But who'd ever think to look for me here? Our PTR And now TR

Day 04 - Home

We were up early again and had breakfast and moseyed on down to parks. We left our suitcases at the luggage room at the gates which was free with our Dream APs. We then explored the Castle and had a go on Buzz.

We went to Salon Mickey for a coffee and cookie and while we were there I got news that my husband had collapsed the night before. He had had his gall bladder out in September and the acid his body produces during diegestion was not being broken down correctly since his operation and it resulted in him collapsing in pain and vomitting alot on the Tuesday night. Luckily his 17 year old nephew was there at the time and had rung the ambulance for him and stayed to mind our DS. He spent the night in hospital (which was tough on him as he was treated in the same room where we had watched his brother pass away back in June) and was discharged on the following morning and put on new medication and is awaiting an appointment for tests at the minute.

I was very upset but decided not to tell DD as she would be so upset and so the rest of the day we spent aimlessly walking around doing very little. We spent a lot of the day in the Pocahontas play area as I wanted DD to enjoy it still but the only other thing we went on were flying carpets.
The neighbours were great and helped DH out and my Mam came down and helped out that day.

We had dinner in Annettes (can't even remember what we had) and collected our bags before going to the entrance to the station to wait on our shuttle.

They were 30mins late and then got us lost on the way back to the airport (Elaine has a better understanding of the French language and heard the driver tell his friend that they had taken a wrong turn). We went 30mins out of our way so Elaine decided not to pay the balance (€19) she owed as we barely made check in and it caused so much stress on what had already been a horrible day. My Dad collected us in Dublin and brought us home and I was never so relieved to see my husband.

Overall the trip was great, it was just such a pity DH was so ill but hes doing great now.

Alice: When I get home I shall write a book about this place... If I ever do get home.
Oh dear I hope your hubby is doing ok awful news to get when you are away from home you poor thing!

Bit of a nightmare getting to airport - what shuttle service did you use??????

Nearly time for your next trip!!!! you must be so excited!!!!
The character you met and didn't know who he is, Governor Ratcliffe from Pocahontas :) Would love to meet him. Your TR has convinced me I need to go for Halloween next year!!

Day 04 - Home

They were 30mins late and then got us lost on the way back to the airport (Elaine has a better understanding of the French language and heard the driver tell his friend that they had taken a wrong turn). We went 30mins out of our way so Elaine decided not to pay the balance (¬19) she owed as we barely made check in and it caused so much stress on what had already been a horrible day. My Dad collected us in Dublin and brought us home and I was never so relieved to see my husband.


Oh dear, What a horrible trip back you had! We had a similar thing happen to us (shuttle nearly TWO HOURS late and drove to the wrong airport, made check in with literally 30 seconds to go) and that was nailbiting enough without having to worry about anyone back home. I hope your husband is doing better.

Thanks for such a great report. Now I am craving Hakuna fries!! xxx
PM sent Jo and we are crazy excited!!

Thanks Cassie, thats just a bit ridiculous, I thought we had it bad but the wrong airport!!! Hubbies going great. Ive told him already - no collapsing this next trip! I liked Halloween but Christmas is just the best. So much more theming imho.
I know Isila, its so easy to forget all about it. I promise I'll try harder :)


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