Disney dog names for black & white female

we had a little black & white stray Jack Russell show up and immediately the kids began calling her Minnie Mouse...it stuck, but I call her Minnie for short because I don't want to be outside yelling for her to come in and screaming Minnie Mouse...everyone around here knows I am a Disney fanatic I don't want them to think I just go outside and randomly scream Minnie Mouse..:rotfl2:
I think Penny is also one of the female puppies in 101 Dalmations.

Good luck with the new dog!
Please don't name your dog Bippidy. She needs a name you can yell out the back door or at the park. I only like people names for pets so I'm probably not a lot of help. We have Emmy, Cassie, Wanda, Sallie, Roger, Joshua, Billy and Luke. Best of luck and oh yeah...use a crate consistently and from the very first night. You'll all be happier. Don't you just love unsolicited advice?

Why can you not yell bibbidi out your back door or at the park? And who has to yell out the back door for their dogs? I snap my fingers and my dogs both come running. :)
I think Bibbidi is cute but I'd shorten it most likely, I do that with all our pets names. :) Well except for Blue & Mouse because what can you do with those? LOL

You probably want to stick with 2 syllable names - "they" say it's best for training purposes, because you can say it quickly and it's longer than commands (sit, stay, speak, etc.)

she could be:

Minnie? LOL
Penny (from Rescuers)
Or Flit which is the racoon from Pocahontas

Our cat in Tinkerbell but we call her Tink most of the time. That would be great for training, it's short and easy to say. Flit is actually the hummingbird from Pocahontas not the racoon, the 'coon was Meeko.

we had a little black & white stray Jack Russell show up and immediately the kids began calling her Minnie Mouse...it stuck, but I call her Minnie for short because I don't want to be outside yelling for her to come in and screaming Minnie Mouse...everyone around here knows I am a Disney fanatic I don't want them to think I just go outside and randomly scream Minnie Mouse..:rotfl2:

OMG, the mental image I just had....LOL I would love to do to my neighbors.....LOL
I think bibiddi is cute, but one thing I have discovered with dogs is that their name is almost like a command for them. Short, one syllable (sp) names are usually best. Two at most, IMO.

Everyone has really cute ideas!! But my fave had to be Cruella :rotfl:
We have a Boston Terrier, that we resuced. The first name that came to my mind was Belle. Lucky for me dh was on the same page. We have a cat named Princess.
I like the Dalmatian names - Perdita, Penny, Lucky, Patch, Dipstick (depending on the markings)?, Oddball

I also like Oreo and Flower.
I like Perdita and Flower.

we had a little black & white stray Jack Russell show up and immediately the kids began calling her Minnie Mouse...it stuck, but I call her Minnie for short because I don't want to be outside yelling for her to come in and screaming Minnie Mouse...everyone around here knows I am a Disney fanatic I don't want them to think I just go outside and randomly scream Minnie Mouse..:rotfl2:

:rotfl: Minnie is very cute though!
My dogs middle name is Perdita. I wanted it to be her first name but my sister wanted to name her Pandie like a panda bear! She is a black and white pomeranian!
You probably want to stick with 2 syllable names - "they" say it's best for training purposes, because you can say it quickly and it's longer than commands (sit, stay, speak, etc.)

she could be:

Minnie? LOL
Penny (from Rescuers)
Or Flit which is the racoon from Pocahontas

Flit is the hummingbird from Pocahontas right? I think Meeko is the racoon. I loved his character and it's a cute name but he is a boy, not a girl....so not a good name for a black and white female.
THe first thing that came to my mind was Purdy (for Perdita) or Lucky too! I have always heard 2 syllabel names ending in the ee sound work best too so those would fit.
My first thought was Minnie. I'm glad people finally started saying it - I was wondering why such an obvious one was being overlooked!
If I ever get a black or black and white dog, her name will be Pearl. (As in the Black Pearl).
:) Our Jack Russell is Trinity (she has three colors on her face). We always thought we might get a Neo, from the Matrix. No Neo yet. Another Dalmation from the original chapter book of 101 Dalmations is Cadpig.

Cadpig was the smallest Dalmation, the last one, the runt. Mr. Darling (or is it Dearling) saved her by rubbing her vigorously with a towel just after her birth. She loved television in the book. She was always my favorite. Not that I want you to name your puppy Cadpig, it isn't very pretty, I just felt like bringing her up.

What about Ivory or Raven? Eve (Wall-e) for the white one?
We had a cat we named Belle because DH and I both loved Beauty and the Beast. We also had a cat named Abu after the monkey in Aladdin because she was such a climber, just like a monkey. I even tried to get my parents to name their Shih Tzu Mushu to stick with the Asian aspect. I would say any female Disney character you could use whether or not it's a black and white character.
For those of you interested I consulted with my 5 year old son on naming our new puppy. He came up with "Popcorn" we could call her "Poppy" for short. Not directly disney but I thought it was cute and "Poppy" could relate to Mary Poppins if you really wanted to stretch it and it be disney.

Thanks for all your input. Popcorn is a parti-colored black and white standard poodle, I am planning on picking her up on Sunday. Her registered name will be Johnson's Pepper Sprinkled Popcorn


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