Bettys Wish Journal (comments welcome..)


<font color=blue>Heres my contribution for today..
Dec 30, 2003
Hello all.. My name is Betty.. I am 35 (will be 36 in March :earseek: ).. I look back at the last 12 years or so and I feel like I have missed out on so much with my kids.. My oldest DD just turned 14 a few months ago.. my DS just turned 12 a few months ago and my youngest DD will be 8 in a few weeks.. Over the years the weight has just crept up and without really noticing it much since it has been so gradual.. Im at the point where I have aches and pains ALL over.. I am currently at 240 pounds and am 5'5".. My hips hurt just when I stand in one place for any time, they also hurt when walking.. My knees hurt when I walk not to mention being out of breath just walking to my car.. This is really hard for me to write as I dont share it with many people.. I have contemplated having gastric bypass or lapband surgery but between being scared to do that and just really wanting to lose this weight the way it was meant to be lost, naturally with eating right and exercise.. My life is so hectic with the 3 kids and with each of them in sports it keeps me running.. I seem to have every excuse you can think of for not doing this. I decided that Sunday was my last day for excuses and I started Atkins today. I bought the book sometime back and have started reading it today front to back.. I visited their website.. I know how it works, so Ive had no problems today.. I thought I'd do it this week and then add some walking next week. I had lost 50 pounds years ago and it hurts to realize that I have gained it all back .. I have been on every diet that you can probably name, but I realize I need to make some lifestyle changes in order for this to work for me.. Wish me luck tomorrow on my second day and I will post and let you know how it goes..
What a cute kid! Welcome to WISH!! You will get a lot of support here, and it will make your journey so much easier! Feel free to read my journal and I'll keep up with yours! I have two kids and I know how hard it is running around all the time. You will have days that you will get off track, but it's so easy to jump back in with so many people pulling for you! I'll check back in tomorrow to see how your day went! Have a great evening!!! :flower:
karynnix... Thanks for the welcome and comments..

Today is my 3rd day and I made it thru it.. woo hoo :cheer2: Yesterday I was feeling yucky so I went to bed at 7 and slept thru the night.. feel somewhat better today, but still not 100%.. Had a horrible headache when I went to bed and still had it when I woke up today.. I think it was from coming off the dr peppers.. but its better now.. Im writing a list of things I WISH to achieve thru my journey and will post that tomorrow once Im done..

Need to work on drinking my water but other than that Im doing good.

Hope everyone has a great evening..
Good evening, Betty Ann!! I have the same headache trouble when I don't drink tea. I try to drink some in the morning, but if I don't have any, I have a splitting headache by the afternoon! It's a shame to be that addicted to something! I could be addicted to something much worse than caffeine!!

I'm sorry that you are feeling bad...maybe after you get adjusted, you will begin to tolerate it better.

Don't give up!! :cheer2: You have made the biggest step already! :cool1:

Karyn :flower:
Happy Holidays Betty Ann!

Welcome to wish and I hope you enjoy your journey here. Looks like you are on the right track and this is a great place to be.

Hope you have a great holiday!

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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