beaches and cream DDP credit question...


DIS Veteran
Apr 11, 2006
just another quick question for you all out there! If you use a TS credit at beaches and cream, can your get bigger things such as the 'no way jose' or the 'milky way' sundaes as your dessert on the plan without using a snack credit? otherwise I would just go for dessert and pay OOP...thanks for your help!
The only dessert not included is the Kitchen Sink.

Since B&C is TS, they don't accept snack credits - even if they did, those sundaes wouldn't be included because they cost around $8.
As above....Beaches and Cream is TS, and any dessert except kitchen sink is included. Enjoy!!! THey don't take ADRs.

On the specialty sundaes, you can change the ice cream flavor if desired.


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