Cutbacks on shows - what's next????

Building attractions is exactly what they need to do - RIGHT NOW! And not just diversions and C-tickets, but major e-ticket rides. See my posts on the trip planning boards about this.
I was in WDW two years ago this month, and it was perfect. The crowds were moderate, the lines pleasent, the service top-notch, and there was plenty to see and do. I wonder what I'll find in a few weeks?
I believe you'll find the same things you found last time. I look at it this way, if there are fewer people in the park there will be fewer people at each show. If, for example B&tB plays 5 times a day to 20% capacity wouldn't it make sense to cut back to 3 shows a day at 100% capacity at each show? The same number of people can see the show with 2 fewer performances. The result? The same level of service and less waste. One may have to adjust his/her schedule to attend a different show, but the amount of total seats demanded will remain the same.
WDWGuide is right. When times are bad, build. When times get better, you're prepared to entice people back.
Originally posted by PKK/MJK
I think Apagano has a point. Because we are all very Disney-oriented, we notice what is missing. For example, a few weeks ago we were at Epcot to watch ToD. (our daughter is in that parade as a CM). She had called in to "pick up a shift" for the parade as a Sprite and was told they couldn't use her because it would be overtime pay--which she understood. When we all went to the parade that night, we were quite aware of the number of puppets "missing." For example, each parade section ordinarily runs with six Sprites, that night each section had three Sprites. Other puppets were lower in numbers too. Because we "know" the parade, we were aware of these missing characters--but most people wouldn't know the difference.

disney is soooooo full of contradictions in that sense. Tonight I would've been on straight time, and there were 2 holes I could've done in the Halloween Party, but when I called I was told they didn't need me. 30 minutes later I found out that they had picked up 2 people on overtime just after I had called.
You don't want cutbacks!! Then tell people to stop hiding under their beds and GO TO DISNEYWORLD!!! GO TO VEGAS!! GO ANYWHERE!!! Spend the money, boost the economy!!Jeesh, quit whining and do something!!!

Sorry, just had to let this out, hope I did'nt tick anyone off, wait, maybe that's exactly what I DO want, to irritate some people into action!!!

Disney is doing its best in the face of some very tough times. If they don't cut back, we all run the risk of losing a very good thing in its ENTIRETY in the long run.
I'm more at home on the debate board, so sorry if this comes out like I'm debating, but I have to second the opinion of nalasmom.

Let's direct our anger at the folks that brought us this mess - the terrorists. They can kiss my *** if they think they are going to make me too afraid to do the things I love to do. I'm gonna renew my AP and, God willing, make my plan trips in January and September. Maybe a little one in June, too.

Think of it as a "war effort"!! :D
Whoa Nalasmom!!! I'm getting you an extra big soap box!!

You go Girl!!!! I'm going to take your advice and go plan a trip right now!!!
Thanks Nalasmom!! My sister & I have been sitting here reading all of this and thinking the same thing....if you want the same level of service you've had in the past, you need to spend some money at the parks!! We leave in 7 days and plan on having a great time - everyone needs to remember that if a business isnt' making money they don't stay in business. Also, please remember that the CM's are people - they have got to be under a great deal of stress wondering whether or not they'll have a job next week. Personally, I can do without EE and E-nights.
I will still be there in 22 days, Lord willing.... My van is still in the shop (our only car) and my DS is coming down with a cold or something.... I read the article and I hope the Pocahontas show will be on the day we are at AK! My DS loves Pocahontas and has been looking forward to it. We will be there on Veteran's Day (mon), so hopefully the whole park will be up and running!!!
Well I'm still going even though I a ticked off about all the cuts. I think what rankles the most is the MGM cutbacks because they affect equal access. While the hearing will have 5 days that they can choose to see all the shows should they desire the deaf will have ZERO. That's right zero days where they can see all the shows with interpretation into ASL and fully participate. The cutbacks ensure this with one show dark Thur and Fri (Fri terped) and the other Monday and Tuesday (Tues terped). These are the only 2 days that interpreters are provided at MGM.
I could deal with Cyrano being cut at EPCOT as it is cut for all but MGM stinks.
Well, those people must have come out from under their beds and gone to Universal and Island of Adventure because it's been pretty busy there lately.
I wouldn't really have a problem with any of the cutbacks except
for the fact I don't see any cuts in ticket prices. They (disney) complain
about about attendance being low but don't seem to being
too much about enticing visitors to come.

If they are truly concerned with "company profitability", they should
start making good movies again (or shall I say "blockbusters") and
trim some of that corporate management salary. A decent tv
show on ABC would be helpful also (I believe the top ranked ABC
show came in at #16 on the last Nielson ratings).

There are too many other options out there for vacations nowadays
and frankly I'm not sure if I'd want to drop $1,000-$2,000 or more
at Disney if I know I'm not going to get the full "Disney Experience"
All the parks are doing pretty well on the weekends. During the week, they've reportedly been very slow.
My question is:
If the parks are less crowded (which is what is being reported), and the lines are short (which is what happens if the parks are less crowded), what are you missing by not having early entry and a few daily performances? Mind you, you can still see all the shows, just not at the same times as last week. And you can still get into a not-so-crowded park, just not two hours early. So what are you missing?
If attendance returns to normal levels and these cuts remain, I will join you in complaining to management. Until then, I'm going to support their decision and trust that it is made with the best interest in the future of WDW in mind.
Originally posted by Kay1
Well, those people must have come out from under their beds and gone to Universal and Island of Adventure because it's been pretty busy there lately.

all the parks have been busy. Sea World has been beating WDW and USF/IOA in attendance lately (percentage, not actual numbers)
The thing is that things aren't wonderful, but companies such as Disney are continuing to use the events as a simple way of cost cutting. Look at the company, what do they have that is a success right now? ABC is simply terrible, their films tend to tank, their Disney Stores seem to be lost, etc. Just as they've done the past few years, tighten the belts at the place that makes them the $. Well, locals like us just have decided to stop renewing our passes. Some of us don't have our lives revolve around a company and refuse to go to a business that just looks at each on of our heads as a dollar sign. In recessions, weaker economies, etc, business is supposed to offer a great value for your money and better treatment in order to obtain business in a rough climate. Disney obviously doesn't know much of the 101's to business management. These companies are crying and moaning in the public to seem as they are bleeding dry because their profit is going to be less due to well, a truly devastating event. The Walt Disney Company no longer cares about us, their what "GUESTS". We've been getting better treatment at the Wal-Mart than at WDW as of late, that's really comforting. At least Wal-Mart is a sleezy company, but offers the consumer a product at almost the lower price you could find in the States.. One more thing, discounting. Besides the economic slowdown, the attacks, maybe a lot of people in this country are tired of paying fifty bucks a day to go to a theme park. Maybe all of their cutting, burnt out lightbulbs, and closed rides are something that even the casual fan notices. They are trying to entice people there with four new parades. Big deal to most visitors, you'd expect that they think a parade is part of the standard fare, not something of a basis to visit. Oh well, welcome to the new"er" Walt Disney Co. Since 1997 or so, it sure's had a wonderous decline.


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