ADVICE NEEDED! Monica & Ryan's Last-Minute Disney Wedding :) - 10/2/09


Earning My Ears
Sep 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

I've been lurking here for ... well, many years, but just joined the other day, because my BF (sorry, DF!) and I started on a crazy plan...:wizard:

Most of my family (12 of us) will be vacationing in WDW from Sep 28-Oct 9. Since everyone is going to be together, and we'd always wanted a Disney wedding, we started wondering if we'd be able to pull it off in TWO WEEKS.:eek:

The DF and I have been together for many, many years (11) and it was never a question of WILL we get married so much as WHEN. And we've been together so long that a small, informal wedding is perfect and wonderfully suiting of both mine and the DF's tastes. (Love attending other people's beautiful big weddings, but I can't IMAGINE being at the centre of that hurricane.)

Did a little bit of preliminary research ... can't do it through DFTW, they need 30 days. BUT the Swan/Dolphin and Buena Vista Palace only require 72 hrs notice! I can work with that!

I've been in touch with Just Marry!, and I'm fine to put some of the organization through them, but I do find some of the elements REALLY expensive for what you're getting.

This is where you, good DIS community, come in.

We just decided on this plan 100% earlier today. Told my parents, told the rest of my family, asked my brother-in-law minister if he'll perform the ceremony - all went well.

Then I started to put together a list of the details. :scared1:

1) Small ceremony - 10 guests. Looking at my options, S/D looks like my best route for convenience on wedding day.

Swan - Crescent Terrace
PROS: Can accommodate me, VERY close to Epcot/Epcot area resorts, cost isn't exorbitant.
CONS: Don't love the outdoor locations (lots of concrete, and it's an odd red colour), don't love the design of the Swan and Dolphin hotels, cost is still pretty high for what you're getting, have to use Just Marry! as WP.

Buena Vista Palace
PROS: Can (likely) accommodate me, cost is very reasonable, nice setting for the ceremony/little champagne reception, can take their package or use any WP
CONS: In DTD area - would need to rent car or *gasp* take bus!, can't easily get to anywhere Disney-ish and scenic for photos/dinner

Anything I'm missing here? Anyone been married at these locations and have thoughts either way? I've read a lot of PJ/TRs and both locations look like they hold beautiful weddings.

2) WP - Just Marry!

From brides with experience, would you recommend putting everything through Just Marry? Or would you recommend seeing what I can book on my own and see if I can get it for less? I'm particularly wondering about the musician (Just Marry recommendation starts at $575) and hair/makeup ($250 through Just Marry).

3) Photos

At this point assuming I do the S/D ceremony, I was thinking we could wander over to the Dolphin, do some beach/palm tree wedding shots (we're from Toronto, Canada - palm trees are super foreign and cool to us), and then head with the whole party to the Boardwalk/Beach Club/Yacht Club for photos.

Any think this is a good idea? Bad idea? Logistically possible? A pipe dream?

4) Reception/Dinner/Other?

I was figuring a way to inject some Disney into the day would be to do a sit-down wedding dinner with all 12 of us. Realizing that we couldn't do any in-park restaurants, I know that (or at least have HEARD that) any of the resort hotels are fair game, even in our wedding attire. (Well, let's face it, I'm the only one that will really stand out.)

Initial thoughts on this have been something down at the Boardwalk/Beach Club/Yacht Club, but I don't know this area very well at all. Anything that would be suitable there for a party of 12? Kind of nice, not Victoria & Albert's fancy. ;) Anything timing-wise we should be aiming for? Can you see any fireworks from this area?

Alternately, we could head to another resort - GF, Poly, etc. We _really_ liked the look of Citricos...

Realizing that I've just made a decision that will make this the single most stressful week of my LIFE, I've also realize that there is NO WAY I can do this on my own. ANY and ALL tips, tricks, advice, etc. accepted!!

PS: For the record, no, this is not a shotgun wedding, and there is nothing precipitating this wedding other than that we're in love, it's time, and the stars are just going to be perfectly aligned to allow us to get married in the place we love surrounded by the people we love.
Congratulations!! I have no useful advice (at the early stages of wedding planning myself!) but I would post this on the main board to get more attention and advice :goodvibes


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