Something About Nothing............ #14

Bacon? Ooh I’d share some. But no bacon making yet, kids are sound asleep.

McK, hope you are feeling much better today, and your mom too. Scary times. I think we are conditioned to be takeout doing now. While we have seen some outdoor dining, some how, have only done it once. At the Zoo, when we ate at picnic tables before many people were eating there, and for a short time, were the only ones, with very few also eating, far away from us. As we looped around back to where we ate, we were glad we ate when we did, as way too crowded even for us to have felt safer.

Yeah, this semester the online books were the majority, and the cost was just as high. Though we too try to rent the hard copy books too.

Ah, yes, almost record breaking high of 74. So yes Mac, I like a very sunny 70’s degree day. Oh thank you weather, both today and tomorrow we will be in the mid 70’s. Woot!

And so the routine of a weekend it is. Early morning wake up, laundry done, so I had a clean fresh towel for my shower. Remote and tea cup in my hands. And hoping to wake little one up, as thinking little zoo will be enjoyable this later morning. And with the nice weather, early arrival is the better choice of arrival time. Parking there is scary. Very narrow parking spaces, and way too few of them for all the cars that want one.

And so,
Woot, woot!

And yep,
Haha 😛
Julie just reread your post
Schumi is fine.

her country is under a shut down again but she still has access to plenty of bacon!

Now I have a craving for
Thanks for the update Mac - yes I’m UK too so lockdown 2 is here. Another beautiful day though so been a stroll to the local shop this morning and an hour in the garden - now time for a sit down with a drink. Worst thing about this is many speculations about what will happen at the end. Christmas has become a huge focal point for so many.
Nice meme Lynne

since its just the two of us, we don’t cook a holiday meal.
We would be eating turkey and the fixing every meal for a week.

We only like the traditional turkey and a couple of meals having it is plenty for us.

last year we did BLT and called it dinner with a side of homemade potato salad

One year we went to crackle barrel for T day and food tasted so generic.

lot of homies will have a very warm day today!
Picnic weather is great!
Anybody watch yesterday’s mandalorian? Liking how they are switching things up each week but did find myself unexpectedly Repulsed in a good way lol
There's really only one game I care about.
Have written off PSU after last weeks stink fest

Pitt plays FSU at 4 pm

Notre Dame (go Irish!) Clemson game that’s going to be a goodie this evening

we have rare 4 pm game tomorrow vs cowboys. Still beat up after that rough raven game last week

At this point thrilled to be able relax & watch any contest that’s not political!
Anybody watch yesterday’s mandalorian? Liking how they are switching things up each week but did find myself unexpectedly Repulsed in a good way lol
I haven’t seen it yet. It will probably be Tuesday before I get to see it. The weekend gets taken over by football.

Dh sent me this yesterday.

Pitt plays FSU at 4 pm
Dh has 2 degrees from FSU, but that isn’t the game I’m interested in.
Happy DAY!!
Still nice and warm here, getting house cleaning done. Have 2 chickens that looked like someone chewed on them. Glad it is warm this week and still not too cold next week, while feathers sloooowwwllly grow back. Yard and coop look like a couple feather pillows split open..
Got into 3 of my homes this week :cool1:. Staff -for most part-are wearing masks properly, unless alone. the K-95 masks do get uncomfortable after a while. Always have marks on my face. Wish the 15 minute test or saliva strip test was rolled out everywhere. Could probably let more visitation happen. While not perfect (NOTHING is, so not sure why that would be argument against as have seen) it would catch more at most infectious-and more importantly-no waiting 1-5 days. Sis in law had close contact with symptomatic coworker-both mask wearing but she's waiting on tests next week and week after. She has no risk factors (other than high anxiety-nothing new but exacerbated since March).

McK-my allergies ALWAYS act up with weather swings like that! I can usually tell just what pollination factor is prominent too by if my eyes are itchy, or more sneezing etc LOL. Hoping you get some relief.

Both college kids tend to rent-oldest has had some success in finding books on amazon to rent too. She has a couple sites she checks to see what is cheapest. A couple times she has used an older edition-basically the same book except for some editing-but hundreds of dollars difference! The professor even told them he'd say what the chapter should cover vs going by specific page numbers so kids could use older edition.

2 weeks from today will be waking up to first full day in Orlando!!

Christmas lights up outside-won't set timer up until we get back probably. Will get rest of decorations up this week and next. Tried to talk DH into not coming back until Dec 5th-found a condo on the beach...not taking the hint yet lol!

Ugh-need to buy a new vacuum cleaner-anyone got one they love??
Hugs to everyone on lockdown. Hopefully it is short and you all will be out and about safely soon.

Nice warm day here today. Hubby took all the Halloween decorations down and I have put them up until next year. Yes we were late, but its was so dark when we got home we put it off - at least that is our excuse. Couldnt get a real good picture and its only half the yard, but we were definitely the brightest house on the block.

Somebody mentioned bacon so I cooked the whole pound and had bacon for breakfast and BLT's for lunch. My arteries will not be thanking me. This afternoon just cleaning and laundry and what not. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

For all those who were recently at Universal, do you have any tips about dining and mobile ordering?
Well, I saw the word ribs and and obviously I ignored the word prime.

(I figured that’s how you keep your figure)
Well, I saw the word ribs and and obviously I ignored the word prime.

(I figured that’s how you keep your figure)


The best beef right here, we fatten up our cows around here (adds flavor)!!!

Well Portofino it is for next month for a week!!!

Wasn't sure if this trip would happen because of other obligations and having to rebook but we are good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning all. Decided to get up early again and Louie snook out with me. So have done the morning tasks and now have large coffee and warm dog in the kitchen sofa and..........another Christmas movie to relax.

Yesterday late afternoon Em and I decided to visit a small garden centre very close to us. Their Christmas displays are very well known and normally demonstrations take place but those all cancelled. I thought it would be closed but they put on Facebook they are allowed to open due to plant sales so we took the children and they loved it. J chose a tiny train set we hope will go round the base of his tiny bedroom tree. L a pink cupcake snd some silver stars for hers. I bought a wicker reindeer to go on the porch display.

When we got home Kev said I had a delivery in the kitchen - it was a beautiful floral display from my brother and SIL and a card to say thank you for everything I did for Mum and Dad and for sorting everything out. Also how blessed we were to have been loved so much. Well that of course brought me to tears. I never expected anything.

I can hear J up and bouncing so I may have company shortly!

Peaceful Sunday all - it is our Remembrance Day here so at 11 am we observe quiet and reflection.
Hugs, Julie. Sounds like a nice morning. And how fun to pick out some new Christmas decor. We have a train big enough to go around our tree. Older one usually sets it up. We sometimes just keep it up, not around the tree. When we went shopping and at the zoo yesterday, little one was happy to see all the Christmas lights and decor that was already in places. We totally enjoy both Zoo’s lights, as well as lights and decor in the stores and malls. We are hoping both zoos allow people to view this year too. No Christmas music heard in the stores, though. Funny, usually never watch Christmas movies. But all puts homies in a happy mood.

And a happy mood here. Another sunny, record breaking try for a high temp record, and shorts will be worn another day. Woot!

Well, this really my Sunday. My Sunday, just about finished the wash, and a nice cup of tea and remote in my hand. Quiet enough house, until I hear the beep for the wash. Then it’s a get out the trash, finishing stocking up the kitchen, and get ready for the week routine day. Alarm has already been set. But a smile will be, as with a Wednesday holiday, a shorter week. And a good reason to have a day off, to celebrate our veterans.

So, hugs to those across the pond, fondly remembering those being thought of today.

And why hello all, it is a Sunday. Reminder:
06267A89-2DA5-41A7-8A9C-D6873D414B0A.jpeg ::yes::

:wave2: Good Morning.
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood here today, mid 70’s running threat least Tuesday when we will toy with 80 degrees-woot!46FF984A-436F-4FEA-AFA0-CCDC92D6E73B.jpeg

I’ll be testing out the above theory today :). Decided it’s the day a huge branch on one tree (that now now extends over parking spot in front of house & is depositing gunk on car) is going to be removed.

Good test to see if DH needs to pull out the chainsaw or if the tree looper will indeed slice thru that 8 inch branch like butter.

Last week found a 2-1/2 pound lobster tail in freezer...eureka! Thursday, found pre-scored Jonah crab claws at local grocery store. First time i’ve Seen them carried in our area. Today, we feast.

Those smoked precooked turkey breasts always scared me a bit lol. Never heard of prime rib being sold that way. Never bothered to try to make one if truth be told. Pre covid, easy enough to find in restuarants, usually at a very good price. The mr could get his end piece (ugh) and i’d easily grab a piece of medium rare. Sadly, haven’t seen it on the menus here or in Orlando places it was a draw. In general have found the majority of all revised menus lacking. Not that we dine inside restuarants at this point here, all take out

Looking forward to hearing reviews on PBH being reopened as to any rennovations

When I buy ribs, they would be long gone in a few days.

We have zero will power having ribs in the house
one DS & I are wolves here that will eat them. Other than country ribs which i can easily make small quantities, make them infrequently.
J chose a tiny train set we hope will go round the base of his tiny bedroom tree. L a pink cupcake snd some silver stars for hers. I bought a wicker reindeer to go on the porch display.

When we got home Kev said I had a delivery in the kitchen - it was a beautiful floral display from my brother and SIL and a card to say thank you for everything I did for Mum and Dad and for sorting everything out. Also how blessed we were to have been loved so much. Well that of course brought me to tears. I never expected anything.
Aw, that train set sounds cute. Always let my boys have at it re their own xmas trees in their bedrooms as to themes. Majority of decorations wound up being home-made or repurposed toys. Other than unleashing their creativity, it kept them out of my hair during holiday preparations lol
Good Morning,

Beautiful day in my part of the world. Replay of yesterday. Windows open again today. Enjoying it before rain the rain arrives the middle of the week.

I need to do a little shopping today but I think I will wait to do the big shop when I am off Tuesday. The stores are so picked over and packed on Sunday, I try to avoid going on the weekends but I am low on some necessities.

DH is cooking breakfast. No bacon this time but homemade country sausage from a local butcher and scrambled eggs.

When I buy ribs, they would be long gone in a few days.

Us too! My favorite but prime rib is pretty high on my list too.

Have a great Sunday and hugs to my UK friends on their Remembrance Day.
@Lynne G do you recall I was so pleased to snap up tickets for a Friday night Christmas lantern walk at Chester Zoo? Our date is during lockdown so received an email all those slots would be re-allocated to free slots on later dates - ours came for a Tuesday - not only do the children go to their father on Tuesdays but it’s a long trip for a school night. I emailed back and begged for a date that fitted our needs and hallelujah they have given us another Friday - still not sure it will happen as first day after lockdown but can only hope. It’s a lovely event.

Chicken is roasting and early dinner planned.


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