"CRT Dilemma???"


Sep 20, 2001
Had no luck getting PS for CRT breakfast 4/8-4/14. Needless to say, wife and daughter aren't happy. Not a big deal to my son. Anyone know any other methods of making this happen other than to keep calling. If calling is the only way, when is the best time with regards to the dates in question. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.


Your dates tend to be the start of "Spring Break". This is a very hard time to get PS's, but don't panic. There is Hope. You must be on the phone by 7:00 e.s.t. to get your best chance of the dates. Since your window is closed so all you can do is keep trying back about twice a week. There are always cancellations. You can even try late at night before they close. I think they close at 9:00 p.m., but I could be wrong on that time.
Bottom line.........Keep Trying.

I'll send some Pixie Dust your way.

Call everyday, several times a day. Don't ask for just one date, give them a range of dates to check.(use one of the 800 numbers)
You never know when something will open up.

If you're told that they're booked, ask if it will help if you change the number of people in your party. Maybe they can take a party of 2 but not 4. If that's the case, your wife and daughter can do the breakfast while you and your son do something else.

My son and I will be there during that time. I waited to late to try for an Illuminations Cruise. I called for 5 days before I was able to get the Breathless. I really want one of the other boats so I'll keep calling. If I get one, then I'll cancel the Breathless.

Someone may be holding a PS in the hopes of getting a better date or time. You just never know. Don't give up yet.
Oh, CRO closes at 11:00.
Good luck.:Pinkbounc
Originally posted by Wendi

There are always cancellations. You can even try late at night before they close. I think they close at 9:00 p.m., but I could be wrong on that time.


Kevin - we have done as wendi has said our last two visits to WDW on the day before we wanted to go and have got in both times. So don't give up, even while your at WDW.

Remember, you have to cancel within 24 hours or loose the deposit, so some people cancel. Keep trying everyday. Go get 'em.

If your family doesnt have their heart set on dining in the castle and wants to eat with the princesses, why not try the Storybook Breakfast in Epcot?However, Cinderella isnt there, so if your daughter has her heart set on Cinderella, she might be disappointed.

We had no trouble booking the storybook breakfast today for the same week you want.
I would book the storybook breakfast and keep trying for the castle, if thats what you really want. You need to guarantee with a credit card and cancel within 48 hours. And if you get the castle, just remember to cancel the storybook breakfast.
Or how about dinner with Cinderella and her prince at the GF at 1900 Park Faire? That's very good and fun, too. Great prime rib.
If you aren't able to secure a ps before you go, ask at the desk at check in for help. Don't know if resort guest services can help but its worth a try. Also keep calling while you are there call in the a.m. call each time you get back to your room. If all else fails, stop by the castle each a.m. early and see if they have any last minute cancellations or no shows. There is still hope. Good luck!:wave2:
Good Luck! We were able to get ours thanks to the generosity of another board member - they gave us the time and the # & name. I doubt that would happen much anymore due to the $ CC charge that is applied to no-shows. If you are at a resort with concierge - see if they can help you. I don't know if they could do anything ahead, but maybe after you arrived.

DD (then 9), DS (18) and I went - needless to say he didn't give a hoot about it, although I think he liked seeing the 'empty' main street when we went in that morning. It was really neat, but we were running like the wind because we were already late. I am not even going to try this ahead time since we were lucky once, but will probably maybe while we are there and if they have that or the Epcot one, we will do it for the fun of it.
Hi again,

As Wendi first suggested, I tried late last night (10:30) and was lucky enough that there had been a cancellation about 90 minutes before that. I took the 9:15 PS for 4/9. CM I spoke with said that I was extremely fortunate as she had been telling people all night there were not any openings or cancellations for other requests. Yesterday was my lucky day as I was also able to lock in inexpensive airfare for that week. Thanks again for all of the suggestions from the board.

Originally posted by macnodos
Hi again,

As Wendi first suggested, I tried late last night (10:30) and was lucky enough that there had been a cancellation about 90 minutes before that. I took the 9:15 PS for 4/9. CM I spoke with said that I was extremely fortunate as she had been telling people all night there were not any openings or cancellations for other requests. Yesterday was my lucky day as I was also able to lock in inexpensive airfare for that week. Thanks again for all of the suggestions from the board.


:bounce: :Pinkbounc
I'm so happy for you ! So glad you got the ps. Half of our party has a 9:45 same day (on their first day EVER to Magic kingdom!). We decided against going with them so as not to take up room from a family who REALLY wants to be there. (We had already gone twice when our daughter was small.)

Hope you all have a wonderful time!
Congratulations, Kevin! I'll bet you're a hero in the macnodos household, aren't you?!? Have fun. :sunny:


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