Disneyland poster chest

Wavy Blue

Life in Technicolor
Jun 29, 2007
This is my craftwork pride and joy right now...and it was really simple to make! Just took some patience. All you need is:

Print-outs of various Disney attraction posters
Sponge Brush
Wooden Chest (I bought mine pre-made at JoAnns but if you're good with carpentry you could make your own)

And the finished product...

The Front:

The Left Side:

The Top:

The Back:

The Right Side:

Very, very easy! Just cut out your posters, apply a quick, light coat of decopauge to the wood on the chest where you're putting the poster, and stick it on! When you start to run out of space cut apart remaining posters and put paste them in blank spots. It can take awhile but it is so easy! I'd love to see someone else's finished product if they decide to do this.
Thanks! :)

I just got them off the internet. A quick google search can find you what you're looking for :)
This is a great idea!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I so want to make one for DD. Did you print out these posters off the computer through the Wikipedia page or did you order all of them?
Very clever and what a great idea :woohoo:

You did a great job :dance3:
I love this idea... I might have to try, for a hiding spot for my half way finished projects lol:rotfl:
This is a great idea!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I so want to make one for DD. Did you print out these posters off the computer through the Wikipedia page or did you order all of them?

I printed them off the computer...I just saved the images to my computer, pulled them up in Word Perfect, resized them to the size I wanted, and printed! :)
OMG thats just the coolest!!! I've been downloading pictures of attraction posters and wondering what in heck I'd do with them, and you've just inspired me!
This is amazing!! You've inspired me!! I'd like to give this a shot!!!
Wow - this is great! Very clever. I am going to redo my office/craft room in a disney theme and this would fit in perfectly.


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