My Neck Of The Woods and Another School Shooting wWith A Twist Made National News today:Sad

I was just reading about this...shocking.

I hope the teacher makes it, I can't imagine what situation that child was in that he got ahold of a gun, and thought that was the way to go about things.
What kind of life does a 6 year old have that he not only got a hold of gun but decided he needed to shoot/kill his teacher? I was shocked when I saw this. So sad on so many levels.
Unfortunately it doesn't shock me. My mother works in a big city school with 5 year olds that aren't ready for kindergarten, some of the stories she's told me of what these kids live with and the behavioral issues some of them already display are heartbreaking and frightening.
The owner of any gun used in the commission of a crime should be charged with a felony - Failure to Secure. One among many new laws needed on gun registration and owner licensing. But too many have been bought and paid by NRA so it will never happen
There are laws that hold gun owners criminally and civilly liable if firearms are recklessly or negligently left accessible. If I lock up my weapons and someone breaks into my house, safe, and steal them you still want me held responsible? No.
Gun registration is unconstitutional. Want to change it, amend the Constitution.
Unfortunately it doesn't shock me. My mother works in a big city school with 5 year olds that aren't ready for kindergarten, some of the stories she's told me of what these kids live with and the behavioral issues some of them already display are heartbreaking and frightening.

There are laws that hold gun owners criminally and civilly liable if firearms are recklessly or negligently left accessible. If I lock up my weapons and someone breaks into my house, safe, and steal them you still want me held responsible? No.
Gun registration is unconstitutional. Want to change it, amend the Constitution

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Nothing in the constitution mentions registration one way or the other. I guess the question is whether registration represents an unreasonable infringement.

And yes, if you have not properly locked up your arms in a manner that prevents unauthorized use, you should be charged with a felony. (Not a slap on the wrist and small fine). A defense might be that a professional safe cracker was able to open the safe without your knowledge but not that you kept it in a cardboard box under your bed. My dad kept his rifles in a locked glass front cabinet. Kept us kids out but not burglars. That might have been ok in the 50s but not today. My brother keeps a handgun under the front seat of his truck. I asked him how he would feel if one of his grandkids got hold of it. He had no answer.

I pray that enough people get disgusted with the NRA's hardline "guns for all" stance that we can change the constitution. But how many more lives need to be ruined?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Nothing in the constitution mentions registration one way or the other. I guess the question is whether registration represents an unreasonable infringement.

And yes, if you have not properly locked up your arms in a manner that prevents unauthorized use, you should be charged with a felony. (Not a slap on the wrist and small fine). A defense might be that a professional safe cracker was able to open the safe without your knowledge but not that you kept it in a cardboard box under your bed. My dad kept his rifles in a locked glass front cabinet. Kept us kids out but not burglars. That might have been ok in the 50s but not today. My brother keeps a handgun under the front seat of his truck. I asked him how he would feel if one of his grandkids got hold of it. He had no answer.

I pray that enough people get disgusted with the NRA's hardline "guns for all" stance that we can change the constitution. But how many more lives need to be ruined?
Did you see this story? Apparently the question was if they could charge him with a crime.

Two days after a gunman killed 10 people at a Colorado grocery store, leaving many Americans on high alert, Rico Marley was arrested as he emerged from the bathroom at a Publix supermarket in Atlanta. He was wearing body armor and carrying six loaded weapons — four handguns in his jacket pockets, and in a guitar bag, a semiautomatic rifle and a 12-gauge shotgun.
We had a student around the same age talk several times about shooting people in the school, teacher included. Mom brushed it off and said he was young, like it was no big deal. When I heard about it I said a 5/6 year old could certainly do it in the world we are in now. A year later, here we are.
What kind of life does a 6 year old have that he not only got a hold of gun but decided he needed to shoot/kill his teacher? I was shocked when I saw this. So sad on so many levels.
While not as young as 6 I was shocked to learn of an incident that happened in May not too too far from me at a public park. It was a drug deal (specifically weed) gone bad but the shocking part to me was the number of suspects and the ages of them. The incident also occurred just before 4am.

The individual who died by gunshots was 19.
7 suspects total.
FOUR are only 14 years old
TWO are 13 years old
ONE is 17.

One of the 14 year olds plead guilty to second degree murder intentional but was charged as a juvenile. The most recent news a few days ago is the other 14 year old has been charged as an adult (thus his name was released). State law prohibits 13 and under from being charged as adults.

My immediate area is not known for this type of violence in this magnitude nor the age group. I just sat there thinking my goodness 13 and 14 :sad2:
Tough story. How does one even hold a 6 year old accountable for this? I read he’s in custody.
That's the hard part IMO. 6 isn't too young to develop psychological and sociological symptoms but too young for certain life altering judgements to be passed down. Like I mentioned in my above comment my state doesn't allow for 13 and under to be charged an adult but I struggle here wondering just what they would charge a 6 year old with? But the child would need to be evaluated for mental status because that may decide what course of action. Does the 6 year old realize it was a gun especially a real one as a lot of times kids that age with shootings they don't necessarily realize what it is they are holding. What was the home life like, what influences are there, etc.

And yes I agree with others about not properly secured firearms, that's one thing that I have always had an issue with but law enforcement seem to fall more on the "it's already a tragedy" stance more often than not, understandably so but it's not helping IMO strengthen people's convictions (no pun intended) to keep firearms properly secured.
Whomever allowed that kid to gain access to their weapon, parent or otherwise, needs to be prosecuted. I'd be on board with a law that makes them co-conspirators that can be charged with the same crime as the perpetrator that got the gun.

There is no scenario in which a properly secured firearm and ammunition is accessible to a kid that young, none.

And while this specific case is not an example of this look forward to many more accidental shootings and classrooms. If you're going to let teachers bring guns into schools you're going to see those guns used much more often accidentally than in defense of the "bad guys".


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