Something About Nothing............ #14

Scary movies over for tonight……jumped too many times, but love those movies!

Enjoyed a rather lovely bottle or red wine, have my curry in the slow cooker, will switch it off around 6am then reheat it later.

Tom says he’s doing breakfast tomorrow, looking forward to that…..who needs Valentines’s Day when your husband is romantic all year round……. :love:
Ah one nice thing about having adult kids at home is, yes, get driven and have gas pumped for you. We did enjoy a Costco pizza for lunch. So pizza day, pie hehe. Can’t beat a huge slice and drink less than 3 dollars, even with tax added. Then, of course, we had to do some shopping there. Target stop, then back to relax before a burger and fries dinner. Air fried fries are tasty. Burgers on grill. Still at 48 degrees out right now. Little one has shorts on. Well ya. Here, we get around 50 degrees, and she was not the only one seen in shorts, as seen was in both stores.

That relaxing night we have. Screen viewing until leftover food for older one, if he’s hungry when he comes home soon. Some days he is, some days he goes gets food during his dinner break. There’s a good pizza and sandwich shop and a Wawa very close to where he works. They both make food fast enough for break people like him.

Weekend loaded. Yay! May see if sister wants company on Sunday, puppy bowl and that other game being played that day. Other than that, not much planned. And hope it means DH does not wake me at 3 am tomorrow morning. Sigh. At least feeling better. But will still take more medicine before I go to sleep tonight. That almost knock ya out one.

Hope all is well with you Ruth.

And hope Keisha is cooking up a storm on her new stove. Woot! Always good to get a new appliance. And yep, D23 event and park fun this trip. Said we can ride the floats, little one said not interested. Oh well, if I ask to, maybe she’ll be a sport and do it with me. Maybe not. Not the cheapest price to do the watch and ride. Missed the free sign ups. So I guess we’ll play by ear as gets close to our trip, as booking or not, or joining stand by a day the parade goes on.

Tea, with a slice of lemon in it. Ah, I love a most relaxing evening.
Good Friday evening everyone :wave2:



I was one of those people this week. Stoopid leg swelled back up over the weekend. Just once would be nice to have something run a normal course. :bitelip:Not really complaining, as so many people do get serious, life-changing challenges. MRI warranted seeing podiatrist and orthopedics this am. Have a Venus Doppler this afternoon as a JIK. Then I can move onto PT.
Janet hope your leg gets better and you get good results on your tests.

I love the Grinch gif!!! Some mornings, that is me!!
Me to. I love it.

Hope you had a lovely walk today, browsing and a walk by the ocean sounds lovely.
Had a nice walk. Enjoyed the wonderful sea breeze.

I got a surprise at work today. We have a client who always gives cookies and chocolate to me and her therapist for Christmas. Last year she had a TIA before Christmas, so I just assumed she would not be giving us anything. Today her husband came by the office with 4 dozen Ferrero Rocher chocolates for each of us.
What a nice gesture by that nice lady.

Cool pictures. I would love to see a live launch someday.
Take a look at the calendar during the times you are in Orlando and there might be a lift off while you are there.

Mum`s moving day, so will check in with her and the family later to see how it all goes, can`t wait to see it sometime soon.
Hope your mom has a good move to her new apartment. Sounds like it will be a much better fit for her with no stairs.

kept thinking I was hearing sounds of a babbling brook yesterday when working in kitchen. Turns out in the basement the hot water tank overflow tank was pretending to be a waterfall on the newish furnace.🙀
Wow…..good thing you were home to catch the tank leak.…Not something you needed on top of everything else you have going on.

Ruth hope you get the needed rest on your sabbatical.

I read back a few pages. All caught up. Been staying busy with a few things lately.

Not much going on here.

Enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather.

Have a wonderful Friday evening Everyone.
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And yep, D23 event
I didn’t see that offered. Sounds like fun
Not much going on here
How’s the leg doing? has the mr regrouped from his illness? So many came down with this & that this season.

coming along on it better than expected. finally ordered the thigh high compression sleeve I’m supposed to wear for some time. like a stocking but no toes, thicker sort & higher compression. not looking forward to trying to stuff myself into one again lol. Difficult to find due to latex allergy, went with amazon so I can return if needed. Won’t be difficult to tell if it’s in there lol

did you happen to catch the satellite launch the other night. Another thing I missed, didn’t see it on the schedule For some reason.
Good Friday evening everyone :wave2:
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Janet hope your leg gets better and you get good results on your tests.

Me to. I love it.

Had a nice walk. Enjoyed the wonderful sea breeze.

What a nice gesture by that nice lady.

Take a look at the calendar during the times you are in Orlando and there might be a lift off while you are there.

Hope your mom has a good move to her new apartment. Sounds like it will be a much better fit for her with not stairs.

Wow…..good thing you were home to catch the tank leak.…Not something you needed on top of everything else you have going on.

Ruth hope you get the needed rest on your sabbatical.

I read back a few pages. All caught up. Been staying busy with a few things lately.

Not much going on here.

Enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather.

Have a wonderful Friday evening Everyone.

Thanks Robbie, she is loving living in this new place and she`s not even in a week yet. We`re all so happy for her, she could manage the stairs but it was getting much harder for her. I can`t wait to get up and see her in the new place.

Glad you`re back where it`s warmer now, you can both enjoy that warmer weather, it just makes you feel so much better generally.

Have a lovely weekend Robbie :)

I finished Florida tonight. I made a few changes on this one. The main one being the addition of Coral Springs because that is where B was born.
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I think that`s my favourite one yet Charade, lovely detailing in it, you must be so pleased how they`ve turned out.

What`s up next?

Yep, lovely morning here and perfect start to the day.

Lazy sleep in with lovely husband, he told me to take my time, he went down after his shower and made a lovely breakfast, he had set the table just the way I like it (I`m not a control freak :) ) He had made French Toast, grilled bacon, warmed croissants, fruit and a huge pot of tea!! Nice.

Feeling very full now and doubt we`ll need lunch. We had fog this morning, but it is clearing and will be beautiful as the sun is trying to get through, chilly though.

Brought the curry out of the slow cooker, popped half into a container for the freezer for another evening, smells lovely I have to say.

Going out this afternoon for a few hours, but for now catching up with some it`s Saturday, even ladies of leisure love a weekend, although it`s true that all days blend into one!!!

Hope Pumpkin is having a lovely weekend with her family!!

Time for more tea I think and still foggy outside 🫖





Happy Saturday 🍹

you did a great job !
Looks marvelous!
Thanks Mac!

What`s up next?
I have a small project I want to do and then I will stitch Virginia. VA will be the last state.

I feel like I should be doing something productive today but part of me wants to just sit in the recliner and watch mindless TV. Tonight dh and I are going to a play at our local theatre.
Good morning everyone :wave2:






How’s the leg doing? has the mr regrouped from his illness? So many came down with this & that this season.
Muscles and joints still crying the blues a bit. Might be new normal. Hubby is slowly getting better, but is keeping cane close by.

It has been a weird winter for sure so far with lots of different respiratory illnesse. Be it Covid, Flu or RSV.

coming along on it better than expected. finally ordered the thigh high compression sleeve I’m supposed to wear for some time. like a stocking but no toes, thicker sort & higher compression. not looking forward to trying to stuff myself into one again lol. Difficult to find due to latex allergy, went with amazon so I can return if needed. Won’t be difficult to tell if it’s in there lol
Sorry to hear you are having issues again with your leg. Those compression hose are not easy to get on. I hope you find the stockings you need. Sending get well prayers your way.

Congrats on your new oven. Hopefully this new oven will be great. Sounds like you have a full kitchen renovation going.

What kind of spread are you making for Super Bowl tomorrow? Not that you should be standing on your leg doing all that prep work. Hopefully the family are pitching in to help with the spread.

did you happen to catch the satellite launch the other night. Another thing I missed, didn’t see it on the schedule For some reason.
I have been woefully lax on my space ship watching lately. Need to get back in the groove.

Here is the site that will tell you about all the launches. Scroll down and you can see SpaceX etc. You can sign up to receive texts about upcoming launches.


I finished Florida tonight. I made a few changes on this one. The main one being the addition of Coral Springs because that is where B was born.
Nice job on Florida.

Thanks Robbie, she is loving living in this new place and she`s not even in a week yet. We`re all so happy for her, she could manage the stairs but it was getting much harder for her. I can`t wait to get up and see her in the new place.
So glad to hear your mom is liking her new apartment. It is hard sometimes when you’re older to experience change. She sounds like a go getter at 87 and keeps busy. That is wonderful to hear that she is enjoying her life.

Glad you`re back where it`s warmer now, you can both enjoy that warmer weather, it just makes you feel so much better generally.

Have a lovely weekend Robbie :)
It is nice to be home in the warmer climate. It has been a little back and forth with the weather here so far, but we are supposed to be 75 today and 81 tomorrow so I will take that for sure.

You have a wonderful weekend too.

Sun came up this morning a little later then normal. It was behind some ominous clouds that eventually blew off. Looks to be a mildly overcast day.

I did go up to Mardi Gras for a couple of days this past week. Tried to get hubby to go and he did not want to.

Had a nice time. Maybe walked a little too much. I did pack for the cooler temperatures in the evening and I was glad I did as it was cold Tuesday evening. Took lots of pictures. I might do a trip report to share those.

Our nephew is down for a visit from Athens Georgia. He comes down for a visit about this time every year. He so sweet. He always asks if we have any projects we need help with. He is a IT specialist so all things computer and electronic is his specialty. I‘am going to have him change all the batteries on outdoor cameras. The batteries last for 2 years so about time to change them. He is young and stable on the ladder..

I have been keeping him fed well with good meals. I always make extra to freeze to send home with him. He is a bachelor and doesn’t cook a lot.

We are taking Nephew down to the beach this evening to a pizza place that has the best pizza and Greek salad. He wanted pizza for dinner. There is also a good ice cream and candy shop across the street from the pizza restaurant that hubby likes a lot so might have to stop in for ice cream afterwards.

I prepped some baby back ribs for tomorrow. I made up the dry rub for the ribs. So I need to get them out of the refrigerator and get the rub on them and put them back in for tomorrow. I will cook them in the crockpot. Going to make baked potatoes, tossed salad and rolls to go along with the ribs and either pie or cake with ice cream for dessert.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Morning all, sat, thus far, I’ve caught up on this season’s four law & order episodes. Not sure that can be filed under productive but was nice way to relax after busy week. Later, will dig into vacation plans and try to figure out room requests at disney resorts not familiar with layouts.

a little meme I sent the mr after watching the milk (i rarely drink) languish in the fridge well past it’s expiry date.

IMG_3059.jpeg He got the point. Will excuse him as doing all the heavy lifting this week It’s just one of those things that pushes my button, know I have my own idiosyncrasies

Thanks Robbie, she is loving living in this new place and she`s not even in a week yet. We`re all so happy for her, she could manage the stairs but it was getting much harder for her. I can`t wait to get up and see her in the new place.
She’s already active, going to predict there will be no stopping her now
feel like I should be doing something productive today but part of me wants to just sit in the recliner and watch mindless TV
See above, seems as tho you’ve not had idle hands. do you still have BG APs? our local parks don’t open, normally until end of April or early May. Even then, only for weekends Until Memorial Day. Most employees are college or HS students
Had a nice time. Maybe walked a little too much. I did pack for the cooler temperatures in the evening and I was glad I did as it was cold Tuesday evening. Took lots of pictures. I might do a trip report to share those.
Missed ur post. Nice to have company come by for a visit. Thanks for the link! would love to see the MG pics. I do love their parade floats. the pics I saw posted of the tribute store were, rather hurried looking.
Well, at least he waited until 7 am this morning, to wake me up. Older one just left, and little one has not moved. Nice thing about a weekend, to relax.

Good to hear from you Robo. Like all the colors of this season, though last year, did not like the shirts. Did pick up the AP discounted food gift card though. Have about 20 dollars left on it. May pick up another one this year. A good deal. Would be so nice of you to post a trip report of the Mardi Gras decor, and your time in the parks.

Keisha, hope oven is working perfectly, and your leg is getting better and better.

Hmm, what for lunch. Have to see little one’s interest.

Bright, but overcast, and still warm for us. 52 degrees out now. Little one will be in shorts again today.

Yay, a Saturday is today. Hope all are having a good one.
I’ve been somewhat productive this morning. I started laundry, swept the floors, and reorganized my cross stitch supplies.

Nice job on Florida
Here is the site that will tell you about all the launches. Scroll down and you can see SpaceX etc. You can sign up to receive texts about upcoming launches.
Thanks. I’ll check that out.

do you still have BG APs?
No, we decided not to renew. We weren't able to get there often enough to make the cost worth it. I wish I was at least an hour closer.

Time to think about what’s for lunch.
Thanks Mac!

I have a small project I want to do and then I will stitch Virginia. VA will be the last state.

I feel like I should be doing something productive today but part of me wants to just sit in the recliner and watch mindless TV. Tonight dh and I are going to a play at our local theatre.

Look forward to seeing it Charade, that`s a lovely set you`ve done.

Nothing wrong with a day of mindless tv now and again and enjoy your show tonight.

Good morning everyone :wave2:

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Muscles and joints still crying the blues a bit. Might be new normal. Hubby is slowly getting better, but is keeping cane close by.

It has been a weird winter for sure so far with lots of different respiratory illnesse. Be it Covid, Flu or RSV.

Sorry to hear you are having issues again with your leg. Those compression hose are not easy to get on. I hope you find the stockings you need. Sending get well prayers your way.

Congrats on your new oven. Hopefully this new oven will be great. Sounds like you have a full kitchen renovation going.

What kind of spread are you making for Super Bowl tomorrow? Not that you should be standing on your leg doing all that prep work. Hopefully the family are pitching in to help with the spread.

I have been woefully lax on my space ship watching lately. Need to get back in the groove.

Here is the site that will tell you about all the launches. Scroll down and you can see SpaceX etc. You can sign up to receive texts about upcoming launches.

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Nice job on Florida.

So glad to hear your mom is liking her new apartment. It is hard sometimes when you’re older to experience change. She sounds like a go getter at 87 and keeps busy. That is wonderful to hear that she is enjoying her life.

It is nice to be home in the warmer climate. It has been a little back and forth with the weather here so far, but we are supposed to be 75 today and 81 tomorrow so I will take that for sure.

You have a wonderful weekend too.

Sun came up this morning a little later then normal. It was behind some ominous clouds that eventually blew off. Looks to be a mildly overcast day.

I did go up to Mardi Gras for a couple of days this past week. Tried to get hubby to go and he did not want to.

Had a nice time. Maybe walked a little too much. I did pack for the cooler temperatures in the evening and I was glad I did as it was cold Tuesday evening. Took lots of pictures. I might do a trip report to share those.

Our nephew is down for a visit from Athens Georgia. He comes down for a visit about this time every year. He so sweet. He always asks if we have any projects we need help with. He is a IT specialist so all things computer and electronic is his specialty. I‘am going to have him change all the batteries on outdoor cameras. The batteries last for 2 years so about time to change them. He is young and stable on the ladder..

I have been keeping him fed well with good meals. I always make extra to freeze to send home with him. He is a bachelor and doesn’t cook a lot.

We are taking Nephew down to the beach this evening to a pizza place that has the best pizza and Greek salad. He wanted pizza for dinner. There is also a good ice cream and candy shop across the street from the pizza restaurant that hubby likes a lot so might have to stop in for ice cream afterwards.

I prepped some baby back ribs for tomorrow. I made up the dry rub for the ribs. So I need to get them out of the refrigerator and get the rub on them and put them back in for tomorrow. I will cook them in the crockpot. Going to make baked potatoes, tossed salad and rolls to go along with the ribs and either pie or cake with ice cream for dessert.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

I think aches and pains are normal once you hit 50 lol....but glad you both are doing well and that DH is doing much better too. Oh yes, my mum has more energy than I have, she does embrace life and all it offers. She mentioned the other day she`d like to go back to NYC for a trip....not sure about that to be honest with all she`s gone through these last couple of years, but tells us she`s still got a lot of life in her yet.

Sounds a lovely meal there Robbie and nice to have your nephew for a visit, always lovely to see them.

You have a lovely weekend too.

Morning all, sat, thus far, I’ve caught up on this season’s four law & order episodes. Not sure that can be filed under productive but was nice way to relax after busy week. Later, will dig into vacation plans and try to figure out room requests at disney resorts not familiar with layouts.

a little meme I sent the mr after watching the milk (i rarely drink) languish in the fridge well past it’s expiry date.

View attachment 833026 He got the point. Will excuse him as doing all the heavy lifting this week It’s just one of those things that pushes my button, know I have my own idiosyncrasies

She’s already active, going to predict there will be no stopping her now

See above, seems as tho you’ve not had idle hands. do you still have BG APs? our local parks don’t open, normally until end of April or early May. Even then, only for weekends Until Memorial Day. Most employees are college or HS students

lol....I always complain Tom is obsessed with how much milk we have, he`ll look in our utility room fridge and then ask me how much we have in one of the fridges in the garage.....I dunno is always my answer!! Yes, we all have our things!!!

We`re having a Basil Rathbone marathon this afternoon since we came in.....fog hasn`t cleared so seemed appropriate with such weather today!!

Yes, she`s always out and about, I`ve tried to call her twice today....not in and not answering her mobile phone!!! Then she`ll get annoyed when we say we were

Yep, fog never cleared at all today, very cold and damp feeling, so full winter coat, boots and so on when we went out....didn`t take any pictures as it would just be a blur of fog!!!!

Had a nice afternoon though, back home for aforementioned Sherlock Holmes movies with a glass of wine, curry around 6.30/7pm then 2 more scary movies. You can`t watch scary movies in the summer so we cram them in now.

Saw one of my friends today and she is thrilled to be finally going back full time to her office, they were encouraging working from home but none of them wanted it, they all like the social side of being at work, I would too if I was still working. I said Kyle is the same and all his colleagues too, they much prefer being at work. I`m so happy he works Mon-Frid 9-5, his weekends are all his own.

I`m getting a glass of white wine put in front of me and some chips and dips, keep me going till later.

Always love a cosy Saturday night 🥰
To be famous, paid for doing almost anything on a commercial. Crazy. But those during the Super Bowl are some of the best. Hope ya doing good, Keisha.

Chicken on the grill today. Tasty, with corn, colored carrots, red and yellow peppers, and some white rice. I’m still full from that dinner. When I feel like moving, will stroll down to the homemade gelato place two blocks from our home. His flavors are all delicious, and he does sherbet too, that is also very good.
I misspoke. Mr affleck isn’t getting $1 million for his commercial…

He’s getting $10 million for that 30 second spot

Crikey, what the heck is he advertising!!

It`s just not a big thing over here, generally speaking of course, there are some that like it but not for me, I can`t abide British football never mind from another country!! I do like the passion that some folks have for the sport......Janet and Ruth looking at both of you 😉

Woke up to rain again this morning, so we both turned around and went back to sleep, much better than getting up for no reason on a winter morning although it is nice to start to hear the birds tweeting in those early hours again. French toast with syrup for me this morning and BLTA`s for lunch on an open sandwich.

Kyle sent us a picture of him and one of his friends out doing a 20 mile run, she is marathon training too only she is doing the London Marathon so their training is the same, they are both drenched.....runners don`t seem to notice the rain or cold apparently!!

No plans to go out today at all, Kyle is here for dinner so I`m doing steaks tonight, filets for him and I and T Bone for Tom, I like doing them on the griddle pan inside in this weather, they trun out perfectly on that too. Triple cooked proper chips with a little salad and coleslaw. Even though he`s not eating chocolate with training for the marathon, I will make him a chocolate fondant and chocolate ice cream.

Food themed week coming up, baking fourless chocolate cakes for Kyle`s office on Monday, Pancake Day on Tuesday, Valentine`s Day Wednesday, dinner out Thursday evening.....not that we make a fuss of Valentine`s Day, as I said previously, my lovely husband is romantic all year round!!! I flowers and a meal out is enough celebrating!!

Lazy day ahead though for us, some baking then the usual Sunday of catching up with family and friends on the phone and drink lots of tea......🫖

More tea coming up as I type......have a lovely Sunday 😁



Watching puppy (& kitten bowl). Must resist another pet

Lower back growling more than it’s been, cutting back on grub I’m making today. Nobody will starve. Wings, spinach balls, artichoke & spinach stuffed giant ‘shrooms & fried ravioli. Can’t wait to try out the oven! Usual chips, pretzels & crackers. Nachos or hot pretzels if anyone wants. The mr chopping cheese & veggies as I type

Hope ya doing good, Keisha.
Coming along nicely, thanks. Did ur bug from the other day pass?
Crikey, what the heck is he advertising!!
Dunkin’ Donuts It honestly strikes me as rather obscene. Would be nice gesture to donate/tithe a small percentage on top of whatever good works (if any) he supports
Kyle sent us a picture of him and one of his friends out doing a 20 mile run,
I catch my breath when people discuss that as something they do lol
Super Bowl Sunday.

Sister made a taco bar, so we brought donuts and ice cream to round out the eating. Also have a vege tray too. Full, and almost ready to watch the Puppy Bowl at the hour.

Alarm set and trash already at the curb.

Am feeling good, Keisha, thanks.

Hope all have a nice Sunday.
Happy National Avoid the Supermarket Day. Today I am avoiding grocery stores and restaurants that serve pizza and/or chicken wings. No Super Bowl party for us. We will just watch at home this year.
I am still groggy from the nap I just woke from. Caspian woke me at 4:30 this morning. I refuse to feed him that early. It took me a while to get back to sleep, and then around 7:00 dh and whatever he ate yesterday had a violent parting of the ways. He’s feeling much better now, so I guess it was just something he ate not agreeing with him. I ended up napping through most of the puppy bowl.

I have no love or hate for either team today. I guess I will be watching for the commercials.


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