State of Fast Pass Return (or replacement)

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I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. I liked Wishes, but HEA is far and away superior.
I think HEA was so amazing (and it was our first day) that all the other shows were just "eh". We didn't see the HS fireworks show, so I can't weigh in on that one. I thought AK's was better than EP, but still not even nearly as amazing as HEA.
At a minimum, on-site guests should continue to get 3 free FP+ (I'm a guest who stays deluxe, but the high prices the values command for the rooms should include these perks). I could see concierge guests potentially getting extra or unlimited for a flat fee, like the extra paid FP they were trying out before the pandemic. But to go from totally free FP+ to a pay per ride system is going to push a lot of people to stay offsite to recoup the costs, and that is the opposite of that the WDW resort wants.
Sounds like they're catering to first timers and one time only visitors- they aren't too awfully concerned with return business so not surprising that they are trying to simplify it for those who are clueless as to what they can or want to do. Anyone who has a decent amount of experience going to WDW has little use for that.

I think it could be really helpful to get optimized itineraries, even if you’re very experienced. I think we’ll definitely take advantage of it, even though we’ve been a ton of times.
At a minimum, on-site guests should continue to get 3 free FP+ (I'm a guest who stays deluxe, but the high prices the values command for the rooms should include these perks). I could see concierge guests potentially getting extra or unlimited for a flat fee, like the extra paid FP they were trying out before the pandemic. But to go from totally free FP+ to a pay per ride system is going to push a lot of people to stay offsite to recoup the costs, and that is the opposite of that the WDW resort wants.

I hope so too. I've gone to WDW for many years, and this year we booked a family trip in December. We are staying at AoA, a value resort, and I'd be pretty peeved (along with so many others) if the number of FP+ were reduced.

Not directed at you, but I keep hearing about "but the Deluxe Resort guests pay so much". My DH and I have stayed deluxe. I get that the cost per night is more $$ compared to most Value Resorts, but we are literally paying >$500 per night each for 3 rooms.

Just feels like as "on site" guests, we are losing any extras that we were afforded. If we go in the future we'll seriously be looking at Swan/Dolphin.
I understand. This just isn't the way I like to do things. I want to go with my own flow, not with something that a supposed genie is telling me about. It's just how I am. I understand that many other people may like this.

But I have to add here that with the prices at the deluxe resorts--I mean, wow--they should be giving people staying there a huge something extra, a la the Express Pass situation at Universal.
I expect these plans will be Genie suggestions, not requirements. You’re free to ignore the optimized plan suggestions and go commando through the parks

(note: not literal commando...:oops:)
Im sure there will be an onsite perk for FPs, have my doubts paid FPs will work in WDW. But if the current Covid deal doesn't improve, may be a moot point
Im sure there will be an onsite perk for FPs, have my doubts paid FPs will work in WDW. But if the current Covid deal doesn't improve, may be a moot point

If Disney gIves at least some FPs for free, and then provides an option to pay for more, I think it’ll work fine. What will rightfully annoy people is if there’s no free option (very unlikely, IMO) or if the free option is worse than it used to be (aka fewer than 3 per day).
Hi All, I have an FP update, courtesy of the Disney Dish with Jim Hill and Len Testa. Each has a slightly different take depending on how you listen. Len is clearly in the we will hear earlier in time for the 50th anniversary. Although its not clear if it will be implemented in time for the 50th. Jim Hill (Less reliable IMO) Thinks they will hold off on it as long as possible until middle of 2022. Both seem to think Disney will slide this news out as quietly as possible. Friday afternoon press release bundled in with something very positive in the hopes of avoiding backlash. Both are saying it will be paid not free. They did not discuss anything about onsite vs. offsite, it being partially free, or a temporary return of legacy FP or FP plus.
We're headed down in late August as well. I keep trying to remind the family that posted wait times today don't equal wait times in late August. Remember that right now is one of the busier times of year and while it sucks that people there in June/July didn't have a FP or had to wait in longer lines, late August is historically not as busy and may not be as critical. I actually don't like all the extra planning using FP+ requires. When I'm on vacation, I want to be able to "wing it" a bit more. I don't know what my son is going to be interested in until we get there, or who's ready for a snack/meal and at what time, or who would rather head back to a pool instead of doing 1 more ride. I also don't particularly want to be glued to my phone all day. I can stay at work and do that. I also know that being in Disney is primarily about waiting in lines. Waiting for a ride, waiting for food, waiting for a bus, waiting for a character, waiting for fireworks, waiting to leave the park, it's all waiting. I accept that going in and then it's not so bothersome. I'm sometimes confused by the myriad of posts saying "I (or someone I'm with) can't wait in long lines because of x, y, z" What did you think Disney was? It's like saying I'm deathly afraid of clowns but I'm going to force a trip to the circus anyway. You're not required to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
It doesn't matter what Disney was before fast pass. That was a long time ago. My children and I are used to going with fastpass+. They cannot handle long lines. A great thing about Disney was that it had a free system for avoiding long lines.
Someone will have to explain to me how "making the best of it" works under these conditions and how just having a postive outlook will make everything just fine. I'm sorry you're dealing with the mess and I'm sorry that I will be in a week.

Thanks ! We had a fantastic dinner at Be Our Guest , and then did Buzz , People Mover and headed for the bus - we had a great view of HEA last night from Poly , so didn’t need to stay - thank goodness because it was packed ! We didn’t get to do PPF, HM, and countless others due to wait times - wasn’t going to spend entire day on lines - !! Sorry guys , but Disney royally messed this summer up for people with no form of FP
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At a minimum, on-site guests should continue to get 3 free FP+ (I'm a guest who stays deluxe, but the high prices the values command for the rooms should include these perks). I could see concierge guests potentially getting extra or unlimited for a flat fee, like the extra paid FP they were trying out before the pandemic. But to go from totally free FP+ to a pay per ride system is going to push a lot of people to stay offsite to recoup the costs, and that is the opposite of that the WDW resort wants.
Disney could give resort guests first crack at purchasing FPs or whatever they call it. Guests staying offsite might not be able to buy all the passes they want
The other thing that this speculated system is missing for me is the prospects of pre-planning. I know that is not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed it and helped the wait in-between trips. I kinda hate the idea of getting in the park and rapidly/frantically hopping on my phone to book fastpasses/get wishes.
At a minimum, on-site guests should continue to get 3 free FP+ (I'm a guest who stays deluxe, but the high prices the values command for the rooms should include these perks). I could see concierge guests potentially getting extra or unlimited for a flat fee, like the extra paid FP they were trying out before the pandemic. But to go from totally free FP+ to a pay per ride system is going to push a lot of people to stay offsite to recoup the costs, and that is the opposite of that the WDW resort wants.

How nice that would be, but remove the words free, included and perk from your vocab and replace them with for an additional fee. It stinks, but no verision of free FP is coming back.
How nice that would be, but remove the words free, included and perk from your vocab and replace them with for an additional fee. It stinks, but no verision of free FP is coming back.

I am trying to mentally prepare myself for this paid service and how it will impact our trip and how we tour parks.
I am trying to mentally prepare myself for this paid service and how it will impact our trip and how we tour parks.

Yeah, a lot of people will have a hard time with that too, but its coming. I don't mind paying for FP or whatever they end up calling it if it means I still have the choice to wait in a line with my family. I think the paid version at Disneyland (Maxpass) was far superior to WDW version. Its about the value!

Also, we as consumers control what happens. The only thing we can do is speak with our wallet! Dont pay for it and then write an email on how much you didnt like paying for it. haha
For people saying certain people will be able to buy more than others. If you think the new disney will turn down money, you cray.
There just has to be some FP perks to staying on site, especially after removing DME. I mean we love staying on site but if they go to paid FP only then we’ll find the cheapest off-site or use points off-site and just load up paid FP with the difference. I really think they’re taking for granted that those thousands of value rooms really only fill up at all because of the on site perks.
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