A.I.R in Action (Photos)

Dave Cousins

May 2, 2000
Alton Towers is 3 days away from opening for the 2002 season and is hoping to attract more visitors with its new Attraction A.I.R

Here are some photos from the Press Day if you are interested at all.




More Images can be found at the following webpage: Prepare4Air

Wow - that looks excellent and just my sort of thing! :)

<i>Janice makes mental note - We Must Go To Alton Towers!</i>
......... now this looks like the kind of ride where people will need someone to remain on the ground and hold their loose articles :D ....... I'll just have to volunteer to be that person :rolleyes:

Thanks for posting this Dave :) ( I get to hold the coats etc for Nemesis and Oblivion too :D )
Dave, it looks frightening! :eek:

I remember seeing a model of it last year in one of the shops there, and there is no way you would get me on that!

We only live an hour and a quarter from Alton Towers, just praying I can get my foot on the mend so we can get to go sometime this Summer, I would love tosee Air in action :D
I really like Nemesis because it's dug into the ground (presumably because of planning restrictions - ?). It's going way up into the sky that scares the living daylights out of me - Duelling Dragons where you cranked up about a thousand miles before anything starts happening is terrifying, whereas Hulk and R'n'R are OK.

This one's obviously been dug into the ground, too and looks great. Thanks for posting, Dave.
Hi all (and DH!!)

That's the first time I've seen these photo's and the more I see of this ride, the more I can see a trip to Alton Towers coming up soon!! It looks amazing. The bit where you're on your back looks a bit scary but if I can do Hulk, DD, R'n'R and Oblivion - I can do this one too!!

so DH, when are we going...?? :D :D :D


Looks great, but............ not sure that I could bring myself to let Shirley stay by herself with the coats and bags ;)
This is definitely a ride where it will be worth the extra wait to queue for the front row. Can't wait!

Next week I'm going to sample the new coaster at Thorpe Park - a world record 10 inversions, and all that virtually on my doorstep. Coaster heaven!!


Rob - we're going tomorrow to Thorpe Park! Can't wait to try Colossus!

I really can feel an Alton Towers meet coming on!
One of the GMTV presenters, whose name escapes me (Angela?), was riding the Thorpe Park coaster this morning. She screamed from start to finish, and then asked to go again! There is one particular corkscrew section which seems to go on forever.
That looks amazing:) I would ride it but I'm sure it would only be the once;)

A quick update on A.I.R. According to many reviews I have read, it is almost pointless to queue for the front row as all rows have the same view. Because you are facing the ground you will be able to see everything anyway. Also, queues have been up to an insane 4 and a half hours, which is quite frankly stupid!!! :confused:

I would never visit Alton Towers at the weekends or holidays. It is much better to take a regular day off work and go visit during the week. Not everyone is able to do this of course but if you can then I highly recommend it.

Looks great - they were building it when we were there last September and it looked good even then.

I think it will be Thorpe Park this year for Collossus though.


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