Beginning Again - Heather's Journal


Mar 23, 2010
I have started this journey once before and ended up abandoning it all together. But I am beginning to realize how not only is my eating out of order, but so is every other aspect of my life. I waited 7 years after high school to go to college, waited another 2 years to begin a serious major-program, and after 2 and a half years in the major-program (general BA in Music) I have decided to change to music education. Things are unorganized in my life and I have spent my entire life post-high school just kind of floating through life. I want to be a success in my career and in life, which takes me holding myself accountable for my actions and asking myself the serious questions that I have been avoiding.

I am starting again. I don't want to wait until the first of the year - why put off reaching my goal, even by a few days? And I'm afraid that if I wait, then I'll lose my resolve to start. In about 2 weeks we'll be getting a treadmill and tonight I am signing up (again) for Weight Watchers Online. It really worked for me last time till I let life get in the way. This time I will work to use my new eating habits and exercise to be an escape from the pressures at school rather than abandoning it as more stress. Because I am 29 years old, weight 381 pounds, and I don't want to die.

So here goes. I'm taking the first step for the second time. But I will not be ashamed of failure. I will only be proud that I have the courage to dust myself off and begin again.
Take it one day at a time - don't beat yourself for minor deviations from the program - and get right back to it the next day - it does work! You can do this - one day at a time! good luck!
Thanks! Feedback is always a wonderful boost.

I have been battling a pretty bad cold for the last week and the temperatures around here were in the teens this morning when I had to leave the house. So I had to have something warm in my system. I had a bit of apple dumplings :rolleyes1 , but I behaved myself the rest of the day and shopped for oatmeal so I won't make the same mistake again.

I'm actually pretty excited about getting on track - it's been months since I've behaved. Here's hoping this feeling sticks with me for a while!:dance3:

Have a great day everyone!
This has been a wonderful day! I woke up this morning, deciding that since I screwed up last night and had 4 slices of pizza (*cough*) I would weigh myself and begin my weigh-in week on Fridays. A clean start. But I had actually lost 4 pounds since I weighed on Wednesday! I know it is 99% water weight, but it was a huge boost. I am still beginning my weigh-in week on Fridays for the BL Challange, but I am more excited about the choice I made to begin again. :cool1: I have stuck to my points today and have pleanty left for supper and a snack, I have had all of my water for the HH section of the BL Challange along with my servings of veggies, and walked with my Mom (janmadre on the boards) and our dogs. I bought the Nike+iPod sensor for my iPod Touch and used it for the first time today - such a cool product! I got my distance walked, the time, the pace, and the calories burned. :banana: We walked a total of 2.12 miles around our neighborhood. And I felt great! I had always just been scared when I tried to start a diet because I was giving up what I thought was normal for me, but this time I am really excited. My big motivation (besides, you know, not dying) is to feel confident enough to put on a bathing suit and make a trip to Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach!

So... yay! Tomorrow I start the BL 11 Challange, and I talked my Mom into joining as well. We're on different teams, but I just see that as more motivation!

Everybody have a great week - hopefully you all are as excited as I am! :dance3:

If I can do it you can do it!

Thanks! I have to believe that I can or I'll never make it. But I'm feeling really good about my prospects. I'm trying not to look too far down the road, but rather go a day or so at a time. If I think about going years without screwing up I'll lose my mind. I'm coming to terms with the idea that I'm going to screw up but I can just count the points and let it be in the past.

Another good day today. I got my walking done - 2.33 miles (+ a little since I had to chase the dogs that got out of the front door!) - I drank all of my water and got my 3 servings of veggies for the BL Challange. And I remembered today that I had been keeping track of miles for the Walk to Disney thread months ago - I'll have to see if I can find that again, if it's not over. Oh, and the exercise challange. I forgot how much there was on the boards to keep me going!

New Years involved an evening at home with family, chatting with DISers for the first time, watching My Chemical Romance (LOVE!:love:) on Carson Daily's special, and wishing the neighbors would quit blowing stuff up right over our house. :headache: I avoided alcohol and the urge to make my last opportunity to pig out in 2010 before the "diet days" be a blow out. My New Year's resolution is to be less pessimistic about everything. Life is beautiful and it is time that I start to appreciate it. I have been blessed by God and I need to show it!

I hope all of you had a FABULOUS New Years - this promises to be a great year!

You did a better job than I did by avoinding alcohol and the last pig-out of 2010. But today is a new day and a new year and we can do it, right?
It sounds like you're well on your way to a fantastic new year, Heather! Keep it up! We're all here to support you :).

P.S. The Nike+iPod sensor is literally my favorite gadget ever. Keep an eye (or an ear) out for a little surprise when you beat personal bests :).
You did a better job than I did by avoinding alcohol and the last pig-out of 2010. But today is a new day and a new year and we can do it, right?

Absolutely! :cheer2:

It sounds like you're well on your way to a fantastic new year, Heather! Keep it up! We're all here to support you :).

P.S. The Nike+iPod sensor is literally my favorite gadget ever. Keep an eye (or an ear) out for a little surprise when you beat personal bests :).

Thanks! I would have bought my iPod Touch just for the Nike+ sensor if I had to. I really, really dig it!

I got my little brother to get off of his game chair and actually get outside to go on the walk with my mom and I. He griped and whined for the first few minutes, but before long he was laughing and running with one of our dogs. We took a minute to go back past our house and drop off one of the dogs before we did the other half of our walk, and he even decided to keep going with us without the dog to walk. I was pretty happy about that! He's not overweight AT ALL, but I worry about how much time he spends playing video games. His metabolism won't always be that high. When marching band is out of season he doesn't get outside all that much so I'm glad to get him up and going.

Another day of hitting all of the HH points for the BL challange. The water was harder to drink today, I think because the temperature was alot lower than it has been lately for our walk. I wasn't sweating like crazy so I wasn't craving it like I had been. But I did it.

I am finally getting the hang of keeping up with all of the threads for the challange as well as my usual interests, so I think I'm going to start reading other people's journals. People have been so cool, offering encouragement and tips on my journal that I feel like I should be more vocal in my support of everyone else. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up when the semester starts back on the 11th.

I slept late and had breakfast instead of lunch, so I have 29 points left for the day - I think I'll go have a snack! I do love Weight Watchers...:love:

Have a great day everyone!

I had my first iffy day yesterday, and it was a bit of a let down. I had to go to campus to buy my books for the new semester so I was away from the house (and all the safe foods) all day. I woke up at 4:30 thanks to my DB not being able to sleep so I had a REALLY early breakfast. I dropped Mom off at work at 8 and got another breakfast. Thankfully, they were both reasonably healthy (Jimmy Dean D-Lights Turkey Sausage Croissant and a 6" Subway Eggwhite sub). From there I just couldn't fill up. I was hungry ALL DAY. Thankfully, I decided to get a jump start on the semester and started working on an assignment I knew would be due next month. It kept me in the Special Collections department of our library where no food or drinks are allowed. That took about 4 hours out of the day that I didn't have to worry about. The high point of the day was that I got to campus early enough to no one was around, so I got my walk in. It's a beautiful campus, but a bit uneven. Quite rough on my shins! I went over my daily points by a few, but I have plenty of weekly points left so it should mess me up too much.

Today was much better. I slept in, so I had no breakfast. I have eaten well all day and have plenty of points left so I can have a little dessert. However this will be the first day that I haven't finished all of my HH points for the BL Challange. I couldn't get my 20 minutes of exercising in with all of the errands I had to run and the rainy weather. I really disappointed in that. But within the next 2 weeks I will have a treadmill so this won't be a problem again. I'll be the only thing to get in my way...;)

Off to work a bit more on my assignment. Have a great week everyone!

Not my best day, but not a bad one. It started with my mom waking me with a chicken biscuit. It was NASTY (Bojangles) so I tossed it and convinced myself that I was going to eat a biscuit anyway, so I went to Hardee's and got an egg and cheese biscuit. But the rest of the day I did really well. We had dinner at Longhorn, and instead of getting cheese fries (and I was ready to kill a man for some cheese fries...) I got a grilled chicken dish. So all in all I'm pretty happy. I can't wait for weigh in tomorrow to see how I've done. I promised myself that I would only weigh on Fridays so it's been a week since I've seen my weight. Here's hoping I've done as well as I feel like I should have!

I'm off to drink my last two bottles of water. Have a great week everyone!

Hey Heather are you originally from Warner Robins? I live there when I was in high school almost 10 years ago. I went to both Warner Robins High School and Northside High School, I graduated from Northside. :)

I think you will do great! Everyone has they bad days! I had a bad day Tuesday where it was nearly 6PM before I even got off work and then my commute is like 30 minutes so I didn't even work out at all. Then Wednesday the treadmill I was on decided to shut off every 10 minutes, so yeah my run was awful that day. But my favorite phrase of all time from a supervisor I used to have is "Acknowledge and move on" I know you can do it and also long as you stay committed to yourself you will do it.
Hey Heather are you originally from Warner Robins? I live there when I was in high school almost 10 years ago. I went to both Warner Robins High School and Northside High School, I graduated from Northside. :)

I think you will do great! Everyone has they bad days! I had a bad day Tuesday where it was nearly 6PM before I even got off work and then my commute is like 30 minutes so I didn't even work out at all. Then Wednesday the treadmill I was on decided to shut off every 10 minutes, so yeah my run was awful that day. But my favorite phrase of all time from a supervisor I used to have is "Acknowledge and move on" I know you can do it and also long as you stay committed to yourself you will do it.

I was born and raised in Warner Robins and graduated from Warner Robins High in 1999. I used to LOVE the rivalry game between WRHS and NHS! But over the last few years it has just gotten violent. Thanks for the encouragement! I do like that phrase - it might be my new mantra!

I just got back from a walk - we only did 1.43 miles this time, but since we have that nasty winter storm coming in the temperature is dropping like a rock. Very windy and very cold. But I'm happy that we still got some walking in. We ended up skipping the exercise from Tuesday through Friday, which doesn't make me happy at all, so it was nice to get back at it.

Eating hasn't been a huge problem, but yesterday was a bit of a give up day. I gave in to my craving for Dunkin Donuts... So today I stocked up on stuff that I should have. Lots of yogurt and weight watchers stuff. I am TERRIFIED of giving up again. So I'm just not going to. That's what I keep telling myself - I'm not going to worry about something that I actually can control. It just doesn't make sense.

I ended up losing 6 pounds this week, so something is working!

Have a great week everyone!


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