131 by the time I'm 31


Xavier Atencio is my hero!
Jan 23, 2011
Hello all! This is my first WISH journal, so if I am posting in error or making a faux pas please let me know.

I recently spiked at 172 lbs just before our cross country move. In the past 6 weeks I have lost 10 pounds, but I am only 25% of the way to my goal weight. I am just looking for more people to talk to about this as my husband (great and supportive as he is) probably gets a bit tired hearing about my constant battle with the scale and tape measure.

A brief history. I am a previous dancer, my emphasis was musical dancing and I did stage work from my early teens into my early twenties. I also studied ballet, ballroom, tap, jazz, modern, and hip hop. I used to instruct jazz and help train younger dancers on how to audition and learn routines for shows.

But, then I got married, and had 3 pregnancies in 2 years. And no one warned me what that does to your metabolism, YIKES! I was used to eating whatever I wanted due to constantly working in the studio and the gym. I had never learned really good eating habits as there had never been a need. So over the course of several years (8 to be exact) I put on 30 pounds.

I am not looking to weigh what I did when I was dancing, 115, but I would like to hit 131 by July 3rd, my 31st birthday.

My goals are simple, I want more energy for my kids and family. I have a special needs son and that takes a lot out of me. I would like to be around to see my great grandchildren and be a grandma like my two grandmothers who are both there in years and still very active. I guess I just want to head this off at the pass before it gets out of hand and I really have a battle royale on my hands. And yes, I want to look good in my clothes. Who doesn't.

So hopefully I haven't bored you too much. If you have any tips, recipes, workouts you love, etc. feel free to post. I am new to all of this and the community here and love to learn.

Thanks for reading!:thumbsup2
Welcome. I went from 177 to 135 mainly by portion control and exercise. I've gained a little back this month so I have to get back on the horse.


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