DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning, Gents! It's a BEAUTIFUL day here on Cape Cod. Ok, well, right now it's overcast and a bit foggy, but it is a beautiful day. Now, you will ask, "But CapeCodTenor, why is it a beautiful day when it's overcast and foggy?" Well, I'll tell you: I got a Conditional Job Offer with the U.S. Post Office. That's right, a conditional job offer! As long as I pass everything else that's left, medical and what not, I should have a job. *sigh* I'm happy, though I admit to not being jumping-for-joy type happy, but I am happy. I guess with all the rejections I've had over the last year and a half, I'm being guarded, but I am happy. It's finally happening, but I won't believe it until I get the start date. When I start, I'll start off as a Rural Carrier Associate, which basically is a temp that fills in for the full-time employees. This means that I still won't have any benefits, but I'll be a permanent temp...which is kind of an oxymoron, but I'll take it. It's better than going month to month at my current job. I have read, though, that some weeks I might not get any work, but others I could be working over 40 hours a week, it just depends on my post office and how often they need me. Now, from what I hear/read, I can work hours at any post office, and with all the towns on the Cape, there's a lot of post offices for hours to be had....providing there aren't a lot of us associates around looking for work. Either way I'm happy because this could lead to a permanent full-time position at the post office.

Now, on to the saga of my current job. In typical work fashion, I didn't find out until yesterday afternoon, on the last day of the month, which was also my last day on the job, that I had been extended through July. So now I have a job until everything is done and I can start work at the post office. They've done this to me so much that I'm kind of use to it. However, with them hiring someone a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure if I was going to be working past June or not, so I've been spending all of my free time looking for work, which is why I've been AWOL again.

Well, gotta run and earn some money to put bread on the table.

Great news! If you can get on with post office, you too can eventually stand around and do nothing while customers are waiting. :lmao:

Seriously, great news! Your time in the military counts towards something (well full time) with the post office also.

And once you get your foot in the door, you can work on becoming full time and/or looking at better options.

Oh... don't study too hard for your drug test. I've known folks that cram like crazy and it hasn't helped them at all.
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I forgot to tell ya'll, I had a Disdads dream last night. I kid you not. I was at the Poly with Darcy, meeting up. We went into the elevator and it came out on the Boardwalk, but the boardwalk was on the top floor of the hotel. We then decided to go to Docs for dinner, but he was just sleeping on the floor in his living room in a wife beater with a blanket over him. We kept stepping over him to get to the table, which looked like something that came out of the 70s. We met Jeff in the lobby of the boardwalk, and he kept saying he was lost. Mikey was definitely in it, but I can't remember what he was doing, but he was definitely on the elevated boardwalk smoking a cigar, in one of his Hawaiian style shirts.

Dan - that's no dream.....that's a nightmare....now if you said something about Stacy being there and talking to you about you being a "must-do", now that there is a dream!
Made it thru Groundhog day June. I'm hoping this month get going again. 2 months from retirement with 2 weeks vacation scheduled, 2 sick weeks to burn, and I'll earn another week of leave in the same 2 months. I have another 3 weeks of vacation, but I'm saving them for an extra paycheck at the end.

In Disney news, I tried calling to get a restaurant reservation, and I just get busy signal. Yeah, it's all about the 2021 trip to salvage this runaway train.

WDW Pick'Ems for today.............
  1. Smell of Rome burning on Spaceship Earth or smell of "Pirate water"?
  2. Seas with Nemo and Friends or Under the Sea Journey of the Little Mermaid (attractions)?
  3. Monster Inc Laugh Floor or Turtle Talk with Crush?
  4. Add a 5th Gate or keep developing the 4 parks?
  5. R2D2 or BB8
Sounds like a nice new set-up for ya there Norm. Why you stopped living that way? Dan pretty much covered it and speaking of boats, we are all in the same one :rotfl:

Nemo - although Ariel does have C shells
Laugh Floor - I've been Sulley and got a few jokes thru
Build a new park

I forgot to tell ya'll, I had a Disdads dream last night. I kid you not. I was at the Poly with Darcy, meeting up. We went into the elevator and it came out on the Boardwalk, but the boardwalk was on the top floor of the hotel. We then decided to go to Docs for dinner, but he was just sleeping on the floor in his living room in a wife beater with a blanket over him. We kept stepping over him to get to the table, which looked like something that came out of the 70s. We met Jeff in the lobby of the boardwalk, and he kept saying he was lost. Mikey was definitely in it, but I can't remember what he was doing, but he was definitely on the elevated boardwalk smoking a cigar, in one of his Hawaiian style shirts.

I may spend a little less time on here for a week or so. I love you guys, but that's good "ladies with no clothes on" brain space y'all are taking up.

Weird eh?

Why would you even post you had a dream? And, after our time together during meet up trip, why wasn't I starring in it? I feel so cheap and used. :lmao:

Morning, Gents! It's a BEAUTIFUL day here on Cape Cod. Ok, well, right now it's overcast and a bit foggy, but it is a beautiful day. Now, you will ask, "But CapeCodTenor, why is it a beautiful day when it's overcast and foggy?" Well, I'll tell you: I got a Conditional Job Offer with the U.S. Post Office. That's right, a conditional job offer! As long as I pass everything else that's left, medical and what not, I should have a job. *sigh* I'm happy, though I admit to not being jumping-for-joy type happy, but I am happy. I guess with all the rejections I've had over the last year and a half, I'm being guarded, but I am happy. It's finally happening, but I won't believe it until I get the start date. When I start, I'll start off as a Rural Carrier Associate, which basically is a temp that fills in for the full-time employees. This means that I still won't have any benefits, but I'll be a permanent temp...which is kind of an oxymoron, but I'll take it. It's better than going month to month at my current job. I have read, though, that some weeks I might not get any work, but others I could be working over 40 hours a week, it just depends on my post office and how often they need me. Now, from what I hear/read, I can work hours at any post office, and with all the towns on the Cape, there's a lot of post offices for hours to be had....providing there aren't a lot of us associates around looking for work. Either way I'm happy because this could lead to a permanent full-time position at the post office.

Now, on to the saga of my current job. In typical work fashion, I didn't find out until yesterday afternoon, on the last day of the month, which was also my last day on the job, that I had been extended through July. So now I have a job until everything is done and I can start work at the post office. They've done this to me so much that I'm kind of use to it. However, with them hiring someone a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure if I was going to be working past June or not, so I've been spending all of my free time looking for work, which is why I've been AWOL again.

Well, gotta run and earn some money to put bread on the table.


Congratulations on the job offer. Philip (Disdad) drove up here to take the test needed to get on. He likes it.

Y'all can keep mis-typing it...I know the truth.

You can't handle the truth!!! Not sure at all what you're talking about, but the movie line jumped in my empty head this AM.
Happy Canada Day to my fellow northern dads.
As I mentioned, I am working, but since there's virtually nothing going on this year in terms of celebrations, that's OK. It seems I am not the only Canadian dad working the holiday anyway, so I am in good company.

Insurance company was great, no fault, got my rental and the car is being towed to the body shop. They did say it would likely be a right off so to prepare for that.
Good the hear that part of it was fairly painless.

WDW Pick'Ems for today.............
  1. Smell of Rome burning on Spaceship Earth or smell of "Pirate water"?
  2. Seas with Nemo and Friends or Under the Sea Journey of the Little Mermaid (attractions)?
  3. Monster Inc Laugh Floor or Turtle Talk with Crush?
  4. Add a 5th Gate or keep developing the 4 parks?
  5. R2D2 or BB8?
1. Rome burning
2. I'll go down with Ariel
3. Laugh Floor
4. Tragic Kingdom (villains park) would be cool
5. R2D2

We met Jeff in the lobby of the boardwalk, and he kept saying he was lost.
I've been that way for years...

I got a Conditional Job Offer with the U.S. Post Office.
Fantastic! Congrats.
  1. Smell of Rome burning on Spaceship Earth or smell of "Pirate water"?
  2. Seas with Nemo and Friends or Under the Sea Journey of the Little Mermaid (attractions)?
  3. Monster Inc Laugh Floor or Turtle Talk with Crush?
  4. Add a 5th Gate or keep developing the 4 parks?
  5. R2D2 or BB8?
To be honest... I've never noticed the smell of Rome burning. Pirate water!
As others have said, rather go down on (oooops with) Ariel where it's wetter
Only done turtle talk once that I remember and kids loved it. Pretty impressed with audience interaction with both, but TTwC was funnier.
5th park. I would say it will help with crowding, but probably would just mean Disney will sell more tickets and pack them all more.
R2D2 all day every day. Not a bb8 fan. Mostly because I enjoy the original movies more, but also I just like R2 vs a rolling ball.

Nope. Not going to touch that.

Morning, Gents! It's a BEAUTIFUL day here on Cape Cod. Ok, well, right now it's overcast and a bit foggy, but it is a beautiful day. Now, you will ask, "But CapeCodTenor, why is it a beautiful day when it's overcast and foggy?" Well, I'll tell you: I got a Conditional Job Offer with the U.S. Post Office. That's right, a conditional job offer! As long as I pass everything else that's left, medical and what not, I should have a job. *sigh* I'm happy, though I admit to not being jumping-for-joy type happy, but I am happy. I guess with all the rejections I've had over the last year and a half, I'm being guarded, but I am happy. It's finally happening, but I won't believe it until I get the start date. When I start, I'll start off as a Rural Carrier Associate, which basically is a temp that fills in for the full-time employees. This means that I still won't have any benefits, but I'll be a permanent temp...which is kind of an oxymoron, but I'll take it. It's better than going month to month at my current job. I have read, though, that some weeks I might not get any work, but others I could be working over 40 hours a week, it just depends on my post office and how often they need me. Now, from what I hear/read, I can work hours at any post office, and with all the towns on the Cape, there's a lot of post offices for hours to be had....providing there aren't a lot of us associates around looking for work. Either way I'm happy because this could lead to a permanent full-time position at the post office.

Now, on to the saga of my current job. In typical work fashion, I didn't find out until yesterday afternoon, on the last day of the month, which was also my last day on the job, that I had been extended through July. So now I have a job until everything is done and I can start work at the post office. They've done this to me so much that I'm kind of use to it. However, with them hiring someone a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure if I was going to be working past June or not, so I've been spending all of my free time looking for work, which is why I've been AWOL again.

Well, gotta run and earn some money to put bread on the table.

Congrats and best wishes
Top of the .......err Afternoon Dads! I'm like Rob, month end close / review / report just sucks the life out me. Everyone be safe.

WDW Top 5 list for today ............................Top 5 restaurant Themes (themeing, not food, not location, theme)

To the best group of Dads north of the border!
Morning, Gents! It's a BEAUTIFUL day here on Cape Cod. Ok, well, right now it's overcast and a bit foggy, but it is a beautiful day. Now, you will ask, "But CapeCodTenor, why is it a beautiful day when it's overcast and foggy?" Well, I'll tell you: I got a Conditional Job Offer with the U.S. Post Office. That's right, a conditional job offer! As long as I pass everything else that's left, medical and what not, I should have a job. *sigh* I'm happy, though I admit to not being jumping-for-joy type happy, but I am happy. I guess with all the rejections I've had over the last year and a half, I'm being guarded, but I am happy. It's finally happening, but I won't believe it until I get the start date. When I start, I'll start off as a Rural Carrier Associate, which basically is a temp that fills in for the full-time employees. This means that I still won't have any benefits, but I'll be a permanent temp...which is kind of an oxymoron, but I'll take it. It's better than going month to month at my current job. I have read, though, that some weeks I might not get any work, but others I could be working over 40 hours a week, it just depends on my post office and how often they need me. Now, from what I hear/read, I can work hours at any post office, and with all the towns on the Cape, there's a lot of post offices for hours to be had....providing there aren't a lot of us associates around looking for work. Either way I'm happy because this could lead to a permanent full-time position at the post office.

Now, on to the saga of my current job. In typical work fashion, I didn't find out until yesterday afternoon, on the last day of the month, which was also my last day on the job, that I had been extended through July. So now I have a job until everything is done and I can start work at the post office. They've done this to me so much that I'm kind of use to it. However, with them hiring someone a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't sure if I was going to be working past June or not, so I've been spending all of my free time looking for work, which is why I've been AWOL again.

Well, gotta run and earn some money to put bread on the table.

Good news and congrats to you. Enjoy the Holiday
WDW Top 5 list for today ............................Top 5 restaurant Themes (themeing, not food, not location, theme)
Could be a lot of thoughts on this one, but I'll start with two that popped into my head immediately.
1. Sci Fi
2. 50s Prime Time
and the rest
3. BOG
4. CRT (You're dining in Cindy's castle for Pete's sake. Can't they make the food reflect that???)
5. Biergarten

This list might change, but those are first come to mind.
In someone else's fridge. ;)
You beat me to that one!505764

Top 5 restaurant Themes (themeing, not food, not location, theme)
(I haven't entirely copied off @pkondz but it is a similar list)
50s Prime Time
Be Our Guest
Beaches & Cream *the old look soda shop - have not seen the new one in person but it lost some theming I think
Oga's Cantina *I have not been here, but seen videos, also not technically a restaurant, but well themed.
Hey! Great news! Congrats!

Thanks, man, appreciate it.

Totally get that. Hopefully you'll be all set and looking back at all the waiting and searching soon.

I hope so, and from what I understand about all the overtime, it'll give me a chance to save up for a trip to the World! 😁

Nothing like waiting til the last minute. They can't be surprised when you quit.

That's the way things work around here, and to be honest I've gotten use to it. There's one guy working here that they strung along as a temp for 2 years before hiring him. I guess he was like me and couldn't find work.

Morning All,

Midweek holiday is starting out overcast but no fear, the heat is returning. Time to go for a run before the humidity builds up.

Have a great Canada Day All!

Happy Canada Day!


Thanks man, appreciate it.


Hoping they have plenty of hours for you.

Thanks man, appreciate it.

I'm hoping for plenty of hours. I have some loans that need paying off....oh, and a trip to the World to plan. 😁🤣

Congratulations, on the job offer ,I'm sure you will pass what is left.

Thanks man, appreciate it. I'm sure I won't have a problem pass what's left. Well, there was this one time in Singapore...🤣

Great news! If you can get on with post office, you too can eventually stand around and do nothing while customers are waiting. :lmao:

Seriously, great news! Your time in the military counts towards something (well full time) with the post office also.

Thanks man, appreciate it. And I think my military service is what got me in to tell the truth...and I'm fine with that. I earned it, might as well use it.

And once you get your foot in the door, you can work on becoming full time and/or looking at better options.

Yeah, at my age, I can't get lugging around heavy bags of mail all day, so hopefully I'll be able to get into something else once I get in.

Oh... don't study too hard for your drug test. I've known folks that cram like crazy and it hasn't helped them at all.

No worries there. 😁

Made it thru Groundhog day June. I'm hoping this month get going again. 2 months from retirement with 2 weeks vacation scheduled, 2 sick weeks to burn, and I'll earn another week of leave in the same 2 months. I have another 3 weeks of vacation, but I'm saving them for an extra paycheck at the end.

2 months from retirement and you have all that time off saved up? So you're going to take the 2 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of sick time? Just think of the money you'd get from that. That's like, Disney vacation money. 😁

In Disney news, I tried calling to get a restaurant reservation, and I just get busy signal. Yeah, it's all about the 2021 trip to salvage this runaway train.

I'm hoping that with my new job I can convince the wife to take a vacation...that's if I can go full-time. I hear it's difficult to get time off as an as associate.

Congratulations on the job offer. Philip (Disdad) drove up here to take the test needed to get on. He likes it.

That's awesome! I'm going to have to shoot him a message.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow northern dads.
As I mentioned, I am working, but since there's virtually nothing going on this year in terms of celebrations, that's OK. It seems I am not the only Canadian dad working the holiday anyway, so I am in good company.

Happy Canada Day! That's great that you're working!

Fantastic! Congrats.

Thanks man, appreciate it.

It seems that every Canadian DISdad is working the holiday.

That's just wrong.

Congrats and best wishes

Thanks man, appreciate it.
I hope so, and from what I understand about all the overtime, it'll give me a chance to save up for a trip to the World! 😁
Thanks, man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
But... do you appreciate it?
Well Played GIFs | Tenor


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