A Big Thank You Goes To....


<font color=navy>I Owe, I Owe, so Off to Work I go
Apr 30, 2002
Dee at the Emporium! and her Manager Liza!

It was DD's Christmas/Birthday trip, 3 land/4 sea. When we watched the Chirstmas Parade DD noticed the Birthday Cake Hat and thought how cute. Little did she know that I was planning on getting her one!

Well the friday before her Birthday, we were in Magic Kingdom, so I thought I will pick it up a day earlier and have it ready. Went to City Hall and asked where I could find one. They told me at the Emporium. So we ran over there and low and behold, there were none! One cast member tried and tried but to no avail! When Dee saw the look of disappointment on DD's face, you could almost hear Dee's heart breaking! Dee took matters into her own hands, called her manager, who in turn scoured the Parks one last time! A few times that answer seemed to be, Not a one in any of the Parks, not even in the warehouse! But we are still looking!

Tinker Bell must have placed some Pixie Dust over us because, they found one!

Thanks again Dee, you made the Magic Come Alive for her!

It was the best part of her trip!

God Bless you and your family.

aka Janet
How great! It's so wonderful how the CM's at WDW seem to work so hard to add MAGIC to our trips.

Thanks for sharing this.



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