Something About Nothing............ #14

A happy Hump Day to ya too Paris. Glad to hear home systems are good to go. Yep, weather like this begs to cook food on the grill.

As was just older one and me for lunch, we decided to make chicken cheesesteaks. Tasty. Walk was awesome. And since as I bounded outside, forgot my sunglasses. No matter, little one’s aviators we’re by the front door. So rocked those shades on my lunchtime walk. Was so pretty out.
:wave2: Making a Hump day stop in!!!!

Another beautiful hot day here. It's a little cooler than the past 2 days...but it's still glorious. It will continually rise over the next few days! I"ll just enjoy them while they are here. I didn't get out for a walk last night. We had thunderstorms blow through. I had to run to the grocery store to pick up some fresh veggies, and by the time I got home, my window for a walk was gone.

I'm working on an idea I have for dh's 50 birthday present. Hoping to maybe swing a family trip and get dh tickets to Nascar - Daytona - then a family trip for the remainder to Disney and Universal. With cc points, and other reward programs we participate in, I should have hotels and flights covered!!!! Still just trying to figure out some areas, and pull it all together. I wanted to do a 50 gifts for 50 days before his birthday...with the big reveal for his birthday - or just get him tickets to the final race in Arizona for a weekend trip. We should be hearing more on travel in the next few weeks. Feds are heavily hinting about restrictions lifting and the boarder reopening to non-essential travel. So I just want to have all my ducks in a row and have a plan.

Have an extra shift again tonight. Picked up one for the weekend, as I needed one shift covered next week, when we leave to go camping with the kids a few days earlier. The only thing that keeps me going in at this point now, is knowing that our vacation fund is growing. well... it's easy for the most part. I usually get door duty, so if they are going to pay me to count the # of people coming into the store, and making sure they wear a mask...then I'll do it. Very few people push back, and we are not required to kick them out for not wearing a mask. July 1...most of our restrictions are lifting. So we will see how it all goes after that.

Why hello camel. Looking like you are tanning in our beautiful sunny Wednesday. And so, homies, yay, a day to get over this hump of a day, and yay, that Friday will be here two days later.
Love the camel picture!!!! I'm glad your lunch walk was great!!!!
Rant warning: I really wouldn't mind doing customer service if working with the general public didn't remind me almost every day that the vast majority of people are just dumb.
Yup....working customer service/retail/ and the general public is EXHAUSTING!!!!! I have been saying for years, everyone should have to work retail/customer service for at least 1 month every five years! And it doesn't matter if you are the highest paid person in the world...everyone needs to remember to be kind to those working those essential jobs.
Sun is still shining and just got a call from my sister to say we have a night organised with the immediate family and including my favourite niece, nephew and his wife........looking forward to that a lot.
That is great your getting some family time!!!! Lord knows we all need it now, more than ever!!!!
Good morning everyone. I had a much better sleep last night. My brother lowered the air a couple of degrees but didn’t tell Mom. We are now on our way to the oncologist office. I’m going to have Mom sign a HIPAA release form.
I am glad you got some sleep! Where your mom lives, looks like where I grew up...out in the boonies!!! It just requires more driving, planning and being more organized.
Brats and hotdogs on the grill for us tonight. Guess it's a BBQ kinda day....
I'd also like to grill some corn on the cob to make street corn. That will require a quick run to the store though.
YUM!!!! We had that Sunday/Monday night. I made all the left overs from the weekend camp trip!. I did the brats and hotdogs in the airfryer. SOOOOOOOO yummy!!!!

Well, I should head out for a lunch break, Stay safe everyone...and have a great day!!!!
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"boogie and burn" I love that!!
Great job on your walks!

Yes, boat plugs are real....and we now know to check it each year. That was a near disaster!!

I'm a puzzle fan too, but normally don't work on one in the summer. Too much going on for me to sit for long, lol!

I've been awake much too early recently by the not nearly dark enough mornings. I'm not an early riser, so I put the covers over my face to pretend it's not light out, lol!!

More meat, more better!!! Grilled leftovers never go to waste in this house!

Sending a hug your way, Mac!
Hoping today is a better day for you!

It'll be so wonderful to have a family gathering!! I'm excited for you!

Hope the oncology appt goes well.
The photos look very peaceful....

The A/C and furnace tune ups went well yesterday at the lake house. And currently, we are having the same thing done at our primary residence. So both places will be set for a while.

I'm using the time at home to write out Save the Dates for my DH's extended family Christmas gathering. It's our year to host, and tradition dictates we give extremely early notice. I guess that's so everyone feels obligated to show up?? Can't have a conflict of plans if you're informed so far ahead, lol!!

Brats and hotdogs on the grill for us tonight. Guess it's a BBQ kinda day....
I'd also like to grill some corn on the cob to make street corn. That will require a quick run to the store though. Will see if that part happens, otherwise a cold pasta salad can be whipped up instead.

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I swear I learn something new every day on have plugs lol......

I`m a mix of both, I do love the lighter mornings, but I also love a snuggle on a winter morning when we have nothing to do for the whole day but chill out.....I guess I love all seasons.

Glad you got the things sorted`s a good feeling when you get things like that out of the way.

Oh goodness....coincidence. Every year, usually unless we go to Scotland for Christmas, we have always hosted the Big Boxing Day Bash. There are around 30-40 people on average and I`m already being asked if it`s happening this year again! Er, can I take a rain check on that.......little bit too early to decide, but if we don`t go to Scotland and our Government hasn`t put us back into lockdown hell`ll happen.

Enjoy that food!

:wave2: Making a Hump day stop in!!!!

Another beautiful hot day here. It's a little cooler than the past 2 days...but it's still glorious. It will continually rise over the next few days! I"ll just enjoy them while they are here. I didn't get out for a walk last night. We had thunderstorms blow through. I had to run to the grocery store to pick up some fresh veggies, and by the time I got home, my window for a walk was gone.

I'm working on an idea I have for dh's 50 birthday present. Hoping to maybe swing a family trip and get dh tickets to Nascar - Daytona - then a family trip for the remainder to Disney and Universal. With cc points, and other reward programs we participate in, I should have hotels and flights covered!!!! Still just trying to figure out some areas, and pull it all together. I wanted to do a 50 gifts for 50 days before his birthday...with the big reveal for his birthday - or just get him tickets to the final race in Arizona for a weekend trip. We should be hearing more on travel in the next few weeks. Feds are heavily hinting about restrictions lifting and the boarder reopening to non-essential travel. So I just want to have all my dicks in a row and have a plan.

Have an extra shift again tonight. Picked up one for the weekend, as I needed one shift covered next week, when we leave to go camping with the kids a few days earlier. The only thing that keeps me going in at this point now, is knowing that our vacation fund is growing. well... it's easy for the most part. I usually get door duty, so if they are going to pay me to count the # of people coming into the store, and making sure they wear a mask...then I'll do it. Very few people push back, and we are not required to kick them out for not wearing a mask. July 1...most of our restrictions are lifting. So we will see how it all goes after that.

Love the camel picture!!!! I'm glad your lunch walk was great!!!!

Yup....working customer service/retail/ and the general public is EXHAUSTING!!!!! I have been saying for years, everyone should have to work retail/customer service for at least 1 month every five years! And it doesn't matter if you are the highest paid person in the world...everyone needs to remember to be kind to those working those essential jobs.

That is great your getting some family time!!!! Lord knows we all need it now, more than ever!!!!

I am glad you got some sleep! Where your mom lives, looks like where I grew up...out in the boonies!!! It just requires more driving, planning and being more organized.

YUM!!!! We had that Sunday/Monday night. I made all the left overs from the weekend camp trip!. I did the brats and hotdogs in the airfryer. SOOOOOOOO yummy!!!!

Well, I should head out for a lunch break, Stay safe everyone...and have a great day!!!!

Fingers crossed your border opens up for non essential visits. It`s never ending at times it seems. I haven`t kept up on Canada and their situation much at all.

Yes, so looking forward to getting up there......there won`t be much getting around this trip, it`s all about catching up with everyone, been too long. Mum is so excited.

Have a great evening Pumpkin.......

Found out we`re having lodgers while we`re away. A couple they are friendly with are having decorators in and their kitchen refitted, so Kyle said they could stay at our home. Fine by me, trust the couple implicitly, he works in CiD and she is a police officer. Think they`re coming Sunday and will leave Saturday.

Will make sure their room is ready for them coming.

Curry was lovely tonight, very spicy and fruity too. No cooking tomorrow night as we are going out to a steak place for dinner :cheer2: Looking forward to that.......

Hope you`re having a lovely Wednesday evening.......:)
Apologies for being SOOOO absent! I've missed you silly lot! :crazy:
My Dear Bride and I did finally manage to squeeze in a DVC stay in late May at Copper Creek and Saratoga Springs...even had two of daughters join us for a few days. The trip definitely wasn't without incident but we "soldier'd on"...

Been busy with family stuff, work stuff and-MOST IMPORTANTLY-Trip bookin' stuff!!! :banana:

Hope everybody is doing ok! :cool1:

Yay, Buckeev got a trip in and plotting more. Sorry to hear trip was not without an issue, but glad it didn’t stop your park fun.

Ah, nothing like relaxing with a cup of tea, and taking a stab at finishing some of my puzzle.
Apologies for being SOOOO absent! I've missed you silly lot! :crazy:
My Dear Bride and I did finally manage to squeeze in a DVC stay in late May at Copper Creek and Saratoga Springs...even had two of daughters join us for a few days. The trip definitely wasn't without incident but we "soldier'd on"...

Been busy with family stuff, work stuff and-MOST IMPORTANTLY-Trip bookin' stuff!!! :banana:

Hope everybody is doing ok! :cool1:


I agree with mac......hope we see more of you are missed!

Glad to hear you`re all doing good though......and a definite woohooo on more trip booking!!! Always good to hear.......

Dull morning today, but feels quite warm for now, think we have some rain forecast for later, but will be dry tonight so I will get new sandals on later.

Not much planned today, grocery and farm shops to visit for stuff and I think we`ll do some boring housework later.......we always work together so gets it out of the way quicker. Lunch is chinese chicken salad and no cooking tonight 🥩🍷

Can`t wait! A few friends have been here before, but it`s new to us so hoping it`s as good as everyone says it is. In beautiful grounds, it used to be a stately home many years ago, pictures look very nice too.




Happy Thirsty Throwback Thursday 🥂

Happy Thursday indeed. Not a glorious sunshine start, though will be a sunny filled day soon enough. And another most perfect weather day. And with that clear overnight, another brisk morning start. 54 out, but high will still be 80. Though a weak low weather system is lurking, so partly cloudy, though weather guy this morning said, we will still see a good amount of sun. But yeah, thanks to low weather system coming from the South, we go back to more humid air. And for now, saying the rest of this week will be partly cloudy, and stay in the 80’s. But as that low stays around, next week starts with a heat wave, and that daily, hazy, hot and humid, with that lightning show, rain downpouring, Summer thunderstorms chances.

Ah, thanks for correcting my memory on that HHN thread Schumi. My memory is not always good, and since I tend to only go one night, with a RIP tour, didn’t eat at any quick service place while I was there. I’m hoping you get to enjoy HHN this year, and can travel to the dark side this Fall. And I’m glad to hear travel is open to visit mum and family in Scotland.

And so, with that tad cool feeling start, more tea for me. Yes, throwing back cups of tea on this thirsty Thursday. Yay! Getting that ever so close to having a Friday feeling. Woot!

Good Morning homies.
Good morning everyone. I woke up super early for me today, but I’m really glad I did. More on that later.
Mom’s appointment went well yesterday. The oncologist said that her scans and blood work show absolutely no signs of cancer. The bad news is Mom in anemic. She is scheduled for a couple of IV iron treatments next month.

Now the really frustrating part of my trip. Yesterday Mom couldn’t find a bill and her most recent bank statement. I tried to help her find them. This is how I discovered that she has 3 dresser drawers full of old bills and other mail. She gets solicitations from several charities wanting donations. She won’t throw them away because they have her name and address on them and she is convinced that someone could use that information for identity theft. She also pays her bills and then puts the bills in the drawer with the other mail because “what else am I supposed to do with them?” Later today I am going to Walmart to purchase a cross cut shredder and something to help her get organized.

Aw, Charade, glad to hear you had a better night’s sleep. Yeah, boonies is what we call that area you mom is in. Oh well, hope you have some games to play or viewing shows on your phone.
Yep, boonies is exactly what we call it. Lots of open land and trailers. She’s about 20 minutes away from a town that has a Walmart. Unfortunately my data signal isn’t very strong here, so I can’t really watch stuff on the phone.

I'm a puzzle fan too, but normally don't work on one in the summer. Too much going on for me to sit for long, lol!
I have one I started months ago but have only completed the frame.

I'm working on an idea I have for dh's 50 birthday present. Hoping to maybe swing a family trip and get dh tickets to Nascar - Daytona - then a family trip for the remainder to Disney and Universal.
That sounds like such a fun idea. I hope the restrictions lift and you are able to go. Dh and I are going to our first NASCAR race on October 31.

I am glad you got some sleep! Where your mom lives, looks like where I grew up...out in the boonies!!!
Very much the boonies. I can drive down the road for miles and not see another car.

lcome back.

And now the reason I am happy that I woke up early. When I booked my room at SF the only thing available other than suites was pool view. I have been checking daily and today there were lagoon view and standard rooms available. I thought about going standard and saving some money, but lagoon view wasn’t that much more, so I have now switched to a lagoon view room.
Yay for scoring new view, Charade. Hope you get that shredder. Yeah, easy to have papers pile up. I tried to convince my mom, if new bill shows old bill was paid, you can shred the old one. She got pretty good at doing that. I helped her shred old checks, as after the 10 years ago they were dated, are not worth saving.

Sun has come out, and oh so bright. Sunglasses are now close to little one’s. I’m ready to be rocking them for that oh so nice weather lunchtime walk.
And thanks Charade for the heads up to look. While both my September stays show much higher prices, did change from Portofino to Royal, to save a nice amount of money on our August trip. Before, cheapest was Portofino. I’m sure little one will be a bit sad, as she much prefers the Portofino more, but with the savings, and the fact we don’t spend much time in our room, will not matter. We have stayed there, and I’ll be staying there in September, more than a few times. Good reminder to keep checking. Off to see if I can get any lower rental car. So far, have only seen higher and higher prices. Ah the rinse and repeat. I do appreciate saving.
:wave2: Making a Hump day stop in!!!!

Another beautiful hot day here. It's a little cooler than the past 2 days...but it's still glorious. It will continually rise over the next few days! I"ll just enjoy them while they are here. I didn't get out for a walk last night. We had thunderstorms blow through. I had to run to the grocery store to pick up some fresh veggies, and by the time I got home, my window for a walk was gone.

I'm working on an idea I have for dh's 50 birthday present. Hoping to maybe swing a family trip and get dh tickets to Nascar - Daytona - then a family trip for the remainder to Disney and Universal. With cc points, and other reward programs we participate in, I should have hotels and flights covered!!!! Still just trying to figure out some areas, and pull it all together. I wanted to do a 50 gifts for 50 days before his birthday...with the big reveal for his birthday - or just get him tickets to the final race in Arizona for a weekend trip. We should be hearing more on travel in the next few weeks. Feds are heavily hinting about restrictions lifting and the boarder reopening to non-essential travel. So I just want to have all my dicks in a row and have a plan.

Have an extra shift again tonight. Picked up one for the weekend, as I needed one shift covered next week, when we leave to go camping with the kids a few days earlier. The only thing that keeps me going in at this point now, is knowing that our vacation fund is growing. well... it's easy for the most part. I usually get door duty, so if they are going to pay me to count the # of people coming into the store, and making sure they wear a mask...then I'll do it. Very few people push back, and we are not required to kick them out for not wearing a mask. July 1...most of our restrictions are lifting. So we will see how it all goes after that.

Love the camel picture!!!! I'm glad your lunch walk was great!!!!

Yup....working customer service/retail/ and the general public is EXHAUSTING!!!!! I have been saying for years, everyone should have to work retail/customer service for at least 1 month every five years! And it doesn't matter if you are the highest paid person in the world...everyone needs to remember to be kind to those working those essential jobs.

That is great your getting some family time!!!! Lord knows we all need it now, more than ever!!!!

I am glad you got some sleep! Where your mom lives, looks like where I grew up...out in the boonies!!! It just requires more driving, planning and being more organized.

YUM!!!! We had that Sunday/Monday night. I made all the left overs from the weekend camp trip!. I did the brats and hotdogs in the airfryer. SOOOOOOOO yummy!!!!

Well, I should head out for a lunch break, Stay safe everyone...and have a great day!!!!
That is a super fun way to celebrate a 50th! I'm turning 50 this fall...still thinking on what to do.

Apologies for being SOOOO absent! I've missed you silly lot! :crazy:
My Dear Bride and I did finally manage to squeeze in a DVC stay in late May at Copper Creek and Saratoga Springs...even had two of daughters join us for a few days. The trip definitely wasn't without incident but we "soldier'd on"...

Been busy with family stuff, work stuff and-MOST IMPORTANTLY-Trip bookin' stuff!!! :banana:

Hope everybody is doing ok! :cool1:

Yay to booking trips!!!

I agree with mac......hope we see more of you are missed!

Glad to hear you`re all doing good though......and a definite woohooo on more trip booking!!! Always good to hear.......

Dull morning today, but feels quite warm for now, think we have some rain forecast for later, but will be dry tonight so I will get new sandals on later.

Not much planned today, grocery and farm shops to visit for stuff and I think we`ll do some boring housework later.......we always work together so gets it out of the way quicker. Lunch is chinese chicken salad and no cooking tonight 🥩🍷

Can`t wait! A few friends have been here before, but it`s new to us so hoping it`s as good as everyone says it is. In beautiful grounds, it used to be a stately home many years ago, pictures look very nice too.




Happy Thirsty Throwback Thursday 🥂

Getting a nice rare filet? A beautiful bottle of red too??
Have fun!!!

Happy Thursday indeed. Not a glorious sunshine start, though will be a sunny filled day soon enough. And another most perfect weather day. And with that clear overnight, another brisk morning start. 54 out, but high will still be 80. Though a weak low weather system is lurking, so partly cloudy, though weather guy this morning said, we will still see a good amount of sun. But yeah, thanks to low weather system coming from the South, we go back to more humid air. And for now, saying the rest of this week will be partly cloudy, and stay in the 80’s. But as that low stays around, next week starts with a heat wave, and that daily, hazy, hot and humid, with that lightning show, rain downpouring, Summer thunderstorms chances.

Ah, thanks for correcting my memory on that HHN thread Schumi. My memory is not always good, and since I tend to only go one night, with a RIP tour, didn’t eat at any quick service place while I was there. I’m hoping you get to enjoy HHN this year, and can travel to the dark side this Fall. And I’m glad to hear travel is open to visit mum and family in Scotland.

And so, with that tad cool feeling start, more tea for me. Yes, throwing back cups of tea on this thirsty Thursday. Yay! Getting that ever so close to having a Friday feeling. Woot!

Good Morning homies.
Cloudy day here. We are still waiting on our promised rain....haven't had the lawn mowed in over 2 weeks!

Good morning everyone. I woke up super early for me today, but I’m really glad I did. More on that later.
Mom’s appointment went well yesterday. The oncologist said that her scans and blood work show absolutely no signs of cancer. The bad news is Mom in anemic. She is scheduled for a couple of IV iron treatments next month.

Now the really frustrating part of my trip. Yesterday Mom couldn’t find a bill and her most recent bank statement. I tried to help her find them. This is how I discovered that she has 3 dresser drawers full of old bills and other mail. She gets solicitations from several charities wanting donations. She won’t throw them away because they have her name and address on them and she is convinced that someone could use that information for identity theft. She also pays her bills and then puts the bills in the drawer with the other mail because “what else am I supposed to do with them?” Later today I am going to Walmart to purchase a cross cut shredder and something to help her get organized.

Yep, boonies is exactly what we call it. Lots of open land and trailers. She’s about 20 minutes away from a town that has a Walmart. Unfortunately my data signal isn’t very strong here, so I can’t really watch stuff on the phone.

I have one I started months ago but have only completed the frame.

That sounds like such a fun idea. I hope the restrictions lift and you are able to go. Dh and I are going to our first NASCAR race on October 31.

Very much the boonies. I can drive down the road for miles and not see another car.

lcome back.

And now the reason I am happy that I woke up early. When I booked my room at SF the only thing available other than suites was pool view. I have been checking daily and today there were lagoon view and standard rooms available. I thought about going standard and saving some money, but lagoon view wasn’t that much more, so I have now switched to a lagoon view room.
Great score on the SF room!

Nice you are able to help your mom out.....good daughter karma for you!!

Ended up going golfing yesterday afternoon, so no street corn for dinner....another time. Pasta salad with the brats/hotdogs was fine.

DD said she wants 'home made' sub sandwiches for tonight. Not very exciting, but extremely easy. Will open a bag of Everything But The Bagel Seasoned potato chips from Trader Joes to go along side.

So a run to the deli this morning to get the fixings. Also some chicken thighs for the dogs. And a stop off at the dry cleaners.

Need another cup of coffee before going anywhere...happy thirsty Thursday!!

Ah, thanks for correcting my memory on that HHN thread Schumi. My memory is not always good, and since I tend to only go one night, with a RIP tour, didn’t eat at any quick service place while I was there.

Yes, we don`t eat there either, but it`s a good place to sit and cool down for 10 minutes on a HHN.

Good morning everyone. I woke up super early for me today, but I’m really glad I did. More on that later.
Mom’s appointment went well yesterday. The oncologist said that her scans and blood work show absolutely no signs of cancer. The bad news is Mom in anemic. She is scheduled for a couple of IV iron treatments next month.

Now the really frustrating part of my trip. Yesterday Mom couldn’t find a bill and her most recent bank statement. I tried to help her find them. This is how I discovered that she has 3 dresser drawers full of old bills and other mail. She gets solicitations from several charities wanting donations. She won’t throw them away because they have her name and address on them and she is convinced that someone could use that information for identity theft. She also pays her bills and then puts the bills in the drawer with the other mail because “what else am I supposed to do with them?” Later today I am going to Walmart to purchase a cross cut shredder and something to help her get organized.

Yep, boonies is exactly what we call it. Lots of open land and trailers. She’s about 20 minutes away from a town that has a Walmart. Unfortunately my data signal isn’t very strong here, so I can’t really watch stuff on the phone.

I have one I started months ago but have only completed the frame.

That sounds like such a fun idea. I hope the restrictions lift and you are able to go. Dh and I are going to our first NASCAR race on October 31.

Very much the boonies. I can drive down the road for miles and not see another car.

lcome back.

And now the reason I am happy that I woke up early. When I booked my room at SF the only thing available other than suites was pool view. I have been checking daily and today there were lagoon view and standard rooms available. I thought about going standard and saving some money, but lagoon view wasn’t that much more, so I have now switched to a lagoon view room.

That is such good news there are no cancer traits in her blood. Anaemia can be dealt with easily.

Lagoon views are much nicer than a pool view at Sapphire. Nice change to make.

That is a super fun way to celebrate a 50th! I'm turning 50 this fall...still thinking on what to do.

Yay to booking trips!!!

Getting a nice rare filet? A beautiful bottle of red too??
Have fun!!!

Cloudy day here. We are still waiting on our promised rain....haven't had the lawn mowed in over 2 weeks!

Great score on the SF room!

Nice you are able to help your mom out.....good daughter karma for you!!

Ended up going golfing yesterday afternoon, so no street corn for dinner....another time. Pasta salad with the brats/hotdogs was fine.

DD said she wants 'home made' sub sandwiches for tonight. Not very exciting, but extremely easy. Will open a bag of Everything But The Bagel Seasoned potato chips from Trader Joes to go along side.

So a run to the deli this morning to get the fixings. Also some chicken thighs for the dogs. And a stop off at the dry cleaners.

Need another cup of coffee before going anywhere...happy thirsty Thursday!!

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Tom doesn`t believe you`re going to be 50 this year! It is exciting to plan something exciting like that....I loved our trip for my 50th, well it was shared with our anniversary too, but we loved just celebrating!

Well I was going for the filet, but they do Chateaubriand and also have a steak sharing plate that has a mix of all their best we may be torn with our choices tonight, and oh yes, a very nice bottle of red will be ordered as our chauffeur will be driving us.....I`m grateful Kyle doesn`t drink!! There`s a few around his age going so should be a nice evening.

Home made subs will be lovely...and glad you got some golf in Lori.....

Just had a thunderstorm overhead, quite spectacular skies over the sea now but thunder wasn`t too heavy although rain was for a while.

Finished clearing out some drawers in our room, got a load of things for the charity store, some things still had labels on, must have bought them and then decided they weren`t for me. But, will drop that off tomorrow as donations are being accepted again.

Sunshine is back out and lovely again, very humid though.......
Tom doesn`t believe you`re going to be 50 this year! It is exciting to plan something exciting like that....I loved our trip for my 50th, well it was shared with our anniversary too, but we loved just celebrating!

Well I was going for the filet, but they do Chateaubriand and also have a steak sharing plate that has a mix of all their best we may be torn with our choices tonight, and oh yes, a very nice bottle of red will be ordered as our chauffeur will be driving us.....I`m grateful Kyle doesn`t drink!! There`s a few around his age going so should be a nice evening.

Home made subs will be lovely...and glad you got some golf in Lori.....
I knew Tom was a great guy :goodvibes

That steak sharing plate sounds quite tempting too!
:wave2: Making a quick early morning stop in!!!

It is gloriously sunny again here today...and I'll take all the sun and heat we can get here. My Tim's tea is going down extremely well this morning, and I know I'm going to be sad when this one is finished and there not another to follow it. Oh well, I will just enjoy the one currently on my desk. We do have an unused Keurig at home that I could bring here to use. I might have to look into that. Try one small box of the tim's tea cups. It would probably be cheaper, but then they wouldn't get to see my smiling face every morning lol

I am not sure yet what I'm making for dinner/supper tonight, but thinking it will include the grill tonight. I'm thinking chicken and grilled veggies with a nice light salad.

Ah, nothing like relaxing with a cup of tea, and taking a stab at finishing some of my puzzle.
Enjoy the tea!!!
Not much planned today, grocery and farm shops to visit for stuff and I think we`ll do some boring housework later.......we always work together so gets it out of the way quicker. Lunch is chinese chicken salad and no cooking tonight 🥩🍷

Can`t wait! A few friends have been here before, but it`s new to us so hoping it`s as good as everyone says it is. In beautiful grounds, it used to be a stately home many years ago, pictures look very nice too.
Enjoy your meal out! It sounds like it will be a great way to spend the evening. And if you don't have to cook...that's an even better bonus in my books :rolleyes1

I already told dh I am wanting to go for a nice meal out and a movie again. I am needing to see the inside of a restaurant when I order what I want, they bring it to me, and I don't have to do dishes!!!!
And now the reason I am happy that I woke up early. When I booked my room at SF the only thing available other than suites was pool view. I have been checking daily and today there were lagoon view and standard rooms available. I thought about going standard and saving some money, but lagoon view wasn’t that much more, so I have now switched to a lagoon view room.
That is a great switch!!!!
That is a super fun way to celebrate a 50th! I'm turning 50 this fall...still thinking on what to do.
I just want to make this birthday special! He complained that no one did anything for his 40th :rolleyes2 ( one did anything for mine either) so it's going to be a " go big or go home" type of thing. But I thought the 50 gifts would include cards with encrypted messages and clues about the big gift....the nascar race trip!!! So there will be cards, small gifts of things he could use for his truck, along with some nascar things, and some thing he " may " need for his trip. It will be lots of planning to get everything together in time, but will be worth all the work.

Well, I should probably look like I'm shuffling some papers, and start processing my morning papers. Have a great day everyone....stay safe!!!
Ah, Chinese takeout dinner. Was delicious. And so happy tomorrow is Friday. Yay!

And went to mall, as item came in, and wow was it crowded. Who knew a Thursday evening was the time to go to the mall. Got my item and high tailed it outta there. But of course, on way out, Starbucks order also picked up. Happy little one.

Hope all have a most peaceful evening.
Oh had pool view booked for my SF stay, changed to lagoon for same price. Yay, I think. No movement on my RPR Save More price as booked almost a year ago. AP rate not even close to it. That’s just a standard room, but fine with me.


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