Asking for prayers for my DS please


<font color=FF0066>I have not used mine outside th
Aug 4, 2005
My DS 9 had emergency surgery yesterday to remove his ruptured appendix. He is having a hard day today. They are also trying to locate where and why he has blood in his stools now too. I hate seeing him like this, he is so sick. I would appreciate it if anyone could send up an extra prayer that he starts to turn around and begin to feel better soon. Thanks for listening to me, you are all a great bunch of people here on the DIS!!
Saying a prayer for your son - hoping he'll be up around before you know it and feeling fine for your August trip!
I will keep the prayers coming. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Keep the faith, I know how difficult it is to see our babies in such a position. He is in the right place, and they will find it, and hopefully fix it as quickly as possibly..
It is so scary when your child is unwell......hope he starts feeling better real soon...

Sending lots of positive energy your way..


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