Dec 18-23rd Day 5 (3rd and last day at parks)


I love Fast passes.. always have and always will..
Aug 21, 2005
Characters – Me-29 , DS- 3 ½, Sister – 27, Niece – 7, Father- 50s
Goal- Toontown, Critter Country, New Orleans, Adventureland, finish Frontierland.

Set alarm for 6:00. Sister wanted to come with DS and I this time. Father’s foot was really hurting so we had to pick up meds for him at the Hotel shop (opens at 7am). So DS and I ate some food, then grabbed him some, and ran it up to the room. My sister was then ready to come with us but was feeling torn of who to go with. She ended up snagging a bagel and coming in time to be with me and DS on what I think was the 2nd shuttle from our hotel. We had a direct shuttle, so it was slick! Much better than getting lost driving! Anyway, my sister got a place in line while DS and I got a stroller for us and rented one for free for a man behind us (GET A DISNEY VISA! You can take the stroller between parks, just not into DTD. Also you can get another one without another rental if you returned it, and that will allow you FREE entrance into the park thru a special gate, no waiting in line guys!). We were about 8th-10th party in line, at about 7:35 I think. I went straight to Buzz Lightyear and got FP’s. My Sister and DS walked to Toontown to meet me. I thought they would beat me, but she was walking slow. The band was playing on Mainstreet I noticed too. Well we got to Toontown gate, and I realized I had left the tickets in the hotel room. Graciously the lady in front of us gave us three Maddness tickets. WHEW. We watched the ceremony, but couldn’t see well as people kept standing right in front of my DS in his stroller, so he really didn’t see much and was antsy, I picked him up but the light pole was a bit in the way. My niece and Father made it just in time to get buttons (my sister met them at the gate so they let them in). We all got buttons, and then separated. My DS and I got our pic with Minnie Mouse, then went to Gagets Go coaster, as he didn’t want his pick with Mickey or Goofy. This little roller coaster though, is a find! It was great, fast and smooth and a perfect little coaster. We rode it three times… Ds loved it, his eyes big and laughing, what more is Disney about, than a child’s laughter . We checked out Chip and Dales’ Treehouse (he likes them but of course they were not there). We then checked out Donald’s boat, where DS promptly tripped and hit his forehead on the wheel! Bruise, and bump, and the one day I forgot my arnica gel (helps with bruises and pain). We looked at a few other things, then he had a bit of a fit as he wanted to ride rides! So I talked to him and we went to get on the train to head to New Orleans Square. He loves the Dinosaurs on the train by the way. We then went to the restroom (note about restrooms, most have a small sink.. kids love it, and much easier on little tummies!). It was about then I noticed my wallet was missing, I still had our tickets though, I I grabbed fastpasses for Splash mountain for the rest of our group, since I didn’t need to ride it. Then DS and I went to Winnie the Pooh and talked with the CM there. She told me what to do about the wallet. I then rode Winnie the Pooh, a cute little ride, but only needs to be done once. Then my family met up with us and We shopped for my son who was at home. Then over to Pirates (I figured by this time they either had my wallet or not, and no reason stressing about it). I thought my DS might be scared about Pirates but he was ok, and wanted to ride it again but I wasn’t going to go again. So we then didn’t know where to eat, I told them about the Hungry Bear, where I had planned to eat, but my Father’s food was hurting so bad we ate in New Orleans square at ….. (He then told me he had wanted to eat at Blue Bayou when they checked though, of course they had reservations till next Thursday. I had told him to tell me if there was anything he wanted to do there, but he neglected to tell me or I would have made reservations.) Anyway the food was excellent though the wait was long because it was about 12:15 when we got into line! Then we used the bathroom again, where my DS proceeded to take off all his clothes, so we got on the train about 1:30 I think, to mainstreet, to City Hall to check on my wallet. No wallet. Then treked over to Lost and Found, by the C in CALIFORNIA. No wallet. Called hubby who wasn’t at home either, but I told him what happened. Then called the Credit Union who put a hold on my debit card. Then tried to call my Disney Visa. ( I couldn’t find the right number and the one I tried was busy every time I called. NOTE: write down your phone numbers from the back of your cards on paper and leave it in your hotel room, so you can access it if you loose your wallet) Anyway they had put a hold on it anyway because I was using it to buy purchases in Disneyland… Dummies. Ok. So I went back to Disneyland.. still calling the “wrong number” a few more times. Got on the train at Mainstreet after a couple trains loaded. There were a lot of people waiting. About 45min wait I would guess. Not bad though DS had his new sunglasses and Buzz lightyear gun and Mickey mouse ears. So he was stylin. We then got off at Toontown, picked up the stroller (thank goodness for the red scarf!), and headed over to Adventureland. I figured I would rather skip Tom Sawyer’s Island, the Mark Twain Riverboat, and Tarzan’s Treehouse, than miss the Tiki Room, Jungle Cruise or Walt Disney’s Parade of Dreams. I forget the order of things but we watched the Parade from in front of the teacups (we were pushing it to find a spot). Parade got to us about 3:15-3:30 since we were not at the front. Then we went to Jungle Cruise then the TikiRoom and got a Dole Whip, DS loved it and the birds and flowers! A winning combo for sure. After that we went on Buzz lightyear with our FP’s and then watched the Aladdin and Jasmine Storytime at 5pm. We did have a little wait and DS was hungry ( I should have picked something up). All he wanted to do was climb in the cave. But was too shy to sit with the other kiddos. The other kids had fun though. About this time I got in contact with my family and they were entering the park again. I was on my way to Mainstreet. I still had a few things I wanted to do, plus I still had two FP’s for Buzz that I wanted to ride one last time with DS. We went to Mainstreet and watched the 50 years at the Opera house. Very interesting and a good production, DS loved Donald of course. My family had desided not to wait for us. And we went to the restroom right there, then I called the number I had gotten from the Lost and Found. WONDER OF ALL WONDERS, my wallet was at the Gag Factory. When I had talked to my DS about riding more rides my wallet had fallen out. So I speed walked .. trying not to kill anyone with my vicious stroller. They had my wallet, and I thanked them profusely (it had my id in it). Then since my Disney card hadn’t been stopped (or so I thought) I could still shop!). We then rode on Casey Jr. Circus Train, twice as DS liked it and there was no line we just stayed on the ride, it was beautiful all lit up and the Christmas Fantasy parade going. After that I went shopping, as there was a charm bracelet in a store between frontierland and Adventureland I wanted and since it was our last day I headed there. I got what I wanted and DS fell asleep. So on the way out of frontierland I asked him if he wants to ride Buzz, he said yes but feel right back asleep SO CUTE. So SHOPPING for me. I went then to timepieces on Mainstreet on our way out, thank goodness it was on the side of the street I was on as everyone was getting ready for the parade. I got some more charms. And then headed out of the park. Yes I was crying. Sentimental fool of a momma, it was our last day at the parks, and my DS’s first time, and probably won’t go again for a few years. DS crashed hard, so I carried him sleeping to the shuttle, and he slept, all the way to the bed at the hotel! I ate more pizza ;), and had a drink, watched a bit of TV till 9:30 then head to bed. I am not sure I heard the others come in.


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