Anyone who has done CP...

Alright. First of all, what should you take to the presentation, and will you meet with anyone there one-on-one? Should you dress nice going to the presentation?
When I went to the presentation, I wore a dress shirt, a tie, and nice pants ... I was probably the most dressed up person there. I had my interview after the presentation (about an hour later) Some people interviewed several hours later, and possibly changed in between the presentation and interview.

I brought a printout of my application, a copy of my resume, and a notepad.
Something that i just found out from another poster, the interviews are actually all phone now.
Some (or most) are phone interviews. I think some schools still have the option to do the interview day of though. I haven't heard anything differently yet.

The schools that I recruited for went to phone interviews though. I'm out of the recruiting loop being at WDW right now.
I wore dress pants and white button-up shirt. I also brought a notepad, a pen, a copy of my resume, and my application. They really notice if you take it seriously (ie ... dress up and come prepared). I was one of the only people dressed up at my presentation, but my recruiter still noted that I was dressed nice. Who knows? Maybe it helps?
I agree with the past posters. When I had my interview last year, I dressed up in a pants suit, brought a copy of my resume, and a pad of paper. They really do take notice if you are dressed nice, especially if others are not!

One of the biggest things that I've learned from my leaders down here on the program is that confidence is one of the most important things. I've gone through several interviews for other internships and I always get the feedback that my confidence is what sets me apart. If you walk into the interview knowing that you'll get the spot and that you are an asset for the company then you'll do well. I've also had one-on-ones with some of the women from the recruiting offices and they agree. If you go into your interview believing you are the best thing for Disney it will show in how you answer your questions and carry yourself throughout. :teeth:
::MickeyMo Could anyone please help me!! I have accepted for Spring '06 and now the question is a matter of do I bring my car down or not? Is it worth it or are the shuttles very reliable and able to go anywhere? Any advice would be appreciated ::MickeyMo
I was a CPer in spring 2001 and I took my car...I was glad I did too. Makes life easier. free to come and go as you please. Easier to go shopping, go out on the town (lost of fun things to do in orlando), and if you sleep late, you dont have to worry about b eing late for work!

I ended up being pretty popular with my roomies and neighbors because I had a was a great experience

If anyone has any other CP questions email me ( or IM me JungleJoshWDW (on AIM)

Jungle Josh
I went down for Spring 2005. I didn't take my car, though I wish I did. I got around ok. The buses were an adventure (though the CP has since switched from Dynamic to another bus company in late summer after Dynamic's contract ran out). The buses do get you to where you need to go. If you want to go to other places outside of Disney, your best bet is to either bring your car or become friends with people who do.
It is quite possible to survive down here without your own mode of transportation... however, life is just that much more difficult. The bus situation laid out for CPs is shakey at times. We just switched to American Coach from Dynamic (who totally sucked), but there are still a lot of problems. I brought my car down without me because the idea of living without my jeep scared me to death. So, I don't really know first hand what it is like to have to rely on the buses 24/7. Most of my friends do not have cars though and they tell me all about how horrible it is. I often provide transportation for them as much as possible, but with our crazy work schedules that isn't often enough to make any one feel much better. If at all possible... I recommend having your own wheels while on the program. :paw:


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