Buy a fanny pack here or US?


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Feb 28, 2002
Hi All,

I had a great fanny pack last time we went to WDW but i seem to have lost the bloomin thing.
I'm looking for one with different compartments, the last one even held my camera!
I'm so dissapointed i've lost it as it was a rather large one and i cant find one that fits round my (non existant) waist.

Do you think i should wait till we're over there(Wal Mart maybe?) or what?

Thanx in advance,
xxxxxxx:crazy: :wave:
You'll find one out there, no problem I should think - Walmart certainly had some when we were there, and a lot of the park shops sold them too.

But...... will you want to be hunting around for one that suits your requirements as soon as you get there? I think I'd be tempted to sort one out here so that I knew I had something to use straight away. You could always buy an extra one when you get there ;)
I was like you and wanted a larger one than I could get here.

I got one which was brand new off the US side of Ebay.

Evan with shipping it was still very cheap, and I knew I had it ready for my trip.

Frances x
Hi Audrey...

I'm guessing you're talking about 'bum bags' here?? If so, I have one which my Sainsbury's stocks - I THINK it retails around £9 - usually found with the travel accessories.

Brand name is 'GO', its black with 2 zipped sections. Dimensions are h 4.5", w 7.5", d 2". The waist strap extends to 40" max.

I don't know how large your camera is but I've certainly got mine in with room to spare. The front pocket is handy for cash/travel cheques.

Worth checking out if Woolies stock this same range of travel accessories - I've a feeling they might.

Happy planning!
I'd definately try & buy over here - will save valuable time.

We all used bum bags on our last trip last year & they worked very well. The only other thing we carried was an insulated bag which held a 1 litre bottle of water.

I bought mine from a local luggage store which unfortunately isn' t there any more.

My DH bought his from our local Nike discount store. It was big enough to hold our video camera. The said camera isn't a new one but approx 9 years old so isn't one of those tiny ones. I'd medium to large as video cameras go.

hope this is of some help.

:jester: :jester: :jester:
Thenx for all your help everyone,

But I can't find one big enough in my area, not just the actual bag size but belt size to fit round my middle! he he!

I'll just have to keep my eyes open till we go and if all else fails i'll get one over there.

Luv Audrey,
.............. the supermarkets will probably be getting these in soon ( sounds lke Sainsbury has already but Tesco also had these last year), and I've seen them in Woollies in past years.

Audrey have you tried any department stores? We have one in our high street and that also has them.

Good luck in your search - we found lots of choice here and very reasonable. I still use one I bought from the Salisbury chain.
Try getting in touch with Jenners in Edinburgh Audrey they have a fantastic selection of travel stuff! and its no dearer than anywhere else in this country.
Just read your reply Audrey.

Do check out Nike I'm sure my DH is bigger around the middle than you!! &his fitted fine.

:jester: :jester: :jester:
Thanx for all you're help folks,
Think i'll probably try Nike shop,

Luv Audrey
How about the PassPorter Plus Deluxe Waist Pack? I got this with my new passporter and thought firstly that is was too big. But after a while you realise that it will be invaluable.
Check and follow the links there. The item itself is a standard "Jansport Wonderland". You may be able to find it cheaper elsewhere.



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