Just returned from Egypt Oct 11 departure. Ask me anything!

Did you go with kids? I was in Egypt 15 years ago and it was amazing. Was just having the conversation with my husband that when there was a politically stable window we needed to go. How did you feel?
^Didn't do an ABD, but we did Egypt on our own this summer and felt perfectly safe with our 15 year old daughter. Dress appropriately, hire a guide (or go with ABD), and you'll have a wonderful time!
How much bus travel was involved? Did you find that Disney took care of the little details - like bringing toilet paper to museums that didn't have it? How much waiting in line did you do? Was there anything you felt Disney missed?

How organized and well thought out did the trip feel?
For example, on the first day of our Danube River Cruise, we went down to the hotel lobby where the guide would meet the group and take a bus to the boat...but there was no guide there. the hotel staff didn't have any information. After waiting twenty minutes, we asked a few people and found out that they were also ABD folks. None of them knew what to do. After another ten minutes, we saw someone with an ABD jacket who was checking people in, but with no sign, announcement, or indication other than her clipboard and jacket with a small logo. Eventually, an hour after we were suppsoed to meet we checked in, then lined up, then got told to sit down, then lined up again (this time outside the hotel) and got on the bus.
How organized and well thought out did the trip feel?
For example, on the first day of our Danube River Cruise, we went down to the hotel lobby where the guide would meet the group and take a bus to the boat...but there was no guide there. the hotel staff didn't have any information. After waiting twenty minutes, we asked a few people and found out that they were also ABD folks. None of them knew what to do. After another ten minutes, we saw someone with an ABD jacket who was checking people in, but with no sign, announcement, or indication other than her clipboard and jacket with a small logo. Eventually, an hour after we were suppsoed to meet we checked in, then lined up, then got told to sit down, then lined up again (this time outside the hotel) and got on the bus.
This does not sound normal. When I checked in for my Danube River cruise, we had 3 Guides there to meet us, and they had a very obvious table set up with signs. And the hotel folks knew exactly what was going on, and had informed us about it the day before. My guess is that something happened, and things did not go as planned. But only ABD (or the Guides at the time) could tell you that.

Hi there! We are going this December! I'm worried that I might be missing something regrading vaccines, boosters, other shots needed for travel to Egypt that I'm not thinking of yet (malaria, yellow fever, etc). Obviously we all have the covid vax, but not all have the boosters. My understanding is that boosters are not required. I know Disney will help take care of our visas once we arrive, but are there documents or requirements I need besides a passport to fulfill those requirements? I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...was there anything extra you needed to do that I might not be aware of? If so, I want to get it completed ASAP. I'm assuming I just need our vax cards and our passports. Thanks for any info you might have!
Hi there! We are going this December! I'm worried that I might be missing something regrading vaccines, boosters, other shots needed for travel to Egypt that I'm not thinking of yet (malaria, yellow fever, etc). Obviously we all have the covid vax, but not all have the boosters. My understanding is that boosters are not required. I know Disney will help take care of our visas once we arrive, but are there documents or requirements I need besides a passport to fulfill those requirements? I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...was there anything extra you needed to do that I might not be aware of? If so, I want to get it completed ASAP. I'm assuming I just need our vax cards and our passports. Thanks for any info you might have!
While I’ve not done this specific trip, I’d suggest frequently checking the US Dept of State international travel information. Here is a link to the page for Egypt. There are sections for what’s required for entry, exit, vaccines, travel warnings, etc. Things can still change so often or quickly that what was applicable for one trip might be different for later departures.

While I’ve not done this specific trip, I’d suggest frequently checking the US Dept of State international travel information. Here is a link to the page for Egypt. There are sections for what’s required for entry, exit, vaccines, travel warnings, etc. Things can still change so often or quickly that what was applicable for one trip might be different for later departures.

Thanks so much for the link! I truly appreciate your help and I will definitely keep an eye on this page! I keep researching all of this on my own, and the answers are coming up good, but I'm so afraid I'm going to miss something. Rules are always changing, so I understand why ABD doesn't and cannot really give solid advice and info for each destination. It stresses me to think I'm forgetting or overlooking something in my research, and that it's all up to me to figure out requirements. Not to mention looking up info for the countries for my connecting flights. If anyone knows of any hidden pitfalls, things I should watch out for, things I need to complete etc, please let me know! I am so grateful and so excited to go on this journey!
How much bus travel was involved? Did you find that Disney took care of the little details - like bringing toilet paper to museums that didn't have it? How much waiting in line did you do? Was there anything you felt Disney missed?

How organized and well thought out did the trip feel?
For example, on the first day of our Danube River Cruise, we went down to the hotel lobby where the guide would meet the group and take a bus to the boat...but there was no guide there. the hotel staff didn't have any information. After waiting twenty minutes, we asked a few people and found out that they were also ABD folks. None of them knew what to do. After another ten minutes, we saw someone with an ABD jacket who was checking people in, but with no sign, announcement, or indication other than her clipboard and jacket with a small logo. Eventually, an hour after we were suppsoed to meet we checked in, then lined up, then got told to sit down, then lined up again (this time outside the hotel) and got on the bus.

Hi there! We are going this December! I'm worried that I might be missing something regrading vaccines, boosters, other shots needed for travel to Egypt that I'm not thinking of yet (malaria, yellow fever, etc). Obviously we all have the covid vax, but not all have the boosters. My understanding is that boosters are not required. I know Disney will help take care of our visas once we arrive, but are there documents or requirements I need besides a passport to fulfill those requirements? I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...was there anything extra you needed to do that I might not be aware of? If so, I want to get it completed ASAP. I'm assuming I just need our vax cards and our passports. Thanks for any info you might have!
I was on the 7/5 tour and felt it was very organized and well done. I had a couple of complaints, but they were minor in the grand scheme of things. I did not do any other vaccines as they were not required at the time, but I know one of the families did. The bus travel was what I expected to get to and from locations from the hotel or ship (30 minutes or less typically I think?), but there are several internal flights - we were Egyptian airport security pros by the end of the trip.

I had my vaccine card (which nobody even looked at even though it was technically still a requirement to get into Egypt at the time) and passport. The "VIP" process to get the visa was actually one of my complaints b/c the handbook made it sound like I'd be escorted by one person through the process, which is not what happened as I was passed off to multiple people. I ended up with my visa and my transport to the hotel, but it made for a bit of a harrowing start to the trip for a solo traveler on their first international adventure since 2020.

I'll be interested to hear from the OP how crowds were at this time of year since tourist season is picking up there. In July, and during one of their national holidays, most of the tourist locations were fairly empty - to the point that we were the only people in King Tut's tomb while taking several pictures, which apparently is pretty much unheard of. As a result I have some amazing pictures without crowds at places like Abu Simbel, Karnak, and Hatshepsut's Temple.

I'm really glad I did this tour - the experience was amazing!
Were you able to reserve exact rooms when you made your reservation?

I'm looking to get adjoining rooms and have a very flexible schedule and would pick based on that availability, but am concerned by all the advertising that says "adjoining rooms can be requested but aren't guaranteed".
Did you go with kids? I was in Egypt 15 years ago and it was amazing. Was just having the conversation with my husband that when there was a politically stable window we needed to go. How did you feel?
I did not bring my kids. The cut off age was 8 and my youngest is only 5. I felt very safe. In Cairo we had a police detail, and everywhere else we also had a government official. Lots of security everywhere - lots of metal detectors. Airports are more strict than in North America: scanned twice, very strict about what you can bring in carryon, full patdown of every passenger by same-gender staff. There is a lot of money being spent by the Egyptian government to protect tourists from enemies of Egypt. The Egyptians were super friendly and welcoming. Construction workers smiled and waved at the bus in a nice way. Felt very much wanted there.
How much bus travel was involved? Did you find that Disney took care of the little details - like bringing toilet paper to museums that didn't have it? How much waiting in line did you do? Was there anything you felt Disney missed?

How organized and well thought out did the trip feel?
For example, on the first day of our Danube River Cruise, we went down to the hotel lobby where the guide would meet the group and take a bus to the boat...but there was no guide there. the hotel staff didn't have any information. After waiting twenty minutes, we asked a few people and found out that they were also ABD folks. None of them knew what to do. After another ten minutes, we saw someone with an ABD jacket who was checking people in, but with no sign, announcement, or indication other than her clipboard and jacket with a small logo. Eventually, an hour after we were suppsoed to meet we checked in, then lined up, then got told to sit down, then lined up again (this time outside the hotel) and got on the bus.
Busses were not extensive. However, even short trips from the hotel we were escorted on the bus, where you could leave a daybag, had snacks and water, and a bus toilet.

Disney took care of everything! Even tips to use the washroom. You could take this trip and not spend a cent! They even gave us money to buy a souvenir for a game we played! Most places had toilet paper if you tipped the lady ;) I did have my own and needed to use it a couple times though. The guides likely had some but it was more convenient to just bring my own in the case I got in the stall and there wasn't any! Not much line waiting at all. Very well organized. We waited no more than 10 minutes anywhere, but while we waited our amazing Egyptologist gave us information and stories to pass the time while tickets were being procured, etc. We had so much cold bottled water everywhere, and the food was plentiful and great quality. If you like hummus and babaganoush you'll be in heaven. Also lots of roasted meats.

The first 7 days of the trip was beyond comprehension, really. We saw and did so much, up-close and private. The last couple days at Sharm el Sheikh were more leisurely, and it was a bit of a let down. I would have liked it in the middle as a break more than at the end.

When I arrived in Cairo I stepped off the plane and descended the stairs (no direct link to terminal on any flights we took), there was a man with a car and a sign and I was whisked off the tarmac! Couldn't decide if I felt like a VIP or a potential victim! lol. Went to a lounge in the terminal while my bag and visa were fetched and arranged, and then taken by private van to the hotel. Once I arrived my luggage was taken and the Adventure Guide met me. It was after 10pm so late! I was sat down and a brief overview given, and then I had some dinner with a friend at the lovely bar. Seamless. Friendly. Organized.

Our main guide, Karim, was local to Egypt and honestly he was the most amazing guide: energetic, friendly, non-defensive, organized beyond belief, always warm and welcoming, and very capable of handling the complex relationships between police, government, the money exchanged by all, other guides and helpers, the bus driver, the other guide, and us. He was super sweet and easy-going, until he needed to step up in a situation and he did so with real strength. For instance, at one market the vendors were being irritating. They were asking very high prices and when a reasonable counter was offered just walking away. Well that made Karim angry because it wasn't pleasant for us, and it wasn't reasonable on their behalf as they were just being unplesantly greedy. So he got the market manager involved and told him that if the market sellers weren't going to be reasonable, he was going to tell future tours not to bother there. That he had been assured that this was a good market for his guests to shop at, but it was not living up to that. And he did it with strength but zero rudeness. The market manager settled the sellers down and told them to stop being greedy, and things were better. He was a terrific ambassador for Egypt, but we also felt protected and cared for by him. He also gave great cultural context for things, like the money exchange with officials, why people picnic in the park at 11pm, and food. He loved to talk about food. Excellent explanations.

I am a planner. A HUGE planner. And this trip was a delight because truly I just had to show up and ALL was taken care of. I was only responsible for sleeping, getting clean, and showing up on time. BRILLIANT. HIghly recommend this trip. I posted a lot of pictures and had several folks reach out interested in booking this with me and I have zero concerns that they will feel unsafe, or disappointed in any way if they do so.
Hi there! We are going this December! I'm worried that I might be missing something regrading vaccines, boosters, other shots needed for travel to Egypt that I'm not thinking of yet (malaria, yellow fever, etc). Obviously we all have the covid vax, but not all have the boosters. My understanding is that boosters are not required. I know Disney will help take care of our visas once we arrive, but are there documents or requirements I need besides a passport to fulfill those requirements? I keep thinking I'm forgetting something...was there anything extra you needed to do that I might not be aware of? If so, I want to get it completed ASAP. I'm assuming I just need our vax cards and our passports. Thanks for any info you might have!
We needed nothing other than the full vaccinations for Covid. I believe Egypt accepts two vaccinations as complete. They required it to be more than just one shot during our trip.

We just needed our passport, and proof of full vaccination uploaded before our trip.
I was on the 7/5 tour and felt it was very organized and well done. I had a couple of complaints, but they were minor in the grand scheme of things. I did not do any other vaccines as they were not required at the time, but I know one of the families did. The bus travel was what I expected to get to and from locations from the hotel or ship (30 minutes or less typically I think?), but there are several internal flights - we were Egyptian airport security pros by the end of the trip.

I had my vaccine card (which nobody even looked at even though it was technically still a requirement to get into Egypt at the time) and passport. The "VIP" process to get the visa was actually one of my complaints b/c the handbook made it sound like I'd be escorted by one person through the process, which is not what happened as I was passed off to multiple people. I ended up with my visa and my transport to the hotel, but it made for a bit of a harrowing start to the trip for a solo traveler on their first international adventure since 2020.

I'll be interested to hear from the OP how crowds were at this time of year since tourist season is picking up there. In July, and during one of their national holidays, most of the tourist locations were fairly empty - to the point that we were the only people in King Tut's tomb while taking several pictures, which apparently is pretty much unheard of. As a result I have some amazing pictures without crowds at places like Abu Simbel, Karnak, and Hatshepsut's Temple.

I'm really glad I did this tour - the experience was amazing!
For my arrival to the airport, also single, I was treated like a full VIP. I got off the plane into a car into a lounge then into a bus, handling nothing other than my purse. They got my luggage and Visa.

Crowds were low, weather was ideal. Cairo museum was crowded at the entrance, not so much other places. Most of my pictures I was able to take without anyone in the frame. Many places were near deserted.

It was SUPER AMAZING. Trip of a lifetime.
Were you able to reserve exact rooms when you made your reservation?

I'm looking to get adjoining rooms and have a very flexible schedule and would pick based on that availability, but am concerned by all the advertising that says "adjoining rooms can be requested but aren't guaranteed".
No - we were not able to book ahead. We were twinned with another couple traveling (me and my sister, her and her daughter). We had side by side rooms each place, and on the cruise. Our last night (single night) we were apart. But we weren't even on the same reservation. I think it's a fair non-issue. I felt like we were assigned top-tier rooms at each place.
I was on the 7/5 tour and felt it was very organized and well done. I had a couple of complaints, but they were minor in the grand scheme of things. I did not do any other vaccines as they were not required at the time, but I know one of the families did. The bus travel was what I expected to get to and from locations from the hotel or ship (30 minutes or less typically I think?), but there are several internal flights - we were Egyptian airport security pros by the end of the trip.

I had my vaccine card (which nobody even looked at even though it was technically still a requirement to get into Egypt at the time) and passport. The "VIP" process to get the visa was actually one of my complaints b/c the handbook made it sound like I'd be escorted by one person through the process, which is not what happened as I was passed off to multiple people. I ended up with my visa and my transport to the hotel, but it made for a bit of a harrowing start to the trip for a solo traveler on their first international adventure since 2020.

I'll be interested to hear from the OP how crowds were at this time of year since tourist season is picking up there. In July, and during one of their national holidays, most of the tourist locations were fairly empty - to the point that we were the only people in King Tut's tomb while taking several pictures, which apparently is pretty much unheard of. As a result I have some amazing pictures without crowds at places like Abu Simbel, Karnak, and Hatshepsut's Temple.

I'm really glad I did this tour - the experience was amazing!
What was the weather like in July? Unbearably hot? Did businesses, hotels, etc tend to be well air conditioned? (We want to go to Egypt in 2024 but because of kids' schedules, really summer is the only time of year that works. And I'll be with my oldest in Switzerland & Italy in July anyway, so we could just go directly to Egypt without coming all the way back to the states.)


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