2007 College Freshman


DIS Veteran
May 23, 2004
I am going to be a freshman in the Fall of 2007. Are there any tips that I should do for my senior year? Scholarships that I should look into and websites? Also did you have a hard time your Junior/Senior year and realizing you are not going to be a kid anymore? I have been having an extremley hard time dealing with this and I do not know what to do. Also I am sad..
I do know what you're going through. It was hard for me, especially because I decided on a college so far away from family and friends. I became the only one responsible for me. I looked at it as a challenge, to see if I could do it. But just because you aren't going to be a 'kid' anymore, doesn't mean that you have to change who you are. You're just a little older, and a little wiser.

As for the scholarship stuff, definitely look into them. If you have a career center (usually paired with the counseling office) they should have a ton of scholarships on file. There's also scolarships.com. Also, look over FAFSA. It's for financial aide, and it's a bit extensive.

Other then that, I'd say, try to enjoy your senior year. Do things that you wanted to do, but never got around to, or were to nervous/shy to try. Senior year is a great time to make awesome memories about high school!
For scholarships, check with your guidance office. I know mine published bulletins monthly (sometimes weekly) with various offers. Check with your extracurriculars, and your town. My town has a dollars for scholars program that people can get scholarships through. I got $650 in scholarship checks made out to me from two of my extracurriculars. That covered my books for my freshman year
As for the emotions, senior year is an emotional roller coaster. There will be sad moments but there will be plenty of fun ones too. Get involved in all the senior events and have fun!
flipturngirl said:
I am going to be a freshman in the Fall of 2007. Are there any tips that I should do for my senior year? Scholarships that I should look into and websites? Also did you have a hard time your Junior/Senior year and realizing you are not going to be a kid anymore? I have been having an extremley hard time dealing with this and I do not know what to do. Also I am sad..

My school's counciling office suggested FastWeb for scholarships (it's online.) I swear it's like scholarship heaven.... I mean, you fill out a profile and they send you info on scholarships that apply to you and your activities/interests/ GPA, etc. If you can put in the time to research the scholarships and really go for it then i think it's worth a try. There are a bunch of scholarships that really interest me.

Hope that helps some!
Start your college/scholarship application process early. I was early with the college applications, but I didn't start the scholareship search until January of my senior year. I applied to a few scholarships, but my time soon became filled with major school projects, being in the school play and other activities, and my job. Before I knew it, it was May, I had only applied to four scholarships, and most scholarship deadlines had passed.

Even though senior year is a lot of work, don't forget to have fun! Cherish your time with you friends, as who knows how much you will see of each other after graduation. I am going into my freshman year in college, and right now I am trying to spend as much time with my high school friends as possible before we all go away.

Good luck, and have fun!


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