Disney4me- WW and Excerise Journal - On my way to DL in 2005


Nov 2, 2003
Well I am starting WW today! and coming here to become a W.I.S.H. er

So today is day 1. I will post my journals every day. Well at least I plan to every day. But I will be here on a regular basis! As I lose pounds and save my way to Disney.

Happy Easter! and I look forward to getting to know all of you!


You will find tremendous support on this board. There are quite a few people on WW, so if you have questions, you'll get answers here. Looks like you ave a great plan, keep with it.
Day 1 is done! and you know what I made it through Easter with 3 of my Target Points left. I know that if I can get through Easter I can get through every day.

I will start posting my journal tomorrow. I did write it down and counted it all.

The BEST part! I had my carmel egg and I feel awesome!
Welcome to the WISH Journal board!

Sounds like you are right on track! Hopefully yesterday went as well as Easter did and today is going even better!

Glad you're joining us for the journey to healthy living! I love your incentive - a trip to Disneyland!! I've been to WDW lots but haven't made it to California yet!

Onward and downward! :sunny:
Welcome to WISH and to the journals! You're going to find lots of support around here. These guys are simply the best. ::yes::

Having a goal to work towards making following your program that much easier. You'll be surprised at how quickly the time passes.

Good luck with your program! I look forward to hearing more from you.

~Angela :wave2:
Wow!!! What a brave woman for starting a diet on Easter! Super Congrats on making it and welcome to WISH!!! :Pinkbounc

I am doing WW also and love it. ::yes::
OOPS! I misread your journal and thought you were headed to DisneyLAND! :eek: I hope all is going well and you're on your way to feeling better for your 2005 trip to DisneyWORLD! ::yes::

You haven't given up, have you??? You can always start over - each day is a new opportunity! :sunny:


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