Anyone into stamping?


<font color=deeppink>Have a good laugh and read th
Mar 15, 2004
I am considering getting into this, but not sure how to start, what to buy.
YES!! I am, i also am a consultant for Stampin' up! If you have any questions, please let me know- i'd be glad to help.
I like to stamp. I've been stamping for a little over a year now and I really love it. I started with Stampin Up! and still mostly stamp with their products. But I also like Close to my Heart, Hero Arts, Technique Tuesday. For me, it was easiest to start with my SU consultant who taught me all the basic techniques and then some. I'd try looking for a consultant or if you have an store that sell stamps, see if they have any stamp basics classes. Good Luck!
Thank you for your responses. There is a store nearby and I do believe they have classes. I will check into it. Its the 'creativity' that makes me nervous.
I don't have confidence I can be as creative as cards I have seen. I am mostly a copycat. :rotfl2: :rotfl: :laughing:
YES!!!! I love, love, love to stamp!!!! I am the stamp-a-holic of Tiverton!!!! Just ask Caitsmama!!!! She is my Supplier!!!! :cool1:

If you have any questions just ask!!!! I got her into it!!!! I am EVIL I tell you! EVIL!!!! :rotfl:

I have been stamping for about 3-4 years now? Have lots and lots and lots and lots of STAMPS and want more and more and more!!!!! I tell you its an obsession!!!!:scared:

A fun one though!!!!! See my theory is that you can reuse stamps, but you can't reuse stickers!!!! So I can purchase stamps and they will last forever!!! Stickers just go away after the first use!!!! :idea: :rolleyes1

I think its a great theory!!!! :teeth:
I love stamping as well. I have been into it for over a year, made my Christmas cards for the past two. I love using my stamps instead of stickers too.
It can be so addicting! I did it so much I became a DOTS/Close to My Heart rep for two years! Honestly, to start you don't need much and there is a lot more available these days. Are you thinking of starting with cards, scrapbooking, etc.?
Have fun!
Cards. I want to do cards.
That's where I got hooked!
In that case, I would definitly invest in an embosser and the powder accesories. You can use these products to add texture and they are fun!
As for the actual stamps, so many companies/stores have them which is great. Stamps that give a texture look add a lot! The prices have definitly gone down since I first started doing it. I would even check ebay!

I use to work for Close to My Heart/DOTS, so I would suggest them for ideas:
I could ramble on about this for a long while, but I don't want to bore you.
Happy stamping! Please keep us updated on your ideas/projects!
I've been into stamps for years and years and years...

I mainly make my own cards...although lately I've just been using the computer, so all my lovely stamps just sit there... :( doesn't stop me from buying more, though! lol!
I'm into stamps. Also another Stampin Up demo so I mainly use there products but I'm not against buying others that I like. I do alot of cards and also scrabooking. My new thing to make are coasters that I give out as gifts. LOL


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