Best (cheap!) 35mm camera?


May 30, 2002
Any suggestions on a cheap/good automatic 35mm camera w/flash?

I've got a good manual one, but it's big and I don't want to bring it to the parks.

I bought my little Canon in a kit at WalMart for around $60 (I think -- maybe a little less) and I love it! It's a Sure Shot 60mm zoom w/date feature. I took it and my significantly more expensive Olympus on a trip last December and far preferred the shots from the Canon. HTH!
How cheap?

My best advice is to stay with a brand that you have heard of before like Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus...etc. Don't go with Bell and Howell or something like that.

If you are not the only one who is going to use it (like your DH will too) Have the person try it out and be sure that you and your partner are BOTH comfortable using it. If the camera is too small, a man might put his fingers in front of the lens.

Take a test roll before your trip in many different lighting conditions. Outdoors and indoors also. Make sure you don't get feature you don't understand. Read the instructions book 2 full times. This is very important.

I like the Pentax but some will like the canon...It depends a lot on persoal preference. If you get one with a date stamp on it...Make sure you actually like the look. I had a ton of customers asking me to take off the date and I could not....

I bought the Pentax Espio with 38-120 zoom (You might npot need that much of a zoom but 38-105 is really nice for portraits)
We paid $269 Canadian.

I hope this helped.


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