Back pain OUCH

Shelly F - Ohio

Disney Extraordinaire
Feb 22, 2004
Hi Gang,

My back ended up "killing" me the morning after I spent the day doing a good deed for my sister, cleaning her house while she was out of town. She went to Texas for the arrival of her grand daughter.

The next morning when I woke up my back was killing me. I have taken Aleve, or Motrin and have been laying down on the couch. This is where I feel most comfortable. The pain was so bad I wanted to cry when I tried to sit down. So laying down on the couch felt good.

I used the heating pad

I am finally able to be mobile for a bit. But man I am going to be scared to do anything for fear of reinjuring it. For the next several weeks I will be very cautious about what I do.

For those of you who have had back pain what remedy works best for you?
Ouch, ya I think you have the right idea.

In my experience any little think will just bring it right back.. Rest ice and heat for now, and do as little as you can.. Try not to lift anything.

Hope it heals.. Your heart was definitely in the right place:)
Poor thing! I've dealt with a bad back forever. I have scoliosis, a messed up hip, slipped disk, and my piriformis muscle seizes up causing awful sciatic nerve pain and numbness. Not fun. Sometimes my back goes out due to stress, me doing something stupid (like bending at the waist, twisting, or lifting something too heavy), or even being too sedentary (I'm a grad student and sit at a desk studying for long hours).

Alternate heat/ice and take whatever helps (I think Aleve/Motrin is best, but keep to the manufacturer recommended doses unless your doctor advises otherwise). Put a pillow beneath your feet when lying flat and between your knees when lying on your side. Don't sleep with a heating pad on unless it has an "auto off" feature.

Try not to be too sedentary, though. I know it feels good to just lay flat, but walking really does help. Just get up and move about a little bit around your house. Do not bend at the waist, twist at the waist, or try to lift anything; just walk a bit. I find, if my back goes out, once it's feeling better, walking 2 miles or more every other day keeps it in check. Also, gentle stretching and yoga. *Disclaimer: check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or stretching routine! When my back is truly "out" and I cannot move, I get a deep tissue massage. I go to a rehab place, though, not a spa. They understand massage for injuries is very different than a relaxation massage.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon! That was very nice of you to help out your sister like that!
Back pain is the worst. I have suffered from it before and I know that it is not a pleasant experience. Wishing you well soon!
Just wanted to follow up and say the back has gotten about 80% better. I got to thinking I wonder if the fact I had to wear a walking cam boot for 4 months (Aug - Dec) last year on my right foot because of my tendonist in my Achilles caused my back to be out of alignment.

I did go to a spine doc and he recommend physical therapy. I met with the PT for an evaluation and he said I did not seem to be out of alignment but he was concerned about the fact I was wearing a boot for so long with no support in my left shoe to compensate for the height difference. And the fact that I could have cause some joint pain flare up to occur because of the joints were out of alignment.

He said I should never have been put in that situation. Any how we are waiting for the insurance approval for the PT visits to occur and we should have an answer by this Friday. Doc seems to think that with 6 PT visits and some home exercises we can get this better.


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