Are you starting to conserve your $$$$$

Originally posted by imgoingtodisney

And yes our 2 long weekend summer getaways and a 6night vaca are remaining. Along with our Nov cruise - I will get on that ship, I will get on that ship --


I agree with the life as usual.

Hiding money:eek: ....from WHOM?????
Just put the money in the bank that our house loan is if we lose the money in our savings, then they lose the house payment bill..
T. I understand why you are doing what you are doing...
Do you want to borrow one of my rosaries? ;)

I have never been "chicken Little" but darn it this impending war has me very uptight. I am driving my financial planner guy "NUTS"

I want to cash out our investments, bonds and stocks.. leave the IRA's.. but Cash out the rest... I am jittery about the economy falling completely out from under our feet. Planner says to leave everything where it is.. we are conservative anyway..

and Yes.. I have discussed our emergency plan with kids and Dh... our last earthquake a couple weeks ago helped push that along...

Do I worry about small po , Nuclear missle attack.. I am not obsessing.. but yup, I am thinking about them....

PS...Cameo spilled water on my keyboard.. :( sorry no " " like in bo" " or fo" ".. no " " like in " " ebra either....
Sort of..........for WDW in November!;) Does that count? But, my DH who retired a year ago, has done A LOT of improvements with the house, like the driveway, for example, and other things. He figures now that he's retired, he is going to enjoy the house now.;) I guess that means we are NOT moving anytime soon.:(
We've been saving more money since September 11, 2001 - but due more to a really lousy economy and job insecurity than fear of war.

We're trying to save and conserve as much as we can. But to pay off our debt and then buy a house. It has nothing to do with the possibility of war.
Originally posted by Ted and Holly
For a while after the terrorist attacks, I kept a change of clothes and a toothbrush in my car and bought a self-feeder for my cats in case they evacuated this area.... we have a Nuke plant and we're within the evacuation area. I wasn't afraid anythign would happen, more that there would be a threat to another nuke (or this one) and they evacuated as a precaution.

I keep stuff in my car too! Change of clothes, contact solution, etc. But I live on a military base, so if something happens, and I can't get back on base, I have some options! As a civilan wife, if the base is attacked and goes to its highest level of security, I can't get on base. (Which means I can't get home to get the cats first...) If I'm on base, I have to leave immediately. So the extra stuff in the car is necessary.

As for anything else, nope. We're stockpiling money right now, but for a new/used car to be purchased after DH's lease runs out. And for vacations. And furniture. And a house, eventually. Oh, and for kids, eventually.
Everytime I try to conserve cash, some unexpected bill seems to appear and wipe out my best efforts.

I have no idea how were are going to afford to replace our leased van in May, let alone make repairs on my 7 year old Saturn to keep it running. And college for #1 son is less than 4 years away. Our house is 17 years old and showing its age.

We just got a statement that showed that our retirement funds only lost 20% of their value (on paper) during 2002.

I figure that sooner or later I'm going to have to get a second job just to keep up.
We've tightened up a little. Mainly because the economy is bad and we keep hearing rumors that my DH's plant may close. We know we may be looking for a job soon, so we want to be in as good a place as we can be if it happens.
no dear...I see no reason whatsoever to 'hide cash'....I'd only dew that if I felt that the USA was gonner be invaded...and that simply ain't in the cards.....thar's always things in life to be scared about...this maybe one of them...but...I always try to measure my response to the exposure of risk. While I have been deeply concerned by the actions of terrorists...I refuse to permit those jerks to determine my they are the lossers. It's always a good idea to have savings..but even if it's only 2%...I'd rather have the 2% than a lumpy mattress! :)
Ok, folks I am not "hiding cash" in my mattress, or putting it in coffee cans and burying them in the backyard. The ground is frozen:teeth:

I am just putting a little cash away, and holding on to more cash rather than banking it. Maybe it's not because of what is going on in Iraq. Maybe it is what is going on in my neck of the woods. Just a lot of layoffs, people in line for the foodbanks, stuff like that. I guess I just feel better knowing I have a little cash on hand if something was to happen.
Originally posted by mhopset
Ok, folks I am not "hiding cash" in my mattress, or putting it in coffee cans and burying them in the backyard. The ground is frozen:teeth:

I am just putting a little cash away, and holding on to more cash rather than banking it. Maybe it's not because of what is going on in Iraq. Maybe it is what is going on in my neck of the woods. Just a lot of layoffs, people in line for the foodbanks, stuff like that. I guess I just feel better knowing I have a little cash on hand if something was to happen.


I don't see where that's a problem.. Do whatever you need to do to feel secure..;)


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