Anyone Having Trouble With Avatars?


hop, hop, hop
Jun 23, 2006
I'm trying to change mine and i'm sure i'm doing everything right, the size and the format. Is anyone else having trouble changing theirs?
I dont know if you read the "Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 3.9 KB (whichever is smaller)." that might be the problem. if too big it wont go through :teeth:
can you post it? or upload it to and then use the address instead of uploading to dis. could work :thumbsup2
I have this problem as well. I was trying to help my dad upload his and it would not work. If you look at my avatar that is the biggest I can get it for some reason.... Mac computer...
try uploading to your photobucket or the free then use that address for the avatar and paste it in the user cp option.
I saved it under my pictures. Then i tried to upload it onto dis and i tried to paste the url onto dis. Ah! Nothing is working.
Have the avatar saved to your pictures and then go to your Edit Avatar Screen. Scroll down to the bottom and you should see something like this:


Just follow what I typed on there. :)
i might be able to help with a picture posted. but i guess your having trouble with that too. hmm... maybe you aren't copying the right code? for example, in imageshack they have different options on which URL you use.

This is the avatar I want.
Shadow I have been doing exactly as you said, this is how i have changed my avatar in the past and have had no problem with it. I wonder why it won't let me change it now.

Here is the screen I get.
I double click the avatar in my pictures


Then i click save changes then this is the screen I get.

Well no wonder, the bytes are way too big. It has to be 4,000 bytes or less.
There must be something wrong with my computer. It didn't work, oh well thanks for your help anyway guys! :)
BellHop58 said:
There must be something wrong with my computer. It didn't work, oh well thanks for your help anyway guys! :)

hmm, did you copy the URL? since i think it shortened it....
Yup I did exactly what you said. I even got my friend to try it for me on her computer with no luck. I have no idea what is wrong.


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