Close call, counting my blessings!


<font color=blue>Miracles are amazing!<br><font co
Mar 23, 2000
On my way to work, I stopped at a 4-way stop. It was a little foggy out, but I was the only one stopped at the intersection. There were two trucks approaching to the left and right of me. I stopped, and then proceeded through. The truck on my right, slowed and then continued on, like he didn't even see me. I have a small, baby blue car, so it was probably not real easy to see in the fog, but I was in the middle of the intersection. He saw me at the last minute (why I didn't honk my horn, I don't know) and went behind me. He missed me by an inch, and then flipped me off! It was not my fault, I was already half way through when he entered. That truck would have totalled my car. It was a duelly. I am so thankful he did not hit me. It could have been bad.
Yikes!! So glad he missed you, though I can't believe he flipped *you* off when *he* was at fault. :eek:
I am so glad he missed you and what nerve for flipping you off.
Wow. Sounds a bit like my close call this morning. I was merging onto the interstate when someone in the high speed lane decided to switch back to the low speed lane. He never even looked to see that I was there. I "unmerged" and then re-entered the highway behind him.

So glad that you are safe and sound.
I'm so glad you didn't get hit that would have been just terrible. The damage a pick up can do to a small car could have been fatal for you.

{{{HUGS}}} sweetie, I'm glad you stayed safe.

It's funny. I did not get in a wreck, but I keep thinking what if, all morning. I sometimes get comfortable with life, and start taking things for granted. Today I have been thinking about all the good things in my life. My family, my health, the nice "things" God's allowed me to have.

I guess we need these wake-up calls to help keep us looking at what's important.
{{{HUGS}}} Kelli I'm so glad your okay! You are exactly right that we start taking things for granted! I think you've given us all a wake up call today!
Thank goodness you're allright! I can't believe he had the nerve to flip you off!
Sheree, with me, he (or she) usually does!
Glad you are safe!
Where does he get off flipping you off..:mad:


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