homework as usual, and also having the girl's trip I mentioned briefly this weekend. While going to be in the Universal area, no park time. Which is alright by me. We're going to enjoy the resort and the general Orlando area and be washing our hands like crazy and have hand sanitizer.

While it hasn't been ages I've missed you, homies! Also, kind of late, but I accidentally indulged on "Taco Tuesday" this week without thinking of it. I went to Taco Bell. 🤣

Everyone needs their Taco Bell fix from time to time......I had mine last week.

Sending good wishes your way as you continue your job hunt.

Tuesday morning tried to drive to work and had to come home he couldn't open his eyes in the sun. I took him to the walk in and they checked his eye and he has a scratch on his cornea.

Hope your hubby’s eye heals up real quick.

I am trying to keep my self busy so I don't freak out. I haven't had surgery since my C-section and I was awake. I have to go under general anesthesia even though the surgery should be about 45 minutes and I should be able to go home. The doctor is pretty sure they can do laparascopy.

Hope you are home healing and resting and all went well with your surgery today. Sending lots of mummy and get well wishes your way

Hi all, thanks for the well wishes! I wasn't able to get the cough medicine yesterday because it was back ordered, so I spent another night coughing. Hopefully they'll get it in tomorrow. I'm noticing a lot of empty medicine shelves in the store, the OTC versions of motrin and tylenol. And my stomach meds are back ordered too. Since we get a lot of meds from China, I'm not surprised.

Hope you were able to get the meds you needed and you will be on the mend soon.

Afternoon of successful shopping, then some late night fun with the crowds.

Wow......that’s a lot of people.

I picked up the bottle and it was anti-bacterial Palmolive dish soap. I showed it to my boss and she said that she had asked her husband to get some new hand sanitizer. He just saw "anti-bacterial" and picked up the first thing he saw. (She hadn't paid attention to the bottle until I brought it to her attention.) We all had a good laugh over this, and I really needed a laugh today.

That was probably the only thing left on the shelf to buy.

Oral Surgeon was booked until June, squeezing me in pre office hours on the 20th ugh Said I had to be sedated since infection needs to be removed along with tooth. Hoping this is the cause of the on-going sinus infection, a two-fer if you will :). Hey, it could happen! Where’s the flying pig smiley?

Hope this is able to cure your sinus issues. Hope all goes well and you start to feel better.

Amazon cancelled my subscribe & save normal order of Clorox wipes last month. Now, they are triple the price, sellers are profiteering despite the site’s claims they are cutting down on this predatory practice

So sad some folks are doing that.

Yesterday was DH's birthday. I left work early to run out and pick him up a gift since I had no time this week to do so. He is not a big cake fan so I stopped by a new donut shop and picked up a dozen freshly made donuts. They make them right in from of you. I had a Key Lime Pie and Bacon Maple. Excellent. We will go out this weekend for dinner to celebrate with the family.

Happy belated birthday to your hubby cam


She came up behind me in the check out line and told the clerk that I “stole them” from her. Clerk dissolved into laughter & told her to simmer down or she was going to call the police.

Wow......unbelievable some of the things that are going on.


I was in Sam’s yesterday and I was talking to some of the employees. They said they are getting 5 trucks a day in and as soon as they fill the shelves with Clorox wipes, toilet paper, paper towels and water it’s gone in a couple of hours. They have had people screaming at them about not finding what they want in the store.

I fear this virus hysteria has brought out the worst in some folks.

And that, my friends, is why they need to put up a sign for things that people are starting to hoard: one or two per customer per day.

That would help a lot for sure.

Next I went to JCPenney to pick up an order. They were having a mystery coupon sale. I got a coupon for 40% off. I looked around, but couldn't find anything I wanted to buy. I saw a girl shopping for prom dresses, so I gave my coupon to her.

That was so nice of you Charade

One of my kids is in the medical/dental professional field and they caught a patient trying to steal a whole box of masks from one of their rooms. That's how desperate people seem to be getting. They told him that the regular masks won't protect him from covid anyway.


Just got back from Kroger. The good news is that they had some containers of Lysol wipes and cans of spray Lysol available. They were completely sold out of hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol. The most surprising thing was the toilet paper aisle:

Yep......that has been the story here too the last couple days. I also noticed that people are buying up the boxes of ramen and instant spaghetti etc...

Our middle son (17 and graduates in May!) works at Walmart and he has been helping with stocking shelves and he says that he was pulling pallets of paper towels and toilet paper out to stock and people would just take the stuff by the case, he says it’s nuts but work was easy because they cleaned it off before he had to put it on a shelf.

One positive note.

DH was not feeling well, so since his college he teaches night classes at is on Spring Break, he got home early. Ate dinner, and went to bed

Lynne sending get well wishes for your hubby.

Here are my Haunted Mansion themed T-shirts and ears from one of the MNSSHP last year. I was so glad they added Constance to the parade! The ears look a little wonky on the hanger, but they’re straight in real life. They’re black and red roses with black wire ears and orange lights. Hubby's t shirt is the headless horseman. And all the white parts glow in the dark!

Really awesome ears and t-shirts.

And a PSA, wash those hands, and follow up with hand sanitizer. I hope all stay happy and healthy through this sick time for way too many. Let's hope this nasty virus spread ends sooner than later, and all survive. your family stays healthy too....wishing an end to this virus soon too.

I have to take one of my cats to the vet in a few minutes and she is hidden somewhere in the house
She’s having dental surgery today and her shots

Mac hope you were able to wrangle your cats for their needed vet visit.

Speaking of cats, today is Caspian's 6th birthday.

Happy 6th birthday to Caspian


Robo, hope all is well with you.

Hanging in there.

One store had no cucumbers??? Toilet rolls, liquid soap and pasta shelves were almost empty.......absolutely crazy.

Tinned veg and pasta are being limited per customer......last I’d want if I was in quarantine is tinned veg!!!

Sounds like this is slowly spreading every where.

Hope you are feeling better.

I am home today. I have a routine procedure tomorrow that requires fasting and prep. Booooo. I can already tell it is affecting my mood.

Cam hope your procedure goes well.....yep....prepping and fasting is not fun.

I can't decide if the powers that be are overreacting or not. They started cancelling the public schools in the northern part of the state so I'm sure it will happen here as well. Our hospital fundraising group had to cancel the BINGO fundraiser we had scheduled for tomorrow night and they are considering making us cancel our spring bazaar in 2 weeks. Uggh! 15 people infected in our state out of 8 million. 🤔 I guess time will tell...

I think we are just in uncharted territory at this time and as you have said time will tell. We will hope for the best.

Someone my dh was in a meeting with just came back from LA on Monday and has "not been feeling too well" for days. Today he finally went to HR and is getting medical attention. Our reality is that if he's suspected or positive for it, dh will have to quarantine, which means we will also, for two weeks. No work-no paycheck. This is where the food, medicine and supply preparations are supposed to help us if we can't leave. To say I'm more than a little nervous (and angry) is an understatement. Hopefully we'll hear something tomorrow.

I hope all goes well and you do not have to go into quarantine.

I'd bet there are many more mild/asymptomatic carriers out there

This was a conversation I had with a professor of Microbiology at dinner yesterday evening. Yes, there can be people walking around who are asymptomatic and are shedding the virus unbeknown to them and the unsuspecting folks around them. Typhoid Mary comes to mind.

Local infectious disease doc on news yesterday saying he feels if this worsens there will not be enough ventilators in the hospitals to handle all that need them.

They are closing my grandsons school tomorrow in southern Indiana until March 30th.

All the news is coming out about the park closings etc.

Banning flights into US from Europe.

I hope that the stores will step in and stop the hoarding behavior and folks will be nicer to the people who are working in the stores.

Had to go back to dentist as was having issues with temporary crown will see if this fixes problem. Then suddenly started having floaters in right eye had and to see the ophthalmologist........LOL when it rains it pours. These are what I call small potatoes in the big scheme of things, just things that happen as one gets older.

On a lighter note weather has been awesome. Was 80 degrees here yesterday and sun was shinning. Sending some Florida sunshine 🌞 to all who need it.

Sending get well wishes to all who are sick that you get well soon :grouphug:

I have a new grand-dog named Luna. My son and daughter in law also have a dog named Joey. Granddaughter has two dogs named Nala and Tyson. So I have 4 in all. The kiddos like their doggies.

Sending out prayers and good thoughts to all our Sans family and their families and to all our Universal Resorts families and Universal TM’s.

Let’s hope this virus is short lived and all the precautions that have been put in place work.
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Well a quick trip to get gas and shop at that big box store. Funny, only thing we saw limit on was water bottles. Most of the meat shelves was blank. Did find a good package of steak, so steak on the grill and can eat as, put in a sandwich, or make a Taco out of it. Some corn and tomatoes, aneasy meal dinner making mom on this Friday night.

And a haha, Little one called us when older one and I were shopping. Asked if we had pasta. Why yes I do, the other grocery store had a pasta sale the other day, hence spaghetti last night, and more pasta boxes in the closet. See, I knew spaghetti noodles are not her favorite, so why dinner last night was that. No need to pick up more yet.

We did stock up of stuff needed, and lucky, still have those wipes bought months ago. So, we did not look for more yet.

Glad to hear you are okay, Robo and hope your dental issue gets fixed with no pain.

Charade, hope a nap and kitty is back, and still happy with you. My Dsis had to drug her one cat, as he promptly bit the vet as soon as he got on the table. And she had to put plastic under the cat, as he drooled buckets the moment he got into the car. Eh, my male lab got car sick, so no food for him for the day of vet visit. Cleaning dog throw up in the gear shift was not fun. See, lessons learned from our pets. LOL
Lynne......glad you have some nice weather......and yes, our shelves where pasta options are usually stocked were empty yesterday. I only needed linguine, there was plenty of that as it’s a brand name, so folks weren’t buying

Charade.....enjoy BG tomorrow......and hope you still get your trip next week. Nice to have your daughter home for however long.....

robo......good to see you......good luck with the eye issues after the dental works!! Yes, there’s always something isn‘t there...

We went out for lunch with friends and there were quite a few folks there. We were all seated at opposite ends of the restaurant, our group of 8 were at the window and our nearest neighbour was about 20 feet was good and they assured us as we came in about their hygiene standards. We never doubted them or we wouldn‘t have gone. But, of course you never know.

One reported incident in the bigger town closest to us.

Tonight is red wine and the movie Doctor Sleep.......hope we enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the book.

Sun is shining today, but quite chilly.......
It was a long rough day but I made it through. There was my a clean bill of help with my parts, so I am very thrilled with that. so that was a relief. They gave me a local abdomen numming shot for 24 48 hours it should help a bit. I forgot what abdomen pain is all about. The one rough thing was I told the nurses and the anesthesiologists that I throw up from narcotics and other meds but they gave me some anyways saying people don't get sick, well I idid.
I'm very glad that you're home, recuperating. And glad things worked out well!
It looks like Busch Gardens is going to be open tomorrow, so our trip is still on. about half of the places we wanted to go to in DC will be closed, the others haven't made a decision yet. We will decide Tuesday if we will make that trip or not.
Have fun in Busch Gardens! Post some pictures, if you can. I haven't been there in forever and would love to see what it looks like now.
MRose - Prayers that your husband will not have to go into quarantine.
So far, no. The guy is at work today and says he feels better. ???!!!??? He's not gone anywhere him. I don't trust the guy at all.
I was in Sam’s yesterday and I was talking to some of the employees. They said they are getting 5 trucks a day in and as soon as they fill the shelves with Clorox wipes, toilet paper, paper towels and water it’s gone in a couple of hours. They have had people screaming at them about not finding what they want in the store.
My youngest works part time in a grocery store and it's the same. They had 10 skids of water come in this morning and it's all gone. That's a minimum of 400 cases and they had a limit of 2 per household. Toilet paper is completely gone.
My daughter is wearing rubber gloves at work now.
I hope that the stores will step in and stop the hoarding behavior and folks will be nicer to the people who are working in the stores.
They are around here. Limit of 2 per household on cleaning products, paper towels, toilet paper, water.

I think that part of the problem is that none of these stores are equipped to handle everyone in the city buying the same products. We are told by the government to prepare for a minimum of two weeks of food and supplies in case of quarantine, so some of it may look like hoarding, but it's people buying necessary supplies also. There's just not enough in the stores, not even big box stores.

The president is supposed to get on later and declare a national disaster. It will be interesting to see what that looks like. I know a lot of it is for opening funding and cutting out red tape, but I'm wondering what else it would include.

Our cases jumped up by 10 today, to 33. They're all still in our neck of the woods and it hasn't spread across the state yet. They have more than 300 people under investigation for it.

I'm going to take the dogs for a walk, now that it's warming up. I need to get away from the constant news of this virus and get some fresh air.
Taking a short break. Caspian is not very happy with me right now. He resisted getting into his carrier, so I tricked him by offering a treat then scooped him up and put him in the carrier. (I did give him the rest of the treat when we got home.) The vet tech finished with him and told me that he was very angry. She said the vet suggested I give him some gabapentin. She was shocked when I told her that I already did. I got Caspian some more food, treats, and a new toy to play with while we are gone.

I just finished paying bills. Now I will either finish packing or do some cleaning.

I was in Sam’s yesterday and I was talking to some of the employees. They said they are getting 5 trucks a day in and as soon as they fill the shelves with Clorox wipes, toilet paper, paper towels and water it’s gone in a couple of hours. They have had people screaming at them about not finding what they want in the store.

I fear this virus hysteria has brought out the worst in some folks.
It really has. Ive already heard stories of people getting into fights at stores.

Funny, only thing we saw limit on was water bottles. Most of the meat shelves was blank.
I'm almost afraid to go grocery shopping. DH went yesterday to get some things in case we do get stuck at home for a while. He brought home frozen, pizza, frozen tacquitos, popcorn, Pop-Tarts, bread, peanut butter, and cookies. I guess I need to go and buy us some real food.

Charade.....enjoy BG tomorrow......and hope you still get your trip next week. Nice to have your daughter home for however long...
Thanks. Right now it isn't looking too promising. About half of the places we wanted to go have shut down. We will make a decision on Tuesday.
Lots of places and events will close.

Mr Mac’s multi day cycle event in Louisiana
notified all it is cancelled.

Same for his April ride event that is out of state.

I don’t see any quick fix for this situation.
Treatment and testing for Coronavirus still has a way to go.
I went to Walmart early this morning to see what cat food they had.
Their prices for Fancy Feast can food is always 25 cents less than other stores.
It adds up when feeding two cats 3-4 times a day
That’s $6 a case savings and I buy and go through a case in 3 days.
They can’t eat dry food.

WM did not have a large crowd but they were fully stocked in all departments w/ exception of toilet paper.
They had the store brand but not the name brand. I did not need any but wanted to take a look while there.

At the next grocery store, Food City I went to, can cat food I needed, was there.
Cats are good for another couple of weeks.
Our governor has just ordered all K-12 schools to close fo at least 2 weeks.
County I live in decided earlier this week to close a week before spring break and all students getting laptops (if they have no access to a computer at home) for online school.
So spring break here starts today.

We have no reported cases of the virus in my county but never know how things will spread in the near future.
Happy Friday the 13th!! I realized this before going in for my colonoscopy. Good thing I am not superstitious.....

Prep was a nightmare but procedure went fine. I am good for another 10 years. Still have a headache though. Just going to rest. DH was great as always.

Whelp, our governor has shut the schools down for at least 2 weeks. DS is happy.

Now wondering about visiting Scotland next week.....not for us, but if they have been around infected people. My sister is a nurse and is around surgery patients, but it`s still a hospital. Irrational worry????? I have no clue.

I hope you are able get to Scotland next week. My procedure was at a regional hospital and they seemed to be business as usual. I did ask the lady who wheeled me out how things were going, she said that they had prohibited her (she was in her late 60s or early 70s) from working in certain departments due to the higher risk of infection. They have also stopped setting out masks for the general public due the global shortage.

Two more places we were going to go to in DC are closed. Looks like the trip is off. :sad:

Sorry about your trip. Hope you have a good time at BG.



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