"BIG hair"?


Earning My Ears
Mar 29, 2004
Did anyone else tease their bangs "back in the day"?
My mother was doing some cleaning and sent me a bunch of older pictur The thing that cracks me up the most was my hair!
Who came up with the idea that the higher you could get your hair, the cooler you
were?? Based on this photographic evidence I was really really cool!
My bangs must've been 4 inches tall! I remember going through cans and cans of
hairspray(Aqua Net Aerosol, of course) , and getting up an hour early to do my hair! UGh! And my bangs weren't even the highest, I remember one of my friends hair being over 7 inches tall (yes, we measured!) You could see her coming a mile away!
Wlll anyone else confess to having "big hair"?
With so many 80s trends becoming cool again, is it a matter of time before we're
teasing and spraying our do's again??
Well first I had a mullet and then I tried a haircut like that guy from Flock of Seagulls

I wish I had treated my hair better back then, and maybe it wouldn't be escaping me now :rolleyes:
I remember more "wide" big than "tall" big...the Farrah Fawcett wings. Oh YUCK!

Sadly, many men here still think the mullet is a nice fashion statement. Scary!
I had tall bangs in high school too. And I remember spraying the hair by my ears so it would stand out away from the face.
OMG a blast from the past LOL, I remember doing that!
Originally posted by my3kids
Sadly, many men here still think the mullet is a nice fashion statement. Scary!

Ain't that the truth :rotfl:
In the mid-80's, I used to have a friend of mine color my hair. She was in a band and had the 80's big hair. Because my hair was long, she would always "do it up" after she colored it - to give me her "band look". I'm sorry, but even in the 80's I wouldn't go anywhere until I got home and washed it all out.:p
I remember my mom buying a home perm kit for my sister and me so we could perm our bangs (just the bangs--LOTS of bangs, and LOTS of perm!).

I also remember how we'd spray hairspray on our bangs till they were completely wet, and then take a hot curling iron to them--and the hairspray would sizzle and smoke SO much, but we didn't mind because we were making ourselves GORGEOUS! :rolleyes:
I'll never admit to it and you can't prove it! :p
You know, I had Big hair at times because I had a lot of it, but it was usually up in a ponytail or pulled back somehow. Then I got it cut short, and it hasn't been "big" since!!!!

I am generally low maintenance in the hair/nails department. I am high maintenance in the "I want to go to WDW" department though!;)
Yup, I had HUGE hair in the mid 80's- very thick and down to my waist, but fluffed, backcombed and sprayed to within an inch of its life. :teeth:

We thought we looked pretty good. :smooth: But God help the boy who tried to run his fingers through it!
We thought we looked pretty good. But God help the boy who tried to run his
fingers through it!
LOL I totally agree! My bangs were literally stiff as a board! If you picked up one stray hair, the whole "structure" would move! I remember guys would pull down my bangs like a slot machine lever and make the "boiiinnnng" sound effect as they snapped back into place, perfectly. My hair wouldn't budge in a hurricane!! "Mall bangs" that's what we called em' or "the claw"
I also remember carrying one of those huge cans of hairspray everywhere I went! I probably re-sprayed my hair 3 or 4 times a day. Heaven forbid if my hair wilted to under 4 inches high!
Oh yes, had the BIG hair! After that, the long straight look was "in". Ironed my hair for that and used straighteners for ethnic hair. Then came the rock period in my life. Bleached hair totally white (naturally the color of Snow White's) for onstage gigs and had it cut in 'bout a thousand layers all shaggy and wild looking. Now, my hair is gorgeous and always perfect......all those chemicals won out and my "perfect" hair is made in China!!!!! :bitelip:
I know LisaTx and Mary Jo have 'discussed' which of them had the biggest 'Big Hair'. I wonder if that was ever settled. KathyTX, can you look around that inner sanctum you guys are in there and see if they ever figured that out. :eek:




Yep I was a teenager in the 80s! Huge bangs that looked like a wave from one side to the other. My hair was also long and you would pull the sides out and spray and spray until they stuck out.....LOL!

You know this weekend I saw a group of girls in the mall with outfits on and they had on two different colored socks to match the outfit.....I'm thinking early 80s......

The 80s are definatly making a comeback....now if they would bring back Def Leopard and Motley Crue and get rid of the awful rap songs...uggh
lol, Beauty. know how to freak out a teenager -- turn on HER radio station and sing along. she has no idea how many of the songs she likes are covers of old songs from the 70's and the 80's. like Jessica Simpson's "Take MY Breath Away" or Clay Aiken's "Solitaire." she couldn't believe I like Uncle Cracker.
Oh, I had the 80's hair going back in the day.:D The bangs were very puffy. I used to clip up the sides of my hair and apply gel and hairspray to them. Then, when I removed the clips, my hair would stay like that!:D The funniest thing is that I was voted "Best Hair" by my class. LOL That tells a lot about the 80's.
:crazy: Boy, did we spend some money on Hair Spray, LOL disneykid:earsgirl:


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