Something About Nothing............ #14

It is a flipping - 45 C or -49F this morning :scared1: :cold: It is the gross cold now. These are the days I detest! All the vehicles started this morning and everyone got to where they needed to be - so it's allllllll good. But it's stupid cold. I did go through the drive thru and wouldn't take my mittens off. So I had to grab my tea with 2 hands little toddler :laughing: My fingers don't work/move if they get too cold. I would never be able to work outside in the cold. Even handling cold things from the freezer makes my hands ache.

I was going to bake the last of my stuff last night, but supper was late, as son's car battery died. So there are all the boys outside in the dark in -40 temperatures changing out a battery :rolleyes2 So quick change of plans on what I was making...and whipped up a quick stew to help warm them up again. There were no fresh buns which is what I try to have when I make a stew or soup..,.so it was just regular bread with whatever they wanted on top. So by the time I got supper made, they came in to eat it, and I had it cleaned up, it was nearly 8:00. I didn't want to mess up the kitchen again with baking. So tonight, I'll do what I can and call it good!

Not much to do here today. VERY slow day. It is mostly sitting around with lots of chin waggling going on. It's a shorter week - I'm off Friday to head out for our Xmas celebrations.

I am so ready for our vacation. Just 2 more work days to get through.
Yahoo!!!! You are almost there!!!! I hope you have a great vacation. You deserve it. You have worked hard on your studies and I am sure you will enjoy the break!
I`m sorry we sent you our cold blast! We won`t miss

Ah, a fellow baker who understands ingredients!! Croissants are time consuming, takes longer than Danish Pastries, but so worth it. I wish I`d gotten a picture before they disappeared, but they were perfectly puffed up and yes, buttery......I do only use an expensive butter and it`s worth it, so hope you can find a good one to use.

We still have Bugles over here, I`m not a fan particularly, but I do love BBQ Poppables and we can`t get them anywhere now! Why is it always the things we love that go.
:rotfl: I know you won't miss the cold lol. This cold is downright yucky. But it only lasts for a few days then goes to more tolerable levels. But until it leaves, I'm a grumpy gal.

We also have that family friend who always does the same things as us - only better!!!! :rolleyes2 Thank goodness we don't see them often - as I just can't be around people like that!

Your croissants sound AMAZING!!!! I like to bake and am stepping out of my comfort zone to learn new things. I have the time to do that now. Take my time, enjoy the process of it and even if they don't turn out - I'm pretty sure it will be edible and won't get wasted.
Ho Ho Ho, it’s that Taco Tuesday today. A commuting one, as no need to wait until Thursday, to drive in the rain, though cool enough could also be snow in there. What? At least last day of the year working, will be teleworking.
Is this your last day of commuting for the year? If it is :dogdance:

Well, I should find the papers that should be on my desk.

Have a great day everyone!
Well, happily blonde with some soft caramel highlights, and shorter than usual again, it needed a good cut. Almost four hours of pampering and chatting, then gave her a Christmas bonus and a gift for her little boy for Christmas.

Did go out for lunch, well, my husband decided my new hair do shouldn’t go to waste, so we popped into the village tearoom and had some nice little sandwiches, then a toasted scone with tea. Lovely. Then we did get some more shopping and still came home without two things. Doh!!!

I will finish wrapping at some point!!

Thai lettuce wraps for dinner tonight, light and fresh, and not too heavy.

Home alone 2 for us tonight.


It is a flipping - 45 C or -49F this morning :scared1: :cold: It is the gross cold now. These are the days I detest! All the vehicles started this morning and everyone got to where they needed to be - so it's allllllll good. But it's stupid cold. I did go through the drive thru and wouldn't take my mittens off. So I had to grab my tea with 2 hands little toddler :laughing: My fingers don't work/move if they get too cold. I would never be able to work outside in the cold. Even handling cold things from the freezer makes my hands ache.

I was going to bake the last of my stuff last night, but supper was late, as son's car battery died. So there are all the boys outside in the dark in -40 temperatures changing out a battery :rolleyes2 So quick change of plans on what I was making...and whipped up a quick stew to help warm them up again. There were no fresh buns which is what I try to have when I make a stew or soup..,.so it was just regular bread with whatever they wanted on top. So by the time I got supper made, they came in to eat it, and I had it cleaned up, it was nearly 8:00. I didn't want to mess up the kitchen again with baking. So tonight, I'll do what I can and call it good!

Not much to do here today. VERY slow day. It is mostly sitting around with lots of chin waggling going on. It's a shorter week - I'm off Friday to head out for our Xmas celebrations.

Yahoo!!!! You are almost there!!!! I hope you have a great vacation. You deserve it. You have worked hard on your studies and I am sure you will enjoy the break!

:rotfl: I know you won't miss the cold lol. This cold is downright yucky. But it only lasts for a few days then goes to more tolerable levels. But until it leaves, I'm a grumpy gal.

We also have that family friend who always does the same things as us - only better!!!! :rolleyes2 Thank goodness we don't see them often - as I just can't be around people like that!

Your croissants sound AMAZING!!!! I like to bake and am stepping out of my comfort zone to learn new things. I have the time to do that now. Take my time, enjoy the process of it and even if they don't turn out - I'm pretty sure it will be edible and won't get wasted.

Is this your last day of commuting for the year? If it is :dogdance:

Well, I should find the papers that should be on my desk.

Have a great day everyone!

Oh that is cold Pumpkin!! Too cold for any human really, we aren`t meant to live in such conditions.

Shame about the car battery, and I`ll bet they were glad of a warming stew afterwards, and yes any bread will do at times. Yes, cold makes me grumpy at times too.....only when I have to go out in it though.

Oh this isn`t a friend thankfully.....ignore works just fine again thankfully. Competitive people are freaky......yes, anything you can laugh, not my kind of person at all.

With the croissants, it really is patience with them and extra cold butter, but yes, even the ones that aren`t perfect, will still be edible. Next time I make them I`ll pop a picture on, I make them quite large....we like em that way!!!

Hope your day passes quickly......and stay warm!!!
Oh my, Pumpkin, that is cold. Brrr. I am not that cold liking either. Hope warmer temps for you soon. And yes, last day of commuting until next year, and two more days of telework, then no more for over a week, and yes, those too until next year. So looking forward to relaxing. And have to start wrapping one of these days. I think I am mentally scheduling it to do on Friday. Plenty of time. LoL.

Well, that sun is still out, walk for lunch was nice enough. Heard pinging on my window. Birds pecking my window. Eh, scared them off.

Have a bank stop on my way home, then relaxing before whatever the kids want for dinner. Told them to go get the candy DH’s mom likes. We only know the one store that sells it. They will do it, as in the place where it is sold, there’s a chicken wing place Asian styled, that the kids really like. I don’t like their taste, but the kids really do. So I assume, depending on when they go, we may have a later time dinner.

Yay for Schumi being refreshed blonde for the holidays. Nice for tea service. Perfect for lunch.

I need to go back to screen, and good thing I have a small first aid kit in my desk. Nasty paper cut on my pinky. So it’s now it’s tenderly wiped with antibiotic cream, and bandaid on it. Sigh. Those cuts hurt some.
It is a flipping - 45 C or -49F this morning :scared1: :cold: It is the gross cold now. These are the days I detest! All the vehicles started this morning and everyone got to where they needed to be - so it's allllllll good. But it's stupid cold. I did go through the drive thru and wouldn't take my mittens off. So I had to grab my tea with 2 hands little toddler :laughing: My fingers don't work/move if they get too cold. I would never be able to work outside in the cold. Even handling cold things from the freezer makes my hands ache.

I was going to bake the last of my stuff last night, but supper was late, as son's car battery died. So there are all the boys outside in the dark in -40 temperatures changing out a battery :rolleyes2 So quick change of plans on what I was making...and whipped up a quick stew to help warm them up again. There were no fresh buns which is what I try to have when I make a stew or soup..,.so it was just regular bread with whatever they wanted on top. So by the time I got supper made, they came in to eat it, and I had it cleaned up, it was nearly 8:00. I didn't want to mess up the kitchen again with baking. So tonight, I'll do what I can and call it good!

Not much to do here today. VERY slow day. It is mostly sitting around with lots of chin waggling going on. It's a shorter week - I'm off Friday to head out for our Xmas celebrations.

Yahoo!!!! You are almost there!!!! I hope you have a great vacation. You deserve it. You have worked hard on your studies and I am sure you will enjoy the break!

:rotfl: I know you won't miss the cold lol. This cold is downright yucky. But it only lasts for a few days then goes to more tolerable levels. But until it leaves, I'm a grumpy gal.

We also have that family friend who always does the same things as us - only better!!!! :rolleyes2 Thank goodness we don't see them often - as I just can't be around people like that!

Your croissants sound AMAZING!!!! I like to bake and am stepping out of my comfort zone to learn new things. I have the time to do that now. Take my time, enjoy the process of it and even if they don't turn out - I'm pretty sure it will be edible and won't get wasted.

Is this your last day of commuting for the year? If it is :dogdance:

Well, I should find the papers that should be on my desk.

Have a great day everyone!

Sorry, but I always feel better reading that you are colder than us, LOL. Does that make me bad???
I was whining about -15 with wind chills of -30's for the next few days. I know what you mean about cold hands. I am typing this with my fingerless mitts on. My hands get cold when on the computer, except when it's summer.

Hope things warm up for you soon!

My brother lives in Tennessee and he's complaining about 20 degree weather, gRRRR!
Well, happily blonde with some soft caramel highlights, and shorter than usual again, it needed a good cut. Almost four hours of pampering and chatting, then gave her a Christmas bonus and a gift for her little boy for Christmas.
It is great to have that pampering day.
I need to go back to screen, and good thing I have a small first aid kit in my desk. Nasty paper cut on my pinky. So it’s now it’s tenderly wiped with antibiotic cream, and bandaid on it. Sigh. Those cuts hurt some.
Ouch. Those little cuts are almost worse than the bigger ones. It's great to see the birds enjoying the sunshine!

Sorry, but I always feel better reading that you are colder than us, LOL. Does that make me bad??? doesn't! It makes you appreciate that it's not as cold as me ;) It is not always that cold here, and we had an amazing November. The cold always comes for a short while. Hopefully it doesn't last long. Once Dec is over then I only need to get through Jan, then it starts to be more tolerable again.

Well, off to search for more papers.
Sorry, but I always feel better reading that you are colder than us, LOL. Does that make me bad???
I was whining about -15 with wind chills of -30's for the next few days. I know what you mean about cold hands. I am typing this with my fingerless mitts on. My hands get cold when on the computer, except when it's summer.

Hope things warm up for you soon!

My brother lives in Tennessee and he's complaining about 20 degree weather, gRRRR!`re the opposite of it!!!!

I just told Tom you had on those gloves....he did laugh a little as he`s always telling me he`s going to get me a pair, but said I don`t need them as our house is always like a his words!!!! lol.....we do have a really warm house though.

It is great to have that pampering day.

Ouch. Those little cuts are almost worse than the bigger ones. It's great to see the birds enjoying the sunshine! doesn't! It makes you appreciate that it's not as cold as me ;) It is not always that cold here, and we had an amazing November. The cold always comes for a short while. Hopefully it doesn't last long. Once Dec is over then I only need to get through Jan, then it starts to be more tolerable again.

Well, off to search for more papers.

I always enjoy the long appointments, when I go on for just a cut and blos dry, it doesn`t take nearly as long and I always feel 45 minutes does not feel like a pamper session.

Yep, January and February can be brutal, moreso than December. Yes, our autumn was especially mild and I said we`d pay for

tell your brother to move to georgia
it’s warmer here

I think we`re all jealous of your temps where you live!!! Winner winner.......☺️

Lettuce wraps were really nice, they weren`t as spicy as I usually make them, but very tasty all the same and I made us 4 little ones each and it was just enough.

Decided to keep Home Alone 2 till tomorrow night, Sleepless in Seattle tonight, not the most Christmassy movie, but we like it.

Thinking tomorrow we might have a morning doing some Pre Christmas cleaning (don`t get jealous now :rotfl:) then we`ll meet some friends for a quick lunch in our local, and lazy afternoon watching some Christmassy movies and wrap some more stuff.....yes, I know I said I was done!!! There`s always something else to buy.....

Time to open the wine I think........🥂
Does anyone here know of a good hotel to stay at very close to Universal? We are arriving the day before our reservation in February, and I want to be close so we can start the day early at Universal on arrival day.

We have never stayed outside of the resort, so are completely in the dark for a decent, safe one!

Thanks, ruth
Does anyone here know of a good hotel to stay at very close to Universal? We are arriving the day before our reservation in February, and I want to be close so we can start the day early at Universal on arrival day.

We have never stayed outside of the resort, so are completely in the dark for a decent, safe one!

Thanks, ruth

Drury Inn which is 5 minutes away on the junction of Sand Lake/Turkey Lake Rd gets excellent reviews consistently.

Doubletree Suites on Kirkman also has good reviews.

Have you checked Sapphire/Aventura or even Dockside to see what they have to offer??
Drury Inn which is 5 minutes away on the junction of Sand Lake/Turkey Lake Rd gets excellent reviews consistently.

Doubletree Suites on Kirkman also has good reviews.

Have you checked Sapphire/Aventura or even Dockside to see what they have to offer??

No, I didn't even think about them, duh! I will do that, Thanks Carole. I know nothing about surrounding hotels at all.
One more day of nice weather before that storm hits. Nice.

Almost my bedtime, so wishes for all to have a good night’s sleep. 💤

Hehe, last Wednesday before Christmas coming up in hours from now. Get those packages done, and light another candle in the 🕎.
Another super slow day today. Still waiting on B's last grade to be posted. I think this professor is going to wait until the very last day to do it.
The most exciting part of my day was a trip to the grocery store. They still had some chocolate oranges, so I bought one for each of our stockings. Milk chocolate for me and B, white chocolate for dh.

Funnily enough, pretzel things are filling our shelves now......bleurgh......hate them in any form!! What they have to do with Christmas I have no clue!
Pretzels are great when covered in chocolate, but I recall you don't care much for chocolate either.
She`s hilarious though as she always listens and if I say I do something she claims to have done it too, quite sad really to be so ready to mimic someone else.
Sounds like my former coworker Valerie, only with her it's illness and injury. If you have a cold, she has the flu. If you sprained your ankle she would tell you about the time she broke her foot. Such a weird thing to get competitive about.

It is a flipping - 45 C or -49F this morning
I don't think I could handle living there. I am already complaining about the 20 or so degrees it is supposed to be in TN on Friday.
One more day of nice weather before that storm hits. Nice.
I think we are going to miss the storm. Our forecast in no longer showing snow or rain, just really cold temps.
Well, I think I need to hit Publix tomorrow for groceries as have not many days left before and need to beat the rush of last minute shoppers.

Figure if the Purdue hens are not available, I will go to plan B

Charade does look like it’s going to be cold weather for you, but be glad no rain to deal with.

Last I checked, will be cold where I am for a few days.
We will be watching sports … well, Mr Mac will be glued to the tv and I will catch up on my reading.

Sweet dreams to all tonight!
No, I didn't even think about them, duh! I will do that, Thanks Carole. I know nothing about surrounding hotels at all.

It`s funny, so many don`t think about the other onsite hotels, but it would be so handy for you. Especially if you could stay at Sapphire, getting to RP would be so easy. Hope you get something sorted :)

Another super slow day today. Still waiting on B's last grade to be posted. I think this professor is going to wait until the very last day to do it.
The most exciting part of my day was a trip to the grocery store. They still had some chocolate oranges, so I bought one for each of our stockings. Milk chocolate for me and B, white chocolate for dh.

Pretzels are great when covered in chocolate, but I recall you don't care much for chocolate either.

Sounds like my former coworker Valerie, only with her it's illness and injury. If you have a cold, she has the flu. If you sprained your ankle she would tell you about the time she broke her foot. Such a weird thing to get competitive about.

I don't think I could handle living there. I am already complaining about the 20 or so degrees it is supposed to be in TN on Friday.

I think we are going to miss the storm. Our forecast in no longer showing snow or rain, just really cold temps.

It`s like eating a stick to me, but yes chocolate isn`t my favourite thing saying that Tom and I enjoyed some beautiful white chocolate truffles and some milk ones too last night.

So, I can eat chocolate now and again, and chocolate oranges, especially the white ones for me are standard shopping items this time of year.

Hope your daughter gets her grades soon.

It`s even weirder when people try to mimic or compete over the stupidest of things. Best ignored really, must have been awful wokring with someone day in day out with someone like that, not as easy to put on ignore.

Glad you`re going to miss that storm.

Well, I think I need to hit Publix tomorrow for groceries as have not many days left before and need to beat the rush of last minute shoppers.

Figure if the Purdue hens are not available, I will go to plan B

Charade does look like it’s going to be cold weather for you, but be glad no rain to deal with.

Last I checked, will be cold where I am for a few days.
We will be watching sports … well, Mr Mac will be glued to the tv and I will catch up on my reading.

Sweet dreams to all tonight!

Oh good luck with the store. We went into one yesterday and it was already mobbed, we use the scan and go machines so no big long lines at the checkouts, made it much quicker.

You are getting it a lot cooler than usual, our friends who spend a month in Orlando between the Gaylord Palms and Portofino Bay are worried about the next few days up to Christmas being ultra cold. They usually spend Christmas Day by the pool in a Cabana, but not this year, she`s like me, hates the cold......stay warm and cosy mac!

Another day of 25mph winds, but up to almost 50F, not too bad but a nice day to stay in.

No lunch out today, friends are either busy or not so good, so we bought a smallish turkey yesterday and planned to have it Thursday and Friday, so will cook it today and have it next two nights instead. We have some of the sides including stuffing, cranberry sauce, roast carrots, parsnips and potatoes and of course gravy. Yes, we love turkey and love Christmas dinners so although we`ll have a lot of turkey over the next week, we really enjoy it.

And the smell in the house as a turkey cooks is gorgeous, rashers of streaky bacon on top too. Lush!!!

In between that, will do some laundry (joy) and few other bits and bobs around the house.

But, bacon first this morning and yes, a huge pot of tea when sleeping beauty gets up!! As we`ve nowhere to go today, I think he`ll sleep a little later, and why not!!!




Happy Wednesday


Ooh not to be competitive, but winds to be 40 mph. Bad hair day indeed. Only good thing with today? 40 degrees the high. Now saying we will be getting a wintery mix. I’m really hoping that cold air won’t arrive until the wet is over. No no no, I’m not ready to see snowy stuff.


But today, camel’s here. Trying out to be a reindeer in disguise? Hehe, he’s here to say, give a yay, not only to get over this hump of today, Wednesday, as to be that much closer to Friday, but one day closer to be at Christmas Sunday. Woot!

Right now, the only blob on the weather radar shows Mac and around her, is getting rain. We are dry and overcast this morning, but those clouds will be blowing away, as lunchtime walk should be full of sunshine, to rock my shades. Lightweight jacket though, as should be around 36 degrees when I get to do that walk around the neighborhood.

And so, one more day closer for Charade’s trip. Yay for missing that wet and wintery mix we so happily get. Hope B’s grade gets posted early today. And while I do like chocolate, most kinds, I don’t like those orange ones usually seen this time of year.

Most wonderful Wednesday to all. And yay, a late afternoon pampering one for me. Ah looking forward to it.
Sad anniversary today, it’s 34 years since Pan Am flight 103 was blown to bits over the small Scottish border town of Lockerbie.

We used to see those jumbo jets fly over where I lived before turning towards Ireland to refuel in those days. It always resonated if the timer had gone off a little later it could have been nearer us than it was.

270 died including several folks from Lockerbie too when parts of the plane landed on peoples homes. It certainly changed the way we used to fly forever.

Turned out a much nicer day than predicted, very mild and calm which was lovely, don’t want those winds billowing around.

Managed to wrap most of the other stuff we bought, and we do need to go out tomorrow after all. And I have a list now it seems.

Turkey has cooked and is resting now, roasties and roast parsnips and carrots will go in soon. Looking forward to this early Christmassy dinner with not all the trimmings.

A lady from the village called and asked if I was doing the Boxing Day party this year…….cheeky mare……she’s one of these that always goes to everyone else’s parties but never hosts anything at her home. Told her no, maybe she should host one! She soon ended the call.

Some people do stay true to form. How pathetic.

But, some friends did pop in today and dropped off some gifts and they got theirs, I have the best friends!!! One parcel is rather large and I`m curious as to what on earth it is, not a clue!!

Off to make a real gravy......lush!!!
going to hit the grocery store within the next hour
need to get for christmas dinner meal planning set up
and hope shelves are stocked

yesterdays dental appointment was a mess
the dental appliance did no fit so a redo is in the works

Looking at a february date when it will happen.
no complaints out of me, i have patience

It will all work out soon or later

I will be glad when our weather temps start to rise!

Hope all going good for you!
Oh no Mac. Hope dental issues do get resolved sooner next year. Glad to hear your temps are getting warmer.

Agree Schumi, it’s sad, the anniversary of loosing those on that Pan Am flight.

Quiet enough day. And lunchtime walk was so bright with sunlight. Still very sunny out now. Little zoo said would be closed tomorrow and Friday, due to weather, then weekend due to holiday. Hence, told little one we should do light show tonight. We had scheduled for Friday, and zoo said tonight or any of the three nights next week. Looking at the 19 day forecast, seems tonight will be at freezing, but dry. Rest of next week shows highs in the mid to higher 20’s degrees. Um, think tonight will be the warmest of our days, as wet coming is making the next 2 days having a high of 54 and 55 degrees. Though saying by noon on Friday, temps will drop fast. Midnight Thursday will be 55 degrees. By noon on Friday, saying will be 25 degrees, and 12 degrees by 5 pm. Brr. Glad I’m teleworking tomorrow, and off on Friday. If I need anything on Friday, will be out in the mid morning, and back home before dark, for sure. Weather news this morning said, commute Friday afternoon will be icy, as whatever stayed wet, will be frozen by afternoon. Hence, I’m glad we are able to stay indoors most of the time, this frigid air comes. The cold air will stick around until, we see 40’s high at the end of next week. Time of year, hearing bills go higher and higher. Sigh.


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