DH left today :(


<font color=deeppink>I so need to do that!<br><fon
Feb 9, 2006
Well today is the day. Today my hubby left to go overseas for 4 months. He will be back sometime in Jan. Supposdly his time is for 129 days but that will hopefully change and he will be back sooner. This is our 2nd deployment. Luckly I have my family near and my 2 best friends Jimmy and Margery. Of course I cant forget you, the DISers. You guys are the reason why I was able to get through my last deployment last yr. You and these boards. I will post once and in awhile to let everyone know how hes doing. 128 days to go - let the countdown begin!
I'm sorry to hear your dh had to leave today. The first week for me is always the roughest. Hopefully this time will fly by, as people are so fond of telling me. :) My dh has been gone 1 week and 1 day.
I feel for you both. I am not looking forward to when my hubby leaves :( This will be the first Christmas he will miss... and he will miss our oldest turning 13, our baby turning 3 and our little man turning 5!! He will be here to eat turkey and our second daughter to turn 10, so it could be worst.

Hang in there, take it one day at a time and know that we are all here for you!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. I am a civilian working for the Navy, and my DH and I have best friends whom are a Navy family, and we see firsthand how complicated their life can be serving to make my own easier.

I have the utmost respect and admiration for our military families, and I work every day to help serve them better.

I truly hope you are all happily reunited soon.
So sorry to hear that! A friend I graduated high school with left last week! He e-mailed yesterday and said he hasnt reached his destination yet! :confused3 I am a member of an awesome group called soldiers angels. We send care packages and letters to the troops over seas! We also lend a shoulder to the familys of these guys and gals! If you need ANYTHING I am here for you! I am also a HUGE disney fan! Keep your head up! I will say a prayer for him!:hug:
I'm sorry to hear your DH has left for his deployment. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, as are all of those deployed.

I was the same way with DH's deployment. These boards really helped out. If nothing else, just something to keep my mind off of everything else.

Hang in there!
So sorry for you....I'll be going through it for the first time in August, and I'm not looking forward to it. I've heard making a calendar helps. If you ever need anything or just to talk, send a PM!
I'm sorry, I hope the days go by fast for you and he's home before you know it.

DH is gone now (couple months) and is about to do our "big" deployment in Nov. I'm dreading it. He's missing the entire school year (July-May).
I'm still convinced that a deployment is harder on the family than it is on the service member. Good luck.
Couldnt agree with you anymore! It is very hard on the families, especially the spouses. The spouses are the ones that have to keep everything in order at home. Have to take care of the kids by themselves - if they have any. We dont have any kids but we do have 2 furbabies. They say Air Force Wife - Toughtest job in the Air Force. Plus we have to be strong for ourselves, our families and for the deployed member.

I'm still convinced that a deployment is harder on the family than it is on the service member. Good luck.
I am so sorry your hubby left today im almost at a month dh being gone and a lil more than 5 to go. i am both a af spouse and in the af. i have been deployed but i gotta say this deployment w/ him being gone has been much harder than i expected. if you need anything let me know. keep your chin up it will go quick or thats what people keep telling me.
He didnt leave today. He left the 17th ;)

I am so sorry your hubby left today im almost at a month dh being gone and a lil more than 5 to go. i am both a af spouse and in the af. i have been deployed but i gotta say this deployment w/ him being gone has been much harder than i expected. if you need anything let me know. keep your chin up it will go quick or thats what people keep telling me.


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