"Because I said so!" & "Money doesn't grow on trees"


DIS Veteran
Oct 8, 2005
Okay, growing up we all remember things our parents said or did (who can forget the spit on the face thing) that we swore up and down that we'd never do when we had kids. :snooty:

Well, I don't know about you but I've done most of those things.... :rolleyes:

Twice. :teeth:

At least. :rolleyes1

So let's hear it, what'd you vow you'd never do and did it anyway. :)
I'm a BIG "spit on the finger" Mom! Both my DD's go 'EWWWWWWWW' when I do it and try to move away! I tell them just wait, when you become Moms you'll do it too!
One thing I DONT do that my Mother and Grandmother were famous for, and that is to pit one of my kids against the other.

My Grandmother was never happy unless her kids were not getting along with each other and I notice my Mother does the same thing. To this day she will say "Your brother told me this" "Your sister tells me that" and it will only cause arguments. I insist my children all try to get along as nothing they could ever do will change the fact that they are brother/sister/brother etc.

As for the spit on the face to clean up a mark, I'm pretty sure that is a law! :teeth:
I HATED the "because I said so" reason when I was a kid. Yep, guilty. I use it all the time now. I too hated the spit wash. Guilty again. Those are the two biggest ones that I swore I'd never do. Boy did I eat those words.
yeah I do the "because I said so" line all the time. I don't do the money gows on trees line though...my kids know that money comes out of the machine! :teeth:

At least now that they are older they know that we have to work for that money it just isn't there for the taking!

Edited cause i just thought of another....."When I was your age________"


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