2014 Disneyland 1/2 Marathon Weekend ** Check-In ** Updated 7/29 with Corral Info

Oh my feet. Upper legs. Lower legs. Back. Shoulders. Shoulders? (They started killing me shortly after the finish)

Slow but had a much better race emotionally than ever. Thanks to my brother. Might have been faster but for three bathroom breaks. Eek.

Finally going to eat something. Oh thank goodness.

Hey, I like the Half shirts! I like the others too, but I love the green and tilted design and design colors. :)

Wishing I could do my beloved canoes but omg no. Not today.

Loved some of the signs today, loved all the scouts and others at the stadium and all the bands and HS students etc. the car people were good, too! Everyone out to support was so cool!

Oh and I saw DH and DS both times they were watching! That was very nice as well.
If anyone is currently in California adventure and wants to meet up send me a DM
I hope everyone had a great time at their races! We did the Dumbo and had a good time, like PP had said earlier I wish they had a little more entertainment for us on the road. I did enjoy looking at the cars and there were a lot more of them than there was 2 years ago when I ran the half. I just prefer WDW for any race longer than a 10k because they have more entertainment along the course. I really liked running through the parks and of course loved getting all my new bling.
I loved the 10k! It was my first run disney event and it was so much fun to run through the parks. I loved how all the workers were high fiving and cheering us on. I was very pleased with my time. It was my first 10k. My sister and I then enjoyed the rest if Saturday at the parks. I didn't find it too crowded at all. I think we may be back next year!
I absolutely love this 10k course. I love that the only miles outside the parks are at the beginning when everyone is fresh and excited and then everything else is inside, I can't imagine a better course. I loved the cheer leading squad as we entered DCA, all the CM's with mickey hands to high 5 along the course, the great crowd support, and the photo ops. I was a little disappointed there weren't more characters out (I only saw Elvis, Chip, and Dale) but still got a ton of great pictures.

Even with all my photo stops I still only missed my PR by a couple of minutes, I can't wait for the Avengers half and will definitely be doing the dumbo next year just so I can run this course again.

And sorry but the nerd in me liked the way they got people back through Downtown Disney after the race by switching people back and forth. Pretty ingenious.

My friends and I were talking about this after the race, when I was running I couldn't figure out why they kept narrowing the course but after using the areas to pass through DTD after the race I thought it was brilliant. Simple but brilliant!
Just thought I would share a few of my memories/highlights of the weekend! Hopefully everyone else gets a moment to share theirs as well! I tend to babble, so I apologize if this ends up being super long!


In the near future I'm going to try and make an info post about the set up of the Expo this year for future newbies to the runDisney events at the Disneyland Resort, but for now I'm just outlining a few of the things I liked/disliked from this years Expo

  • The addition of the pre-purchase option for the Dooney & Bourke bags was a welcome one for me, as was having them available (pre-purchased or not) downstairs at packet pick-up and not at the official merchandise store. I think it really helped with how insanely busy that shop can get. I was at the Expo first thing Thursday morning and the process to get us in and out of the shop was a much easier experience than Tink back in January. They also had a CM going around to each and every person in the expo queue, asking them if they were interested in the bags and to let them know of the change. A pretty awesome CM by the name of Maggie was doing this on Thursday morning and had a photo of each of the styles as well (even if it was a black and white print, it was still helpful). I can't speak to the information those arriving later would receive, which is partially why I always get there early - it leases you with enough time to ask the CM's questions if necessary.
  • Moving the registers for the Expo into the room just off the main hall where they had us queue last year was also a good move. It helped free up some space for the race merchandise without having the huge queue smack in the middle of it. On the other hand, I also didn't have to deal with an actual line when making my purchase and I think that had a lot to do with the Dooney & Bourke move.
  • As far as the merchandise itself goes, I'm never really that interested in any of it. The shirts/jackets/logos are usually too childish/cartoonish for my tastes. I wish they would do more with the retro design. I want something a little simpler. It would also be nice to have more generic runDisney merchandise as well. But I got my pins and a water tumbler so I'm happy.
  • The exhibitor booths this year felt a little smaller to me, and a lot less varied. A few looked like they got bigger (Cliff coming to mind - although I loved that they had samples) but not by much. But all of my favorites were there so this isn't too much of a complaint. New Balance seems to take up more and more space each year, but that has a lot to do with the partnership with Disney and huge demand for their Disney inspired shoes.
  • Speaking of New Balance, I hope someone else can share their experience with their virtual queue this year. I've never found their shoes comfortable so the Disney ones are not even on my radar and as such I don't even bother looking into that process every year.
  • I think the thing I really missed the most this year was exhibitors from other running series. I believe there was only one their this year, and I'm blanking on who they were. I really liked having them all there in the past to spark my interest in what other events I may be interested in.

I was at the Expo for a short while every day (Thursday through Saturday) so if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.

Disneyland DIS Meet-Up

This was a very small and informal meet up this year and I would love to do something more official for future races if I have the time to plan one out and if enough people are interested. But it was definitely great to meet everyone who showed up and I had a great time chatting with you all!

Corrals for the Half

I had a decent experience with the corrals this year. I was still a little annoyed with the addition of the smaller corrals up front from a mental standpoint. It's hard going back a corral even though you're still where you would be regardless. I wanted to be at the corrals at 4am since that was when they were opening them, but my friends took a little longer getting ready than I had anticipated so I arrived closer to 4:15am and just followed the CM direction on where to go. Getting to H was very easy, but I wasn't happy to get there when I did as there was already a pretty good crowd at the front of the corral which is where I like to start. But there was enough room for me (and I happened to see one of the DIS'ers from the meet again ;)) so I just started chatting with everyone nearby as I usually do. The volunteers at the corrals have to put up with a lot from people and it was interesting to watch. Thankfully where we were we didn't see too many people trying to move up, but the closer it got to the official race start the more I was shocked by how many people were still trying to get to corrals - even once the early corrals had officially begun and some people who had missed their corrals were still showing up and trying to get to the course. At that point they were just directing them to the back of whatever corral they could which caused some tempers to rise. Personally, I'm a believer that if you don't want to miss your start time get there early! Getting put into a different corral doesn't mean you can't run. Just my 2 cents and I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me, but to each their own. I was starting to get antsy with the amount of time between the corral starts until I realized that A and B were sent together and then C and D and E and F. These were the smaller corrals up front, so I'm still not sure why they added the extra corrals if they were just going to send them off together. Everything went smoothly when they finally moved us up and we were off just after 6:02am.


Not much to add here, except that I wasn't too thrilled with the character selection this year. Having the villains out instead of the princesses was a bummer for me, but in reality I probably wouldn't have stopped for those anyway so not a deal breaker. I suppose it makes sense considering how close this race is now to the start of Halloween Time at the resort. They're probably going to start theming the characters more to the races themselves and maybe leave the Princesses for Tink. It also felt like we spent less time in the parks for some reason. When we hit Anaheim I appreciated the decrease in switchbacks as we approached Angels Stadium. I hate running zig zags around individual blocks, it's just frustrating!! Otherwise everything else was A-OK for me!

As for the weather, it was a welcome change from last years heat. It was humid, yes, but bearable to me (I'm a local, for whatever that's worth). The fact that we had cloud coverage until about 8:30am was just about as perfect as I could have asked for. I really only had my last mile with the sun overhead and at that point I knew I was close to the finish line so I didn't care.

Time wise I probably could have done better than my personal best of 2:41 (I finished in 2:50 this time) but I decided to stop for a few photos in my home - DCA!


I really don't think I'm forgetting anything, other than how horrible traffic around the resort can get! Checking into the Disneyland Hotel was infuriating on Saturday, but I was already expecting it so it didn't ruin my day. Parking for guests at the DLH is insane on race weekend. In the end it didn't matter. Once I got to the reservation desk I was offered an upgrade to the Grand if I was interested because of how packed the hotel was. It would mean a longer walk to and from the start of the race and I was really looking forward to using the pool at the DLH but I can never ever ever say no to the Grand, especially as this was my birthday present to myself. My friends and I were definitely glad we made the switch, I love that hotel to pieces. We had plenty of time to get back to the hotel after we finished running with plenty of time to relax and get our things together before we checked out and then spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing at the pool with lots of water!

All in all this was hands down my best runDisney experience - not to mention the best I've felt physically after running one! Now I'm looking forward to Avengers (hopefully working as many parts of the weekend as I can) and then Star Wars (running the Rebel Challenge with my bestest).

... adding photos soon ...
Thoughts from a first time Run disney person, and first time half marathoner...

* I was in corral E, and arrived about 45min early. I could have slept in another 30 min and still been pretty much anywhere in the corral. I am guessing the smaller corrals at the front were not as squished as ones farther back, and I didn't see any issues with people jockeying for position. I too noticed the people running down the side of the corrals, after the earlier corrals had gone, trying to get into their spot. I was like geez people, it is like 5:45am! Perhaps you should have left your hotel/house earlier???

*I would love to have more of the course in the park, but understand maybe it is just due to the mass amount of people who run these, and not being able to have good flow if they stay in the parks too long. I personally felt like I had space to run, but some friends in farther back corrals said they were pretty smashed in some parts of the park. There were definitely some long, boring stretches on the course, but what can you do except turn up the music and power through :confused3.

*We splurged and stayed onsite at the DLH for the first time ever...SO WORTH IT!!! I was very much an "onsite" skeptic due to price, but I am so glad we did it. Our room actually faced the course and my DH popped down from our room and surprised me along the last part of the course with our two young DD's. I was so surprised to see them bouncing around cheering for me, and it gave me a great boost to finish! Unfortunately getting TO them after the race was challenging due to not being able to cross over the race course. But it all worked out and we are totally sold on paying a bit more to stay on site for the Star Wars race trip.

*I visited the Expo late on Saturday. I thought it was very well organized. I literally walked into the New Balance shoe area and said "Soooooo, how does this work?" The guy asked me what I wanted, and I was walking out with a new pair of shoes in under 5 minutes! Overall I wasn't too impressed with the official race stuff. Weird colors and a little too cartoony for me, but that's okay, saved me some money!

*I also wasn't thrilled about the villains as characters. I was hoping to get some pics to show my kids (age 2 and 3.5). They don't really know the villains because they are scared of them, so I only stopped for Jake...who I ended up with 4 blurry pictures of :(. Apparently the cast members taking the pics didn't wait to focus the iphone for any of them :confused3

I was not a runner until signing up for the half back in January. Over the last couple months of training I kept telling people I knew I could do the half marathon, but doubted I would want to do another one. I just get bored running that long. 10K seemed more my distance. When I finished the half on Sunday, I told my DH I had confirmed I didn't really enjoy doing that distance, and was glad I was only doing the 10K for Star Wars. Two days later, I am now wishing I had signed up for the Rebel Challenge, and will consider doing the Dumbo next year, lol! Physically I know I can do it, I just have to work on the mental piece...I just love a challenge ;).
My comments in blue

Thoughts from a first time Run disney person, and first time half marathoner...

* I was in corral E, and arrived about 45min early. I could have slept in another 30 min and still been pretty much anywhere in the corral. I am guessing the smaller corrals at the front were not as squished as ones farther back, and I didn't see any issues with people jockeying for position. I too noticed the people running down the side of the corrals, after the earlier corrals had gone, trying to get into their spot. I was like geez people, it is like 5:45am! Perhaps you should have left your hotel/house earlier???

I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one who had those thoughts of the people showing up last minute/after the race had officially begun. I thought I was just being a grumpy gills or something. I always head to the corrals first and don't do much in the pre-race area unless I get there before the corrals open so maybe it's just poor announcing in that area for those having fun before the start of when people need to get to their corrals. Maybe I'll try and give them the benefit of the doubt, lol.

Since you were in Corral E, what was it like having them send you guys off 2 corrals at a time? I believe G was the first corral to get a start all alone because of the sheer size.

*I would love to have more of the course in the park, but understand maybe it is just due to the mass amount of people who run these, and not being able to have good flow if they stay in the parks too long. I personally felt like I had space to run, but some friends in farther back corrals said they were pretty smashed in some parts of the park. There were definitely some long, boring stretches on the course, but what can you do except turn up the music and power through :confused3.

I highly recommend that you try one of the 10K's at during a future race weekend. They fit almost all of the course in the parks save roughly a 1 mile or so stretch along a surrounding street. You definitely get more park time that way!

*We splurged and stayed onsite at the DLH for the first time ever...SO WORTH IT!!! I was very much an "onsite" skeptic due to price, but I am so glad we did it. Our room actually faced the course and my DH popped down from our room and surprised me along the last part of the course with our two young DD's. I was so surprised to see them bouncing around cheering for me, and it gave me a great boost to finish! Unfortunately getting TO them after the race was challenging due to not being able to cross over the race course. But it all worked out and we are totally sold on paying a bit more to stay on site for the Star Wars race trip.

*I visited the Expo late on Saturday. I thought it was very well organized. I literally walked into the New Balance shoe area and said "Soooooo, how does this work?" The guy asked me what I wanted, and I was walking out with a new pair of shoes in under 5 minutes! Overall I wasn't too impressed with the official race stuff. Weird colors and a little too cartoony for me, but that's okay, saved me some money!

Again, I'm not the only one! I'm relieved, :laughing:. Sooooo, which shoes did you end up getting?

*I also wasn't thrilled about the villains as characters. I was hoping to get some pics to show my kids (age 2 and 3.5). They don't really know the villains because they are scared of them, so I only stopped for Jake...who I ended up with 4 blurry pictures of :(. Apparently the cast members taking the pics didn't wait to focus the iphone for any of them :confused3

I was not a runner until signing up for the half back in January. Over the last couple months of training I kept telling people I knew I could do the half marathon, but doubted I would want to do another one. I just get bored running that long. 10K seemed more my distance. When I finished the half on Sunday, I told my DH I had confirmed I didn't really enjoy doing that distance, and was glad I was only doing the 10K for Star Wars. Two days later, I am now wishing I had signed up for the Rebel Challenge, and will consider doing the Dumbo next year, lol! Physically I know I can do it, I just have to work on the mental piece...I just love a challenge ;).

I'm glad you had a great experience! I highly recommend signing up for Dumbo if you can get over the mental hurdle. It really is a lot of fun, especially getting that extra medal once all is said and done. Next year is going to be pretty awesome with the big anniversaries as well (it will be during Disneyland's 60th celebrations and the 10 year anniversary of the Disneyland Half Marathon). Go big, right?
Quite awhile ago when I used to post more on these boards I had a thread for people interested in custom signature graphics (you can find the thread here with examples of what I was making for DIS'ers).

I bring this up because I was thinking of making something for us Disneyland Half Marathon runners (that includes 5K and 10K runners as well) to use in future threads to show off memories from previous years if anyone is interested. It's going to be an animated graphic showing off some of our favorite photos from the race weekend. I would love to include as many of us as possible.

If you would like to be included, please just reply to this thread or send me a PM with the following information:

Username: I think I can figure this out if you forget to post it ;)
First Name: Optional
A Race Photo: This can be anything from the race weekend. A selfie with your favorite character on the course, a photo with your medals at the end, you choose!
Events: Did you run the 5K, 10K, Dumbo, Half? All of the things?

This is entirely voluntary as I know some people aren't fans of posting their photos online. It's just something fun I thought of doing for us all.

I am also willing to create a personalized signature for any of our runners, similar to those shown in the other thread, or if you'd like something that includes race photos or anything here is a very simple one I made from my favorite photos from my first Disneyland Half:


Just let me know what you'd like. This might take some time, but it's my way of saying "Congratulations, we made it!"
I also posted this in the combo thread so sorry if it is a duplicate. First Disney Race and First Half Marathon quick recap and thoughts. As an uber planner and over analyzer I did a lot of homework on this race, Disney races in general, halfs etc. I was prepared for horrible lines, chaos, all kinds of things. My impressions as a total newbie to the distance and runDisney. New to running still really, I only started in April of 2013 as a reluctant concession to the fact I could no longer doing other things and well, at my age, I needed impact resistance. Doing the DL half was a "reward" for having to run in the first place. I would have run regardless but finagling an extra Disney trip by doing so was definitely a bonus prize.

My only real issue with the expo and packet pickup is the lack of directional signage to get you there in the first place and to clearly mark where packet pick up is, versus the expo itself and noting what was in the packet pick up area (pre-buy items and GET travel) versus at the expo which ended up making it a 2 trip outing to the pickup area as a result. Was it a big deal? No but signs would have been helpful. Lines? Non existent. That included getting a pair of the new balance shoes (in and out in 15, would have been less but decided to try a pair on) and the official race merchandise (which included getting a refund on my Dooney pre-buy purchase to get the passholder discount applied). Longest/slowest line we experienced was at the Raw Threads booth! I liked that Clif had samples out of what they were handing out during the race as it helped to decide if you wanted to take anything or not.

Merchandise: For me, I thought it was actually better than expected. Then again, I didn't have high expectations and as a result bought more than I thought I would. I was disappointed that there was no coffee cup and no generic run Disney items available but it wasn't a big deal. I did not see any shortages of anything, including the Dooney's, I had tons of patterns to choose from and while I didn't "have" to pre-buy, I was glad I did.

Best tip from the expo: You can walk down the stairs near the expo entry, into the women’s bathroom. It has a door on the other side. Which enters right into the parking lot aka packet pick up area. Super cool shortcut.

Race Day Timing: We were up at 3:30 and left for the corrals at 4:30. From our hotel (Anabella) that was perfect, it is a 15 min or less walk. We still had time to hit the porta potties before heading to the corrals, take some pictures etc., and get to the corrals before it became difficult to do so.

Corrals: As a newbie it was a little confusing at first to get in the right "lane", we had to backtrack a little to get to our feeder chute. Once in the right lane though, it was easy and we were early enough that at the time we went in, I didn't see people trying to sneak ahead or congestion. I was pleasantly surprised to see more porta potties near the corrals, though there were not very many of them.

Cool pre-race moment:
I decided to take advantage of those porta potties. The lines at that point were long, only time I had much of a line on race day for anything. People walking to corrals would occasionally "cut" into a porta potty when it opened before the person in the line could cross the stream of people. Our line developed a blocking strategy. I was chatting with the girl behind me and as we got closer to the front realized she was an elite runner (bib number under 20). Complete with Ariel skirt and all. Super sweet, normal, a bit nervous. At this point I think we had 8 minutes till the start. I told her to go ahead of me. She would be starting before I would! The look of thanks on her face was priceless. She had been about to bail out of the line. I confess, I checked her time this morning. 1:36!!!!! I cannot even imagine.

Less cool pre-race moment:
As I made my way back to my corral, with maybe 4 minutes till the start, I could hardly get in and I noticed several people right outside the entry that were wearing bibs for corrals several letters back ( I was in C, these were F bibs). That totally bummed me out. There is simply too many runners and not enough volunteers at the gates for them to fully police entry, though they certainly tried. I did manage to get in, thankfully, and find my friend who had stayed in the corral while I braved the line. I did give up my stretching time with that choice which wasn't ideal but I don't think made a huge difference.

Race start: For me, this went very smooth! For those wanting to know I can tell you that they started A&B together and then C&D. From what I have read it sounds like the later corrals were also sent out 2 at a time which seems a bit much people wise. We were a bit surprised at no fireworks when the wheelchairs went, only a few during the national anthem.

Course and congestions: In general I did not experience much congestion. However, overall the group seemed to move quite a bit slower at the start than I had expected, the first 2 miles were definitely "full" but you could run and then boom you are in the parks. I guess I expected a sub 2 corral to start out much closer to that pace (and as a result really wasn't tracking) and was a bit shocked when I looked down and realized just how off the pack was, at that point I did not see a ton of passing, just the group moving basically together. My bad I guess for not checking sooner and doing my own passing but the slower start was not what I needed to hit the lower side of my goal range. I absolutely loved running through the parks and seeing what characters were out. I know many were disappointed with the volume and which characters but since it was my first, it was all good! LOVED seeing the step sisters on the carousel, the villains and the horses over in Frontierland. World of Color was absolutely magical, as was Carsland and of course, running though the castle! In general for our group, the lines looked minimal for most characters except for the storm troopers and the villans. I didn't stop for any characters but did stop to take a couple of horrible selfies at World of Color and then again at Angels Stadium. Once out of the parks, the on course support was really something else. Band after band after band, cheerleaders, dancers, the classic cars, I just loved it. I did have to take 2 bio breaks (a total bummer and a time killer, I think a combo of over hydration the day before and the humidity) and both were outside of the parks. Zero lines and tons of porta potties the entire course. Unfortunately I also had to stop to trade out my lenses. I run with prescription sports sunglasses normally. They have magnetic lenses that I can swap out for clear or other tints as needed. I wear the clear for night running and with the pitch black start I just wasn't comfortable going without, it would have made me crazy. I know I would have hit a road divider thing and done a face plant. LOL! I expected the sun to burn off the clouds and even if it didn't, for the brighter cloud glare to bother me so I swapped lenses at about the 10k mark which definitely cost me some time as well, awkward to do with sweaty hands. Tons of water stops, I think I hit 7 out of the 8? I was surprised how BIG the cups of water were. I actually wish they had been smaller, I didn't need the full cup but drank it all a couple of times simply as it was there. It was cool to see some supporters that were there early in the race, clearly move and then be there again at the end. My favorite though was the small frozen sponges that team MousePlanet was handing out. That was a magical moment!

A lot of folks I know did not like the Santa Ana trail part of the course, I actually liked it a lot, and I loved loved running through the stadium. After that though I do admit, the last 3 miles are well, a bit tedious. On course support was there but the course itself was somehow more "meh" than the pre-stadium part even though it was all city streets both times. Still, it was pretty darn sweet to cross that finish line and complete my first half. I am glad it was at Disney. It was on the high side of the range I'd set for myself at 2:13:35 but given the 2 bio breaks, the glasses lens change, a couple of selfies, walking the water stops and just some walking in general I am very ok with it and was still within my overall goal range. And honestly, even though it was wicked humid, I had zero swelling in my hands and I'll take the bio breaks over the swelling if I have to. It is a PR as it was my first, I definitely hope to improve it at Princess.

Finish and post race:
I thought this was well done. I liked that there was a split for pictures or no pictures and loved the cold wet towel we were given right away. I was absolutely fine with the water and banana, and also the mocha gel I'd snagged at mile 8 deliberately to enjoy at the end. The box was fine too, I ate some of it on the plane ride home! The free flip flop booth was fun, I am not sure I'd wait for that again but it was kind of neat.

Gear check: I did gear check and was SO happy I did. I had developed a rather nasty blood blister around mile 10 (which also impacted pace those last 3 miles) and it was heaven to be able to put on my flip flops immediately. I had really worried it would be a hassle and it was completely painless at both drop off and pick up.

Key learning moment post race: Bring cash. There was massage and immediate medal engraving. I would have done both but had not brought cash (the idea of sweaty soggy bills kind of grossed me out but my debit card did me no favors post race lol).

Weather: It was WICKED humid. For us I think it was about 70 at race start and likely stayed the same the entire race, about 72 by the end. With cloud cover YAY! However the humidity was around 90%. I know the clouds burned off at about the 3 hour mark and it got hot quickly but the humidity dropped almost immediately too.

Post race in the parks: A lot less folks wearing medals than expected both Sunday and Monday. As a newbie I was very surprised to be congratulated on my marathon…when it was just a half. And that happened a lot. We were lucky enough to have a special outing with friends to the Club 33 Jazz Lounge post-race. We saw FAR more medals there than anywhere all day, I guess a lot of members were treating racers to the experience.

Hotel: We stayed at the Anabella and I was very very happy with the hotel, the room, the pool, the location, and the price. Of course I’d prefer to be on property. But my wallet was thrilled with the value for the money where we did stay and we enjoyed a lovely, spacious, quiet room with a super comfy bed and slept well.

I'd do this race again in a heartbeat. In fact, now that I realize it is the 10th anniversary of the race next year, AND DL's 60th…I might HAVE to. I was lucky enough to do this with a friend who was placed in my same corral, it was pretty magical to share it with someone. Even though we didn't run exactly "together" (by our choice) we were able to share the experience from start to finish and that was wonderful. I can't wait to do it again at Princess.
  • The addition of the pre-purchase option for the Dooney & Bourke bags was a welcome one for me, as was having them available (pre-purchased or not) downstairs at packet pick-up and not at the official merchandise store. I think it really helped with how insanely busy that shop can get. I was at the Expo first thing Thursday morning and the process to get us in and out of the shop was a much easier experience than Tink back in January. They also had a CM going around to each and every person in the expo queue, asking them if they were interested in the bags and to let them know of the change. A pretty awesome CM by the name of Maggie was doing this on Thursday morning and had a photo of each of the styles as well (even if it was a black and white print, it was still helpful). I can't speak to the information those arriving later would receive, which is partially why I always get there early - it leases you with enough time to ask the CM's questions if necessary.

  • We didn't hit the expo till about 12:30 on friday and it was totally painless. At the Dooney pre-buy they were more than happy to open various wristlets so I could compare the patterns and choose.

    [*]Moving the registers for the Expo into the room just off the main hall where they had us queue last year was also a good move. It helped free up some space for the race merchandise without having the huge queue smack in the middle of it. On the other hand, I also didn't have to deal with an actual line when making my purchase and I think that had a lot to do with the Dooney & Bourke move.

    I thought that was great and kept both rooms much less congested. I wasn't there last year but can imagine.

    [*]Speaking of New Balance, I hope someone else can share their experience with their virtual queue this year. I've never found their shoes comfortable so the Disney ones are not even on my radar and as such I don't even bother looking into that process every year.

    Totally painless. I hadn't planned on doing it but got a request from a friend while we were at the airport friday am. I texted the queue around 7am, got a a return time of 10:30. We got there at 12:30. No issues with being late, walked right up, got shoes, left.

    Corrals for the Half

    I had a decent experience with the corrals this year. I was still a little annoyed with the addition of the smaller corrals up front from a mental standpoint. It's hard going back a corral even though you're still where you would be regardless. I wanted to be at the corrals at 4am since that was when they were opening them, but my friends took a little longer getting ready than I had anticipated so I arrived closer to 4:15am and just followed the CM direction on where to go. Getting to H was very easy, but I wasn't happy to get there when I did as there was already a pretty good crowd at the front of the corral which is where I like to start. But there was enough room for me (and I happened to see one of the DIS'ers from the meet again ;)) so I just started chatting with everyone nearby as I usually do. The volunteers at the corrals have to put up with a lot from people and it was interesting to watch. Thankfully where we were we didn't see too many people trying to move up, but the closer it got to the official race start the more I was shocked by how many people were still trying to get to corrals - even once the early corrals had officially begun and some people who had missed their corrals were still showing up and trying to get to the course. At that point they were just directing them to the back of whatever corral they could which caused some tempers to rise. Personally, I'm a believer that if you don't want to miss your start time get there early! Getting put into a different corral doesn't mean you can't run. Just my 2 cents and I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me, but to each their own. I was starting to get antsy with the amount of time between the corral starts until I realized that A and B were sent together and then C and D and E and F. These were the smaller corrals up front, so I'm still not sure why they added the extra corrals if they were just going to send them off together. Everything went smoothly when they finally moved us up and we were off just after 6:02am.

    The smaller were nice from a crowd control perspective, the street is narrower up there I believe.

    As for the weather, it was a welcome change from last years heat. It was humid, yes, but bearable to me (I'm a local, for whatever that's worth). The fact that we had cloud coverage until about 8:30am was just about as perfect as I could have asked for. I really only had my last mile with the sun overhead and at that point I knew I was close to the finish line so I didn't care.

    We have had similar humidity in Seattle, I do think it improved over the course of the race but at the start it seemed quite thick and seemed better (to me) once I got out of the parks. The first 2 miles were my most humid for sure. My watch slid around, that never, ever happens. LOL!

    Nice upgrade on the hotel!

    All in all this was hands down my best runDisney experience - not to mention the best I've felt physically after running one! Now I'm looking forward to Avengers (hopefully working as many parts of the weekend as I can) and then Star Wars (running the Rebel Challenge with my bestest).

    Feeling great after, that is the best!
Posted the same (below) on the:
Official 2014 Disneyland Dumbo Double Dare, Half Marathon, 10k, and 5k Thread

Hi all,

Disneyland Half weekend very brief review (**completely** swamped at work today):

Disappointment and Frustration: All my fault!!...

(1) Didn't get to sleep at all Thursday night, slept through Friday meet-up

(2) For the duration of my stay at Disneyland Resort (Fri-Wed), neither the on-property wifi or old iPhone/Verizon allowed me to use Disboards app for the entire trip, so no online communication (could be resolved with the acquisition of a 21st century phone).

Race Weekend experience:

For the 10K and Half, left DL hotel at 4:30am, walked through pre-race pen for final bio break, walked to front of corral, visited for 45 minutes with familiar faces from 2014 WDW Marathon weekend races, enjoyed both courses.

Potential for runDisney improvement:

(1) Encourage people to start based on their pace, even within the corrals. Notorious at runDisney races are folks who go out very fast and then poop-out in the first 500 meters to 2 miles. It is not so fun to constantly run around slower runners (it's taxing and dangerous, too).

(2) Encourage the use of garbage cans for cups and cups with liquid in them. At the first water stop, a runner just ahead of me spiked a semi-full cup of water I was very surprised, too, at how wet and cup-littered the first water station was, even after only the first couple hundred runners.

(3) Have MarathonPhoto photographers and Disney Characters out and ready to go for all runners, even the early corrals. While I have come to expect an absence of photographers and characters early on in the race, I would sure enjoy more of both.

I really, really, really enjoyed the entire race weekend.
The weather. Ugh.

Yes!! Ugh!! Not sure if Austin, TX is humid or dry, but I live in 100+ hot and 0% humidity summer weather and the humidity for the races was not ideal, and challenging!!

I wonder: is anyone else contemplating maybe skipping the Disneyland Half Weekend in favor of the November/January/May races?

The heat and humidity is the only thing that has me thinking it might be the first on the chopping block. But, it was such a good course and time of year!!
I also posted this in the combo thread so sorry if it is a duplicate. First Disney Race and First Half Marathon quick recap and thoughts. As an uber planner and over analyzer I did a lot of homework on this race, Disney races in general, halfs etc. I was prepared for horrible lines, chaos, all kinds of things. My impressions as a total newbie to the distance and runDisney. New to running still really, I only started in April of 2013 as a reluctant concession to the fact I could no longer doing other things and well, at my age, I needed impact resistance. Doing the DL half was a "reward" for having to run in the first place. I would have run regardless but finagling an extra Disney trip by doing so was definitely a bonus prize.

My only real issue with the expo and packet pickup is the lack of directional signage to get you there in the first place and to clearly mark where packet pick up is, versus the expo itself and noting what was in the packet pick up area (pre-buy items and GET travel) versus at the expo which ended up making it a 2 trip outing to the pickup area as a result. Was it a big deal? No but signs would have been helpful. Lines? Non existent. That included getting a pair of the new balance shoes (in and out in 15, would have been less but decided to try a pair on) and the official race merchandise (which included getting a refund on my Dooney pre-buy purchase to get the passholder discount applied). Longest/slowest line we experienced was at the Raw Threads booth! I liked that Clif had samples out of what they were handing out during the race as it helped to decide if you wanted to take anything or not.

Merchandise: For me, I thought it was actually better than expected. Then again, I didn't have high expectations and as a result bought more than I thought I would. I was disappointed that there was no coffee cup and no generic run Disney items available but it wasn't a big deal. I did not see any shortages of anything, including the Dooney's, I had tons of patterns to choose from and while I didn't "have" to pre-buy, I was glad I did.

Best tip from the expo: You can walk down the stairs near the expo entry, into the women’s bathroom. It has a door on the other side. Which enters right into the parking lot aka packet pick up area. Super cool shortcut.

Race Day Timing: We were up at 3:30 and left for the corrals at 4:30. From our hotel (Anabella) that was perfect, it is a 15 min or less walk. We still had time to hit the porta potties before heading to the corrals, take some pictures etc., and get to the corrals before it became difficult to do so.

Corrals: As a newbie it was a little confusing at first to get in the right "lane", we had to backtrack a little to get to our feeder chute. Once in the right lane though, it was easy and we were early enough that at the time we went in, I didn't see people trying to sneak ahead or congestion. I was pleasantly surprised to see more porta potties near the corrals, though there were not very many of them.

Cool pre-race moment:
I decided to take advantage of those porta potties. The lines at that point were long, only time I had much of a line on race day for anything. People walking to corrals would occasionally "cut" into a porta potty when it opened before the person in the line could cross the stream of people. Our line developed a blocking strategy. I was chatting with the girl behind me and as we got closer to the front realized she was an elite runner (bib number under 20). Complete with Ariel skirt and all. Super sweet, normal, a bit nervous. At this point I think we had 8 minutes till the start. I told her to go ahead of me. She would be starting before I would! The look of thanks on her face was priceless. She had been about to bail out of the line. I confess, I checked her time this morning. 1:36!!!!! I cannot even imagine.

Less cool pre-race moment:
As I made my way back to my corral, with maybe 4 minutes till the start, I could hardly get in and I noticed several people right outside the entry that were wearing bibs for corrals several letters back ( I was in C, these were F bibs). That totally bummed me out. There is simply too many runners and not enough volunteers at the gates for them to fully police entry, though they certainly tried. I did manage to get in, thankfully, and find my friend who had stayed in the corral while I braved the line. I did give up my stretching time with that choice which wasn't ideal but I don't think made a huge difference.

Race start: For me, this went very smooth! For those wanting to know I can tell you that they started A&B together and then C&D. From what I have read it sounds like the later corrals were also sent out 2 at a time which seems a bit much people wise. We were a bit surprised at no fireworks when the wheelchairs went, only a few during the national anthem.

Course and congestions: In general I did not experience much congestion. However, overall the group seemed to move quite a bit slower at the start than I had expected, the first 2 miles were definitely "full" but you could run and then boom you are in the parks. I guess I expected a sub 2 corral to start out much closer to that pace (and as a result really wasn't tracking) and was a bit shocked when I looked down and realized just how off the pack was, at that point I did not see a ton of passing, just the group moving basically together. My bad I guess for not checking sooner and doing my own passing but the slower start was not what I needed to hit the lower side of my goal range. I absolutely loved running through the parks and seeing what characters were out. I know many were disappointed with the volume and which characters but since it was my first, it was all good! LOVED seeing the step sisters on the carousel, the villains and the horses over in Frontierland. World of Color was absolutely magical, as was Carsland and of course, running though the castle! In general for our group, the lines looked minimal for most characters except for the storm troopers and the villans. I didn't stop for any characters but did stop to take a couple of horrible selfies at World of Color and then again at Angels Stadium. Once out of the parks, the on course support was really something else. Band after band after band, cheerleaders, dancers, the classic cars, I just loved it. I did have to take 2 bio breaks (a total bummer and a time killer, I think a combo of over hydration the day before and the humidity) and both were outside of the parks. Zero lines and tons of porta potties the entire course. Unfortunately I also had to stop to trade out my lenses. I run with prescription sports sunglasses normally. They have magnetic lenses that I can swap out for clear or other tints as needed. I wear the clear for night running and with the pitch black start I just wasn't comfortable going without, it would have made me crazy. I know I would have hit a road divider thing and done a face plant. LOL! I expected the sun to burn off the clouds and even if it didn't, for the brighter cloud glare to bother me so I swapped lenses at about the 10k mark which definitely cost me some time as well, awkward to do with sweaty hands. Tons of water stops, I think I hit 7 out of the 8? I was surprised how BIG the cups of water were. I actually wish they had been smaller, I didn't need the full cup but drank it all a couple of times simply as it was there. It was cool to see some supporters that were there early in the race, clearly move and then be there again at the end. My favorite though was the small frozen sponges that team MousePlanet was handing out. That was a magical moment!

A lot of folks I know did not like the Santa Ana trail part of the course, I actually liked it a lot, and I loved loved running through the stadium. After that though I do admit, the last 3 miles are well, a bit tedious. On course support was there but the course itself was somehow more "meh" than the pre-stadium part even though it was all city streets both times. Still, it was pretty darn sweet to cross that finish line and complete my first half. I am glad it was at Disney. It was on the high side of the range I'd set for myself at 2:13:35 but given the 2 bio breaks, the glasses lens change, a couple of selfies, walking the water stops and just some walking in general I am very ok with it and was still within my overall goal range. And honestly, even though it was wicked humid, I had zero swelling in my hands and I'll take the bio breaks over the swelling if I have to. It is a PR as it was my first, I definitely hope to improve it at Princess.

Finish and post race:
I thought this was well done. I liked that there was a split for pictures or no pictures and loved the cold wet towel we were given right away. I was absolutely fine with the water and banana, and also the mocha gel I'd snagged at mile 8 deliberately to enjoy at the end. The box was fine too, I ate some of it on the plane ride home! The free flip flop booth was fun, I am not sure I'd wait for that again but it was kind of neat.

Gear check: I did gear check and was SO happy I did. I had developed a rather nasty blood blister around mile 10 (which also impacted pace those last 3 miles) and it was heaven to be able to put on my flip flops immediately. I had really worried it would be a hassle and it was completely painless at both drop off and pick up.

Key learning moment post race: Bring cash. There was massage and immediate medal engraving. I would have done both but had not brought cash (the idea of sweaty soggy bills kind of grossed me out but my debit card did me no favors post race lol).

Weather: It was WICKED humid. For us I think it was about 70 at race start and likely stayed the same the entire race, about 72 by the end. With cloud cover YAY! However the humidity was around 90%. I know the clouds burned off at about the 3 hour mark and it got hot quickly but the humidity dropped almost immediately too.

Post race in the parks: A lot less folks wearing medals than expected both Sunday and Monday. As a newbie I was very surprised to be congratulated on my marathon…when it was just a half. And that happened a lot. We were lucky enough to have a special outing with friends to the Club 33 Jazz Lounge post-race. We saw FAR more medals there than anywhere all day, I guess a lot of members were treating racers to the experience.

Hotel: We stayed at the Anabella and I was very very happy with the hotel, the room, the pool, the location, and the price. Of course I’d prefer to be on property. But my wallet was thrilled with the value for the money where we did stay and we enjoyed a lovely, spacious, quiet room with a super comfy bed and slept well.

I'd do this race again in a heartbeat. In fact, now that I realize it is the 10th anniversary of the race next year, AND DL's 60th…I might HAVE to. I was lucky enough to do this with a friend who was placed in my same corral, it was pretty magical to share it with someone. Even though we didn't run exactly "together" (by our choice) we were able to share the experience from start to finish and that was wonderful. I can't wait to do it again at Princess.

I love love LOVE your recap. It has been so hectic for me since coming back... it is all such a blur to me now. I am glad your memory is so clear. I thought I would never do this race. I am SO so SO glad that you talked me into it. (I know...had to twist my arm hard ;)) It was a magical time for me as well and like you... I to am wondering about next year.... but I have to try to cut back. I must try to not do so many races next year..but 10th anniversary and the 60th.... I think all of us running the disney races must be tempted by that!!
Question for anyone hoping to run in next year's 10th anniversary Disneyland Half Marathon:

Shall we continue to use the same thread and just re-do the first couple pf informative posts or is it better to simply have a brand new thread the closer that we get to registration.

September 3-6, 2015
Registration opens February 10.
I'm in!

I vote new thread :thumbsup2 This one's pretty long already, I think adding another year's worth of commentary would make it too long and confusing, especially for newbies.
Sooooo EXCITED for next year!!! :hyper::hyper: I know I do all the other DL races, but missing this year was way harder than I thought it would be, maybe b/c it was my 1st rD race so it has a special place in my heart). I was stalking dis and fb like crazy all weekend. :rotfl2:

I say a new thread too. Especially w/ the 10th for the race and 60th for DL it could get really long really fast.


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