buying park tickets for 2002 before price goes up?


Feb 8, 2000
We are canadians that are going to WDW Jan/Feb 0f 2002. Are the tickets good forever or do they expire? I am just wondering if we would save ourselves some money, or is there better deals that come up?
Any advice is really appreciated.
I am also posting this in the Canadian board, I just thought I might get quicker answers here.
I just purchased my tickets for my trip in 2002. The disney tickets do not expire, so go and buy them now.
Hi Mick!

You might want to check the answers you get on the Canadian Board. I know that for the last couple of years, Disney has offered "at par" pricing for certain passes. This helped to offset the horrible exchange rate. These passes had restrictions on when they were sold and how long they could be used. Since I'm not from Canada, I don't have more information. In fact, you might want to ask specifically about the "at par" passes on that board to help you make this decision.

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

beware that the canadian offer is one park hopper at full price ...get the second one half off.....BUT

they expire April 30 /2001 or something close to that......

so not a deal if they expire on you...

the deal pete has now for the 7 day park hopper plus the best around....but hurry his prices go up tonight at not know how you would get them though unless you are willing to let them sit orlando til you go next year....

i guess the savings trade off is what u have to look at....

i figure we "saved" 35$ by buying them yesterday...but we are going down in not a long wait to have the actual product in hand
If you can afford it, but what you can now. They will always be good and you will save $$ later on down the road!

DVC 2000
WDW...Been There, Done That, Going Back!!!!
I guess I am not the only one who likes to plan early. I just bought 2 PAPs knowing I won't be going again until Fall 2002 or Spring 2003. I will just put them in the safe deposit box and consider it an investemnt. The only problem is then it will be like having money burning a hole in my pocket.

Jan 2000 PO
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1990 Off Site


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