Any Advice for Peripheral Neuropathy??


May 10, 2007
My Dad was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy about 4 years ago. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for dealing with the pain. The last time he was at the Neurologist they told him there was nothing they could do for him. I am encouraging him to go to a different Neruologist since it has been a while and technology has changed.

I read on the Mayo Clinic website some people are helped with Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). We live in Delaware and can't seem to find anyone that does this procedure. Has anyone had theTENS procedure? What were the results? Thanks for any suggestions.
I deal with PN on a daily basis....

It is not an easy to sleep with the constant burning or pain or cold in your feet and legs and the not feeling your feet... just awful..

So, I have tried PT, which means just massage really. My oncologist recommended olbas oil to massage into my legs as it stimulates and heals the nerve endings.. I did not tolerate that well, it made me feel worse but he claims that men seem to do well this homeopathic remedy..

He also suggested massaging with cocoa butter creams and that helps me.. For meds, I have tried Lyrica, which is also used for other issues.. I did not think it helped and had serious weight gain from it... right now I am using, which seems to be helping, Savella, google it. It is used for FM, but it is working for my neuropathy... I am thrilled. It is not all gone (but so much better), but I am switching over to this drug slowly and tapering off the Lyrica.. both are for FM..

I hope he gets some respite from the PN.. it is horrific to live with.. hugs to him.


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