Am I the only one who gets nervous ?????


Jan 14, 2009
As excited as I am, I'm started to get anxious about the upcoming trip and worrying about the most ridiculous things. I do this every time before we go. My mind seems to go crazy at night time when i have too much time to think. By morning those thoughts have been replaced by much excitement. Am I the only one????? :confused3:confused3:confused3
Definately not the only one! I'm not leaving until Jan and I'm already in stressed out mode imagining the worst! I love travelling but the whole process of getting there worries me from about 6 months out- makes planning hard and I start dithering about booking things! Deep down though I know that really I'm incredibly excited about going! :)
I'm the same. We are planning our trip for July 2011 so its miles away yet. I lie in bed at night thinking 'do I really want to do this?' I worry about the cost, leaving my animals for so long, the kids missing school and their activities, work etc. Then I wake up in the morning and wonder what I was thinking.
also the same.
just little things making
sure have not missed things
will we go to a certain place or wait till we get there to decide
You are definately not the only one :confused:

For a few months before our trip last year I kept having these weird dreams about things like not making it to the airport in time and crazy stuff like that. Now that we are just over 3 months out till our next trip I have started having them again. Just sooooo bizarre. There was one where I had to walk to the airport (I live about 2 hrs drive away from said airport) and I didn't think I was going to make it in time - and I didn't know where the kids were either :scared1:

And as I am lying there in the dark in bed at night I wonder if I will run out of money, or if I we will have enough time there to do all that we want to do, or if I will not anticipate the weather correctly :headache:

Now I am awake, and at work and back to being excited again :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

As our trip is still so far off, I'm not worrying about that yet but it is certainly whilst lying in bed late at night that I sometimes start thinking about my worst fears. I try not to but my brain insists and it's as if that is the time that the fears, which are hidden most of the time, come out to play! Then the next morning in the light of day, nothing seems so serious so it's as if they have been pushed to the back of my brain again. Gosh, I sound strange :rotfl2:
I do this.

We are leaving for this trip in about 6 weeks and I keep thinking before we go "That was all too easy, something has to go wrong. I've forgotten something....."

But I do this every time we travel. And nothing has ever been forgotten or gone wrong.

I also worry while we're away - did I forget to do something before I left? Pay a bill? Lock a window?

But I usually have a great time nonetheless!
You are not the only one. I haven't even booked yet and I am worrying already. How am I going to keep my 2 year old entertained on the plane for 14 hours. I also get motion sickness quite easily so a little bit of turbulence and I get queasy. Already worrying about that. Watched air crash investigation the other night, then spent half the night worrying our plane would crash! Silly things like that niggle me, especially at night laying in bed!
I'm with you guys! My biggest fear about our trip is the flying. I hate a 2 hour flight to Qld, how am I going to go with all of the bumps that come with a trip to LA? Then San Fran, then back to LA, then to Honolulu, to the Big Iskand, back to Honolulu, then home...what if the first flight is a shocker, and I don't want to get on another plane??!! I've been dreaming for many years about plane crashes, but thankfully, I'm never on the plane, I just see them come down...

Also what if my daughter gets on my nerves really badly in Hawaii, when it's just me having to deal with it...

I have always had a strong interest in earthquakes (all natural disasters really) - but I also know how destructive they can be. I had a dream last week that there was one while I was in LA (if yo've been in the 'Earthquake House' at Questacon in Canberra, it felt like that LOL), and my first thought in the dream was well at least I got my daughter onto her flight an hour ago, she'll be safe.

I worry that I'll miss my husband A LOT.
Wow, so I am normal after all! :lmao:

Heidispidi, when we were there last year we actually experienced an earthquake. We were sitting around the HoJo spa with a glass of bubbly and I was having a lovely chat with an american mum (mom) when I felt my butt move from side to side. Thought it was the champers but as I'd only had one at that stage thought I was imagining things and then it happened again and everyone at that stage had noticed. The pirate ship thingy at the pool was shaking and it all seemed quite surreal. (obviously it wasn't a bad one).
I grew up in So Cal, you just kinda get used to the earthquakes. And been through some bad ones. But if I lived somewhere else with different stuff I would be a little scared too. I would not worry to much. Go and have a fantastic trip. Jo
You are not the only one. I haven't even booked yet and I am worrying already. How am I going to keep my 2 year old entertained on the plane for 14 hours. I also get motion sickness quite easily so a little bit of turbulence and I get queasy. Already worrying about that. Watched air crash investigation the other night, then spent half the night worrying our plane would crash! Silly things like that niggle me, especially at night laying in bed!

I watched air crash investigations the other night too, not a good idea when you are about to fly! :rotfl: A great show to watch is Airline USA, it's on channel 7two on Fridays at 7pm (it was also on Mon and Tues this week at 7pm too). Its about SouthWest airlines and there isn't anything scary, its quite funny sometimes and you see different airports around the US.

I'm with you guys! My biggest fear about our trip is the flying. I hate a 2 hour flight to Qld, how am I going to go with all of the bumps that come with a trip to LA? Then San Fran, then back to LA, then to Honolulu, to the Big Iskand, back to Honolulu, then home...what if the first flight is a shocker, and I don't want to get on another plane??!! I've been dreaming for many years about plane crashes, but thankfully, I'm never on the plane, I just see them come down...

Also what if my daughter gets on my nerves really badly in Hawaii, when it's just me having to deal with it...

I have always had a strong interest in earthquakes (all natural disasters really) - but I also know how destructive they can be. I had a dream last week that there was one while I was in LA (if yo've been in the 'Earthquake House' at Questacon in Canberra, it felt like that LOL), and my first thought in the dream was well at least I got my daughter onto her flight an hour ago, she'll be safe.

I worry that I'll miss my husband A LOT.

Wow, so I am normal after all! :lmao:

Heidispidi, when we were there last year we actually experienced an earthquake. We were sitting around the HoJo spa with a glass of bubbly and I was having a lovely chat with an american mum (mom) when I felt my butt move from side to side. Thought it was the champers but as I'd only had one at that stage thought I was imagining things and then it happened again and everyone at that stage had noticed. The pirate ship thingy at the pool was shaking and it all seemed quite surreal. (obviously it wasn't a bad one).

We were in Hawaii once during an earthquake, it was years and years ago now, I was just a child, but I remember it quite clearly. It was at night and everything was shaking. Thats the only earthquake I have ever been in and that was enough for me :lmao:
I experienced the Newcastle earthquake (in Sydney) and THAT was scary enough LOL. I was telling a friend last week about my dream, and found out that she was in LA for the Northbridge quake - she said it was terrifying. But hey, I'm sure everything will be fine when we're there, it's just funny how our minds work!

I also love Air Crash INvestigations, I just need to make sure I watch it when my daughter is doing something else, as I don't want to scare her.
My husband just called and said he has booked us all into the dentist? He never never does anything like that, I questioned him why? He said "I have a bad feeling someone will need a filling while we are away and it will cost a bomb to get fixed". I hat the dentist so not happy about going but I know I have to. So you are very very normal.
I worry constantly, usually little things like did I remember to pay a bill before leaving, is everything unplugged. locked etc. My biggest worry is always the dog. Even though we've left him before and he is always fine I still worry. Despite the little worries we keep going and always have a great time.


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