Are bathroom stalls getting smaller?


Kaki Gori veteran
Sep 16, 1999
I know this is not just b/c I'm getting bigger, I noticed this before I was pregnant, but why do you soom to walk into some stalls an practically have to put your foot in the toilet before you can shut the door? Sometimes I have gone in the handicapped one if there was no one in the bathroom, what with my big winter coat and all. (please don't flame me!)
Is this happening in the new places going in by you, or just me?
Yes, I think they are! :mad: I also think they are placing the toilet paper dispensers too low in many stalls. You practically have to sit on the floor to get your hand under there to pull on the roll - and then (of course) the sheet breaks off in single square segments!! :mad:
yes i think they are trying to add more stalls in the same size bathroom, making the individual stalls smaller. i think they are trying to save money on maintain too. more and more stalls i have been in you can't lock because it is broke. anyone else notice this? :confused:
Could it be that, with the requirement that the restrooms must have the handicapped ones, that the non-handied ones need to narrowed just a bit, in order to maintain the same number?
That's probably true for older facilities that didn't originally provide handi stalls and had to add them later, Dan.

I've noticed, however, that even in brand new facilities the stalls seem smaller:confused:
They can put a man on the moon, but they can't make a bathroom door lock that will work despite repeated use. Then they have to add another lock (old-fashioned) instead.
I haven't really noticed. I think they're the same size they always were.:confused: But everything is bigger in the south.;)
This reminds me of when I was pregnant, especially towards the end of the pregnancy. I could barely get in the stall and I'm not a big person.:rolleyes:

Some stalls seem bigger than others...:confused:
I think they are getting smaller. Sometimes it is hard to squeeze around the door with your coat and purse!
I used a restroom about a month ago, when my stomach was absolutely enormous, that was very tiny. Actually, the stall would have been an okay size if the door had opened outward. But it swung inward, and there was no room for my big belly and that door. I practically had to stand on the toilet to close the door.

While I was pottying, 2 women who apparently were together finished and were talking about how hard it was to close the doors at the sinks. They stopped complaining about how hard it was for them to close the doors when I walked out of the stall. :)
Guess what Sonya? I agree with you on this one!!!

I've also wondered if this was an attempt (work with me here) to cut down on shoplifting?

Well, think about it!
Originally posted by Sonya
Sometimes I have gone in the handicapped one if there was no one in the bathroom, what with my big winter coat and all. (please don't flame me!)

I don't feel bad at all about using the handicap stall. At least there's more room and, the way I look at it, the handicap stall is there for the "convenience" of handicapped people to maneuver around in them and not necessarily that it's "reserved" for them. Just the way regular stalls are there for the convenience of non-handicapped persons, but if they're all filled, they're all filled!

I have to do my insulin injection once a day at work and I definitely use the bigger, handicapped one, but also use it regularly if it's available.
I use the handicapped stall all the time, especially when my children are with me and they have to come with me. (poor babies):eek: :rolleyes: ;)


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