April 2021 W.I.S.H. Thread - Spring into Spring!

Strength -- My DD. This girl has spent a good portion of her live in some type of pain. Usually her ankle put now also with her scoliosis. She made it 15 minutes into works out with the HS soccer team before her ankle started hurting really bad and by the time I picked her up it was pretty swollen. Dh and I feel like we screwed up and did keep her active after her surgery. The doctor thinks she needs to work through the pain plus do some specific exercises. I talked with the schools athletic trainer and it sounds like they will work on PT there in conjunction with an order of PT. So basically working with PT to give her what she needs. As for now she is back in the boot only while at school.
FUNNY: My daughter
MEMORY: My Mother's hugs
CHANGES: Leaving 20 years of Pre-K behind to teach Kindergarten
CHALLENGE: Learning how to teach in an entirely new way as a veteran educator
INTERESTING: Art and Music
BEAUTIFUL: Everything in nature.
Strength-my optimistic outlook. Came in handy this past year!

Memory-the first time my mother held her great grandson. My father passed away two years previously, so I am so grateful for the time she had with the baby.

Challenge-maintaining my weight. I have set backs but I have always been able to get back on track before things get out of hand. It took me several tries to finally lose the “baby weight “ (when the baby was in HS!) but I never gave up.

Beauty-I never get tired of this view-


Pushing to the weekend... getting myself slowly and in the most disorderly schedule ever back on track. Bike day for littles went well 🚴 I got a much needed appt in for my health 👍 I have a manageably messy house 🤷‍♀️ My work out is in for today 💪 & I am kind of not certain on wkend plans... weather will probably dictate since it’s a bit gloomy.

I can not believe summer is approaching so quickly! About a month left in school & nearly out of April!
Sorry for the late start today... forgot to post last night and have back-to-back meetings Friday mornings.

Last weekend when I went out for lunch, I ordered a salad without tomato but about 3/4 of the way thru I found a sliver of tomato in the bottom of the bowl, I think they had put them in then removed them. I had a really strong reaction, a super heavy scary wet cough and some swelling in my throat that lasted all thru the evening. So at my acupuncture appointment yesterday I asked her about the symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and she said, yes, that would have 'qualified', and was probably so serve because I'm also suffering from seasonal allergies. She did some allergy points and suggested Benadryl, as that is what is recommended for fast relief. I don't feel like Claritin really does much of anything, so I took some of the Benadryl before bed... this morning between the needles and the meds the allergy stuff does feel better, which is a nice relief.

Big plans for the weekend... swapping the bedrooms, which I've done nothing to prepare for. But I am looking forward to it and to getting this room totally cleared out, and to cleaning the floors and doing the trim touch up.

Yesterday my neighbor was mowing her front lawn with this tiny little mower, so I asked her about it... it was a mower attachment that fits over a weed-whacker. I didn't know such a thing existed. Both of our front lawns are sloped and bumpy and broken up into small areas and a pain to mow. I looked at them on-line and all the reviews are positive for that kind of mowing, so I think I'm going to get one. Kind of excited about it actually.

I am ready for the weekend. DD is having a rough time with her foot. I had to go up to the school to give her motrin because she was in so much pain. She has motrin with her but technically she can't take it because I never filled out the form. So she tries to sneak and take it. She just couldn't this afternoon. She is also back in the boot while she is at school. I am trying to make her use her foot at home to try and push through the pain. I have a call into the doctor to if he wants to see her again or if we should just go straight to PT and go from there. I hate seeing her in this much pain. I really thought that after surgery her ankle/foot issues and pain would be done.
Sorry for the late start today... forgot to post last night and have back-to-back meetings Friday mornings.

Last weekend when I went out for lunch, I ordered a salad without tomato but about 3/4 of the way thru I found a sliver of tomato in the bottom of the bowl, I think they had put them in then removed them. I had a really strong reaction, a super heavy scary wet cough and some swelling in my throat that lasted all thru the evening. So at my acupuncture appointment yesterday I asked her about the symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and she said, yes, that would have 'qualified', and was probably so serve because I'm also suffering from seasonal allergies. She did some allergy points and suggested Benadryl, as that is what is recommended for fast relief. I don't feel like Claritin really does much of anything, so I took some of the Benadryl before bed... this morning between the needles and the meds the allergy stuff does feel better, which is a nice relief.

Big plans for the weekend... swapping the bedrooms, which I've done nothing to prepare for. But I am looking forward to it and to getting this room totally cleared out, and to cleaning the floors and doing the trim touch up.

Yesterday my neighbor was mowing her front lawn with this tiny little mower, so I asked her about it... it was a mower attachment that fits over a weed-whacker. I didn't know such a thing existed. Both of our front lawns are sloped and bumpy and broken up into small areas and a pain to mow. I looked at them on-line and all the reviews are positive for that kind of mowing, so I think I'm going to get one. Kind of excited about it actually.

My husband carries Benadryl in case a seafood dish contains crab (which he always asks about because of allergies) after being told it doesn’t-it’s happened at least twice. Your reaction sounds serious enough to ask your doctor if you should be carrying something stronger-scary!

The family is coming over Sunday because we’ll keep my grandson until he’s finished with quarantine on Tuesday. So planning some easy meals that will keep me on track. I know my step count always go up when he’s staying with us!
This was a long week. Report Card Conferences are always rough on teachers. Sometimes I wish that I taught orphans. Overall, they went well, but there really are some very fertile people who have no business being parents.

I will be jumping for joy on June 21st, our last day of school.

Tonight I treated myself to Japanese takeout and a fruity cocktail made with Ocean Vodka from Hawaii.
Yesterday my son had the opportunity to play at the Reading Phillies stadium. What a great night! While his JV team lost, the varsity won! And he played great! His first at bat he hit a triple to deep right field! No matter what, I just love watching him play.
Sorry for the late start today... forgot to post last night and have back-to-back meetings Friday mornings.

Last weekend when I went out for lunch, I ordered a salad without tomato but about 3/4 of the way thru I found a sliver of tomato in the bottom of the bowl,
That is scary & stressful! I am glad you are ok ❤️ And- Happy move about day!!! What fun... something new 😊

Yesterday my son had the opportunity to play at the Reading Phillies stadium. What a great night! While his JV team lost, the varsity won! And he played great! His first at bat he hit a triple to deep right field! No matter what, I just love watching him play.
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Awesome! What great memories 💙
Today’s topic remind me of a saying I (re)heard the other day: The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg.

We’ve all been in that “boiling water” this year, I’m definitely proud of the ways I was an “egg”. -

I learned new technology (and that was not a strong suit of mine before). - I’ve used Zoom, and taught others how. And I even finally made a YouTube channel.

I used the time to learn what works for me and what doesn’t, and that will help me even (maybe especially) when things go back to a busier state.

I established routines that I should have had all along, some health-wise, but most importantly where keeping in touch with family is concerned.

I maintained my optimism.

And I certainly became more patient.
This time last year I would have been just starting furlough. It seems so much longer ago than that. While I was out of work I did some important personal learning/enrichment things that set up the changes that have come in the year since. It has been a winding path of shifting that really lit up earlier this year with the ADHD diagnosis.

Looking back, I am now proud of the things I've accomplished in my life instead of feeling shame about all the times I came up short. I'm learning how to give myself grace and to give it to others. I'm learning how to better take care of myself and about what I really need.

Sometimes I feel like an entirely new person, and sometimes I feel like the same-old-same-old... I think both are true and both are OK. And I'm proud that I can recognize that.
It does seem longer than just a year!

Since I’m retired I did not have the added stress of adapting what I did to cope with the pandemic. But I learned to use Zoom to keep in touch with family and friends.

Even when I wasn’t making the best choices food wise, I got myself out for a walk nearly every day-good for my physical and mental health.

I got more creative with meals since we had to use what we had and we weren’t going out-I find I’m much better at using up groceries and not wasting food-especially produce.

Read so many good books this past year and although our book club is still on hiatus, got together with friends to share with each other what we were reading.

For the most part, I remained optimistic throughout this past year. I never thought we wouldn’t get past this. My group of friends got in the habit of sending little notes of encouragement and also what we loved and appreciated about each other-strengthened our already tight bonds!

And I often thought reading our posts over the past year as a group we did a remarkable job holding it together health wise, in our work life and most importantly our personal lives!


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