Can I order off dinner menu at lunchtime?


DIS Veteran
Mar 16, 2006
I can't find this topic address in any of the other threads, even though I know it must be here somewhere.

I'll be on the DDP and I could only get lunchtime ADRs at Sci-Fi and Coral Reef. Will we be able to order off the dinner menu or are they very strict about sticking to the lunch menu during afternoon hours?
You can often get a lunch entree presented at dinner (though at a dinner price) if they still have enough of everything they need to prepare it on-hand; I'm not sure the opposite is true, since they may not have prepped everything they'd need for the dinner items yet. So: Good question.... I'd like to know the answer too! :)
I may be wrong but at the Disney restaurants they have separate menus for lunch and dinner. They will hand you a lunch menu so you aren't going to see the dinner menu.
Yes, I checked the menus before I made my ADRs, but they aren't exactly the same. The filet mignon at Coral Reef isn't available for was replaced with a NY Strip Steak (still good, but not quite as good).

I'm also concerned about the lunch size portions being smaller since I'm trying to consolidate meals to stretch my DPP credits (trying to feed myself and two kids on just two credits per meal).
IMO, lunch at Sci-Fi is far better than dinner. We've tried several of their entrees and the burger and fries is far better than anything else they serve, hands down. That with an appetizer, drinks and dessert is a lot of food! We've been able to get a burger at dinner, but I wouldn't think that's guaranteed. So, I would happily stick to lunch at Sci-Fi.

Also, if your biggest concern is stretching your credits to feed 3 for two credits, filet mignon might not be your best choice. I love filet mignon, but rarely is it large portion of meat. I'm not a big eater, but filet mignon is one of those entrees I would be hard-pressed to share. There's just not enough!

You can always keep trying for dinner ADRs, even the day of, if you really have your heart set on dinner.

Hey I know that you recently came back from your trip and you had posted anexcellent question before you left. Did you find out if you're able to order from the dinner menu at lunchtime?

I don't know about Coral Reef, but last May I went to Marrakesh for lunch and wanted to order the Royal Feast that is on their dinner menu and was told no. I was not on the dining plan, but they still wouldn't let me order it.


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